All Chapters of So I Married An Arrogant Boss: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
146 Chapters
131. Watch Until It Fades
With her head aching and stomach churning, Dianne had just woken up on Nicolas' luxurious penthouse bed."Where is this? Why... am I here?" The girl realized she was in a bed that was not her own. Once more awake, Dianne was able to recognize that the girl was in the penthouse of the man she had disappointed.The sound of the shower in the bathroom could be heard stopping. Soon, a man opened the bathroom door and came out shirtless with his bottom covered by a white towel.Instead of Nicolas who should have been shocked, it was Dianne who was stunned at Nicolas' appearance which again made her eyes feel like they were being tainted. "Aaahh!!!" Dianne covered her eyes with both palms."Aaahhh!!!" Nicolas also shouted while crossing his arms on his chest, spontaneously. How could he not, he had left the room while Dianne was still sleeping beautifully, but now she was awake."What are you doing here?" pointed out Dianne."What do you mean by what I'm doing here? Of course I'm here, in m
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132. Crossed The Line, Again
"I don't know, I'm not sure telling you is the right thing. I just didn't want to take a risk and mortgage my brother's safety," Dianne said, giving a little clue."What, so this has something to do with your brother Kariaf?" Nicolas frowned. "What is it? Does he owe a large sum to a loan shark? Or... did he cause trouble at his college?"Dianne shook her head. "It has nothing to do with my brother." The girl regretted answering Nicolas' question.Nicolas nodded in understanding, he wouldn't have pressed the question if Dianne hadn't wanted to share her burden. "Whatever the case, you must never act like yesterday again, okay," he said in a softer tone. "I'd go crazy if anything happened to you, Dianne."Silence.The atmosphere in the living room was silent for a few seconds. Both Dianne and Nicolas were silent after that last sentence, which was full of meaning and significance. Both looked into each other's beady eyes, busy controlling the rumbling and strange sensations in their ch
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133. The Plot Twist of Puzzles
After the thinning of the boundary between Dianne and Nicolas this afternoon, the girl began to convince herself to tell Nicolas about Andreas. But, the girl had to choose the right location and timing. Dianne also had to stay with Kairaf afterward so that Andreas wouldn't kill her brother.After returning from the penthouse and being dropped off by Nicolas, Dianne immediately called Kairaf to ask him to come home immediately because she wanted to talk about something. However, it was already nine o'clock in the evening and the bridge of her brother's nose had yet to appear.As Dianne waited restlessly, an email notification arrived on her mobile phone. The pattern of the email was very similar to the threatening emails she often got from Andreas.Without waiting any longer, Dianne immediately read the email.[Andreas]: You must be waiting for your brother, don't you? Unfortunately, he is now in my hands. Do you think I'm stupid? Of course, I need a prisoner for you to actually give m
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134. High-Level Treachery
Nicolas widened his eyes when he heard the unexpected confession that Keenan had just made."What?" came Nicolas' choked breath."So what if it was me?" repeated Keenan with a smirk. His usually friendly and innocent facial expression had now fully blossomed, turning into a sly and otherworldly-looking face."Keenan! Are you sure about what you said? Don't joke around! It's not funny!" snapped Nicolas, even though he was the one who provoked Keenan to confess but he was shocked and disbelieved.Nicolas just couldn't believe that all this time Keenan was not the Keenan he knew. The man looked like someone else, where did his best friend who had been with him for 10 years go? And what did he mean by 'what if it was him?'Keenan laughed sarcastically, his annoyance and true nature had surfaced at an unexpected time, and now was the time. "You're here to browbeat me into confessing, aren't you? I don't know where you got the clue that I'm the one, but... I applaud you for coming here at n
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135. Letters of Testament
Nicolas clenched his hands into fists. This was not what he had come to see Keenan for if only to get this deep of a disappointment. He had just felt a betrayal that hurt beyond measure. A pain that exceeded Dianne's who lied to him to be a fake fiancé."You can't be like this, Keenan! You had someone run me over, and you admit it, then you say you don't want to talk about it now! What a fucking human!" groaned Nicolas in annoyance.Keenan, who had his back to Nicolas, turned his body to face the man. There was a sense of annoyance because Nicolas suddenly threw that rude frown at him. But on the other hand, he felt that it was natural because he almost got the man killed."I want you to feel more pain, Nicolas!" snapped Keenan in a sharp tone. His eyeballs were red with emotion. "You should know the suffering I've been through.""What pain?" asked Nicolas in a high tone. "What have I done to you! As angry as I was with you, I never thought of harming you. But you..." The man pointed
