All Chapters of BURNING PASSION: MY FORBIDDEN LOVER: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
116 Chapters
-----~[AMELIA]~-----I puff my cheeks like a little kid as I welcome my present adorable distractions in with a joyous frenzy. The energy I feel on my face due to the extreme effort I am making to avoid looking like a guilty pig is excessive. I am putting so much effort into it I don't want them to notice anything suspicious about me. I don't want them to know about the issue at all. everything that happened was in the past and it has to end there. My experience with Nathan was the first and it will remain the last. It was all a mistake and I am not about to let my marriage go down because of that one silly decision I made. I am so sorry friends but you do not have to know about anything at all. So it is going to remain a secret just as I have planned. I take in a deep breath as their elated faces examine me for a little while. "What's up girl? You are looking damn elated today. " Isabella exclaims as she makes her way in with her arms wide apart set for an open friendly embrace. I
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-----~[AMELIA]~-----"Yeah." Amanda replies sarcastically in a way that makes me want to giggle with excessive nervousness. "something you would have heard if you haven't gotten yourself lost in whatever blissful sweet trance you got yourself trapped into. " She says and I can't help but smile a little. Uugh. The situation is a little tougher than I thought it was going to be. I really need to manage and control how I get lost in my silly thoughts from now on. This is a delicate situation that requires maximum focus and attention. I cannot let anything slip past my grasp. One little mistake and another thing can lead to another and one thing can lead to this and that and before I know what is happening, my little forbidden secret is all over the place. I really need to be careful with whatever action and steps I take from now on. "I am sorry guys, please just ignore whatever situation you find me in. I just.....“ I pause for a while and think deeply. “I just remembered something.
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-----~[AMELIA]~-----The confusion eroding my system right now at the moment is so excessive I find myself spilling rubbish. I don't even know what I am saying anymore. I am just a nervous wreck right now at the moment. I am practically conflicted and confused. It is going to be such a hard feat trying to keep this huge dangerous secret from these friends of mine. I don't want them to know about this, not one bit. but it seems everything I am saying right now is just leading them towards the issue and if this continues a little longer, I might probably end up speaking things I'm not supposed to speak. This is getting harder than I thought. When did it all get to this? Isabella and Amanda keep gazing at me questioningly. The intensity and their faces makes me know that my answer is not satisfactory enough to their hearing. They want more. They want more explanation. They need more clarification about whatever rubbish I am spilling before them. I take in a deep breath and chuckle. “I
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-----~[AMELIA]~-----Eve. One of the three of my very good friends has finally found her heartthrob and she is having a very huge crush on him. He is my husband's brother and the demon that hasn't given me a moment of peace of mind ever since he stepped into the apartment. And just this morning he got what he wanted. He finally experienced the result of his relentless seduction. I uncontrollably fell for it. Why? Because he is just so good. so good and mesmerizing in ways I have never felt before in my entire life. The extreme delicious feelings I'm supposed to feel whenever Brandon and I get intimate, I feel them with his brother and I couldn't help it. Wow. Just wow. What sort of life is this? How did my entire life get so twisted and complicated to this extent? What sort of crap have I done? I chuckle nervously and brush my hair behind my ear.“ That is actually not a surprise to me.“ I say trying all the best I can to remain calm and neutral before them. I don't want to give up
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-----~[AMELIA~]-----I have gotten myself into the hardest situation I can ever think of. My stupidity has gotten the better of me and right now I find myself trembling with nervousness as these inquizitive friends of mine keep staring at me waiting endlessly for my reply to the question just asked. I don't even know what prompted me in the first place to bring up this dreaded topic once again. I wanted it to end and I want them to forget I ever said something like that. I don't want them to keep being persistent about it till I am forced to spill out something I'm not supposed to say. It is definitely going to be a very great situation and I am not ready to encounter being tagged as a bad personality. Not right now at this moment.' Well aren't you?' My mind questions me and I blink. Just what the heck. 'You have already had sex once with your husband's brother. Isn't that enough a reason for you to be tagged as a very bad friend and housewife?' I resist the urge to clutch at my
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—~[AMELIA]~—“Okay. If you say so." Isabella finally says easing the extremely high tension in the sitting room a little bit. “I am just really hoping that everything you're saying right now is the truth and you are not lying to us.“ She says and I bite my lip. " We really do want to believe you Amelia because I myself don't believe you are capable of committing such an atrocity so please just let whatever you are telling us be the truth. I totally don't like the idea of what I am thinking right now.“ She says and I grit my teeth.How the hell did I even end up in this situation in the first place? It is all because of that devil. That son of a….. I bite my lip and take in a deep breath nervously fiddling with my fingers. Just what the heck….. I almost slipped. Shit!!!! I almost fucking messed everything up!!!! Just a little inch and I would have been blown away. This is the worst situation I have ever been in in my entire life of existence. How did it all get to this extent? I sh
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-----~[AMELIA]~-----I honestly really don't understand this fellow anymore. I don't just get him at all. He is just totally confusing and infuriating at this moment. What the hell does he want right now? Just what does he really want with me? Why the hell is he always in my way? Why is his presence always evident wherever I'm going? I don't mean to complain about this right now or but this feels like a perfectly good stalking experience. Just..... urgh. I hate this guy. He has long ago succeeded in getting whatever he wants from me. What does he want again? Why can't he just for f**king sake stop following my life? Urgh!!! I am really hoping deep down within me that he is not going to come back to me for more. I really wish he doesn't because from this moment henceforth I am totally and completely done with everything that has to do with him. Anything related to Nathan at the moment is completely off my bucket list. Whatever going on between us is completely over and I want to m
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-----~[AMELIA]~-----"Believe me Amelia. There are no two ways about it. I am going to f**k you again tonight." He says loud and clear to my hearing, forcing me to halt in my steps almost a few meters to the door. For heaven's sake..... I really don't understand what the hell is going on in this fellow's head anymore. Just what the heck is he thinking right now? For Christ sakes......f**k. God!!! I need help. This ..this.....urgh. What the hell is he hoping to accomplish with all this mischief? Can't he just give up once and for all and just let it go? When the hell is he going to end this silliness of his? I am so tired of it all I just want to disappear or at least hope that he disappears from my sight never to be seen again. What the f**k does he think he is? I feel an uncontrollable anger erupt within me. And anger so mighty it could be enough to level down an entire mansion. I am so infuriated at his extreme boldness. I am so infuriated at his careless attitude at the moment.
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-----~[AMELIA]~-----He pins me against the wall with his hands on either side of my head staring down at me intensely with the look of pleasure in those enchanting eyes of his. I am finding it extremely hard to think properly. My breathing is hoarse. I am finding it hard to think properly with the close proximity between us. I can feel his warm strawberry mint breath against my face and it makes me shiver a little bit. This ain't good. Not one bit. This ain't fair at all. I am having an internal struggle within me. A part of me is fighting really hard to grab his shirt and push him away roughly with every power within me while another part of me is craving to feel those warm lips against mine. I am so stupid right? You can say that again. This is so not good.I step back a bit trying to make a move to avoid him but I notice to my dismay that the wall is directly behind me and I have nowhere else to run to. Fuck!!! I bat my eyelids with confusion as he chuckles aloud and leans closer
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-----~[AMELIA]~-----My mind is in total chaos right now. Confusion, desperation, guilt and acute desire is all I can feel right now as I find myself pacing up and down mindlessly in the bedroom with Brandon, currently fast asleep, haven't gotten all the satisfaction he'd been craving. The incompetent...I don't even want to think about him anymore. Everything about him right now is just frustrating and I just...... I just want to forget it. I am totally done with him. I mean.... yes love and all that is needed in a marriage but when one of the couple isn't satisfied with the direction at which their marital experience is going something has to be done right? Yes, something really has to be done. Because I don't think my body can bear this much longer. I am craving for sex. I mean mind-blowing brain destructive sex right now and from experiences my mind can only deduce that the only person that can give me what I want is none other than the devil himself I have been trying to avoid wh
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