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136. Turning Point
Nicolas froze for a few seconds after hearing Dianne's voicemail that suddenly came into his mobile phone while he was having a conflicted conversation with Keenan.The voicemail from Dianne actually sounded like the last message. It was as if the girl would never appear before Nicolas again, even though it was only a few hours ago that Nicolas drove Dianne home and he made sure she was safe until he closed the door again."What does that mean?" murmured Nicolas in a low, rustling tone, looking at his chat room with the girl. The man now no longer cared about his heated debate with Keenan even though this moment was something that hit him quite hard.Keenan, who was also listening to Dianne's voice message, immediately racked his brain. He tried to remember something that Dianne had discussed with him on the way from the airport to the apartment. Keenan remembered that Dianne was now dealing with Andreas because the girl had asked him when they both ate at the restaurant.At that time
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137. Heated
Dianne looked at her chat room with Nicolas, she recorded a voice message and sent it to him.After recording and sending it to Nicolas, Dianne turned off the ringtone on her cell phone and put on her black pet hat. He looked at her face through the reflection in the glass.“Dianne,” he called to himself. “Thank you for living this life full of struggle. Myself... I will take care of you as best as I can and try to see my face again in the mirror. "But... I hope this isn't the last time," muttered Dianne with teary eyes looking at herself in the mirror.Next, the house lights were turned off and the girl came out with a suitcase and a gun she was carrying in her backpack.“Bastard Andreas! I'm coming!" the girl growled in her heart.The girl no longer cares about her life, she just wants her younger brother, Kairaf, to be okay. Because her brother had absolutely nothing to do with her affairs with Andreas. After all, why would this man be so reckless just because of money when on the
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138. Mess It Up
"Stop messing with my life, Father!" shouted Nicolas in frustration. He had no idea that he, Dianne, and Andreas could be in such a heartbreaking moment.What man wouldn't have a dilemma when the girl he loved was being held captive by his father? Truly, this was Nicolas' worst nightmare in his entire life.Andreas grinned while showing his row of yellow teeth, to be honest, the man had never considered Nicolas as his son, but rather his financial source all along. That way, he could continue to capitalize on this ill-fated relationship."If you want to blame me, then wouldn't you rather blame the universe for having you born as my flesh and blood!" grinned Andreas, tightening his hold on Dianne.Nicolas shook his head. "This time I've had enough! You think I can't put you in jail just because a bastard like you is my father?" he snarled."You know nothing about my past, you should respect me!" added Andreas, not to be outdone."You think I don't know what your past is like to have me
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139. Good Money
Mrs. Bianca and Dianne chatted until it was getting late. The sun had moved from the top of the head to the western horizon. Mrs. Bianca went into the house first as her knees began to ache when evening came.Dianne, who was just about to enter the house, saw Nicolas' car entering their yard. Suddenly, a smile appeared on her lips because her man was home.Dianne took Nicolas straight up to the room and let him clean up first. Meanwhile, Dianne brought the remaining pieces of fruit into the room for her man to eat."How was work?" asked the woman who wanted to know what Nicolas had been doing at the office all day."As usual." Nicolas dried his hair, the man had just finished showering and his body now felt very fresh. "Ah, yes. But there's something I want to tell you." He remembered as he rubbed the white towel on his head.The man glanced at Dianne who was sitting on the bed while Nicolas was inside the sink room which could be seen from the direction of the bed."What's the story
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140. Home Less
Since then, Andreas' attitude has slowly changed and he has become cold towards Georgia. For the past few days, the two of them have been communicating less and less. On the one hand, Andreas is busy with his work and so is Georgia whose career is getting smoother and better.However, Georgia certainly felt the change in her man. The few times she tried to engage Andreas in conversation, he would pull away and say that he was tired and worn out.There was a nagging feeling in Georgia's mind that Andreas was still angry with her."I already apologized," Georgia thought in a sad tone as she sat pensively in the room. "I even begged by prostrating myself in front of him, was that not enough?" Slowly, Georgia's tears welled up in her eyes.He turned his head towards the bathroom whose door was closed. The man had taken a shower immediately after waking up in the morning. Normally Andreas would ask Georgia to prepare his clothes for going out but it had been over a week since he had asked
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