All Chapters of So I Married An Arrogant Boss: Chapter 141 - Chapter 146
146 Chapters
141. Proof!
After praising her for being such a genius, Keenan immediately grabbed his car keys and intended to come visit Georgia at her office.In his usual black car, Keenan drove to the location where Georgia was now.As soon as he arrived at the restaurant that was only a hundred kilometers away from the parking lot of Georgia's office, Keenan immediately entered and cast his eyes over the rows of tables in the restaurant.Her eyes immediately caught Georgia's figure sitting by the window. Alone and looking pensive. In natural style, Keenan pretended to be surprised when he met Georgia and sat in front of her."Well, what a coincidence that you're here, Georgia," he grinned, placing his car keys on the table. "Are you alone?"Georgia nodded. "Are you alone? What are you doing here?" Georgia wondered. She thought Keenan's office was far enough away that there was no way he would have traveled that far for lunch to this restaurant."Ah, I had a lunch appointment with a friend, but it turns out
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142. His Sins
BREAK!!"SHUT UP!" Andreas kicked the table because he didn't want to hear any more of that nonsense from Keenan. "Now give me the tape!" he scolded in a threatening tone.Keenan, who was not at all intimidated, smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Of course, the purpose of coming here was to give the recording to Andreas."I can guess what will happen," Keenan grinned to himself as he waited for the audio recording of the conversation between him and Georgia to be sent to Andreas' mobile phone. "Surely after this Andreas will be furious with Georgia. And... their household will be even more fractured, shattered into pieces," he mused.Andreas now had the tape. His face was still as red as the tie he was wearing. He struggled to control his emotions in order to protect his dignity in front of Keenan."Has the recording been sent completely?" Keenan wanted to make sure.Andreas was silent, his breathing was ragged and he didn't know what action he would take with this footage."You'd bet
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143. Bright-Darkness
Seeing that things were getting out of control, Nicolas finally confessed. This situation shows that he can no longer hide this secret."What Laura and Tania said is true, Ma... Pa," Nicolas said softly. It was useless to deny everything, the evidence was so strong, and he also didn't want to continue this lie anymore."Nicolas... what do you mean, child?" Mrs. Bianca pressed her chest in pain. It hurt to hear this confession from her son."In the past, Georgia and Andreas were in a relationship. They were dating and Georgia got pregnant," Nicolas explains. "I was so sorry and couldn't bear to see Georgia's downfall. I finally agreed to marry Georgia to protect her dignity. At first, I just felt sorry for her and wanted to help her, but then my feelings for her grew and now I really love her very much."Georgia who was sitting next to Nicolas could only look down to hide her tears. She couldn't bear all this, her heart was so broken because finally the old wound was reopened, even now
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144. Sadness & Guilt
Now, Dianne knows what really happened to this father and son, Andreas and Nicolas. Fate was too cruel to them. Too many things have made Nicolas as cold-hearted as he is now, but in the midst of his cold heart, Dianne will be the only warmth for him.By Nicolas, he no longer cares if Andreas is his biological father, the man is just like a parasite to him. It was enough for him to endure the man in silence and that's why no one in the public knew Nicolas' family secrets in the past including his extended family.Nicolas manages to make himself known as a single man, which is just a cover for his image, a cover for the various wounds he has been hiding. Finally, Dianne will know all that through the past that Nicolas will tell her later."Now, let my girl go!" shouted Nicolas with a strong growl. He knew that talking to Andreas wouldn't solve the problem at all. But what could he do, he didn't know what else to do."My brother is being held captive, Nicolas!" exclaimed Dianne in betwe
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145. Beauty Inside
"All this time I had forgotten that moment, without realizing, I had made a mistake and just forgot about it. Even though my mistake was about Keenan's sister's life," Nicolas continued. "To be honest, until Keenan mentioned his sister's name, I didn't really remember, but I finally remembered that during my college internship, I had reported an individual who leaked the data of the company where we were both interning.""Did that happen before you started your current company?" asked Dianne, showing that she was paying full attention to Nicolas' confession.Nicolas nodded. "Long before that, when I was far from mature. I reported that person, who was one of Keenan's sisters, even though that woman had begged me not to report her and to repent.""Hmm, I see." Dianne nodded.Nicolas pulled his head away from Dianne's shoulder out of pity for the girl to support his heavy back for so long. Instead, Nicolas hugged Dianne's body to seek warmth from his girl. "I didn't even care about that
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146. And The CEO Is Mine (END)
"Where is Dianne? Why my lovely girl hasn’t shown up yet?"Nicolas glanced at the watch on his wrist as it was already 10 AM. They were supposed to be at the conference center where Nicolas was giving his speech about the new project he had signed with the partner company.However, the girl, his secretary and lover, had not yet appeared. He had to hug Dianne first in order to achieve composure during the ceremonial speech and ribbon-cutting later."Come on, Dianne. He said he was just fixing a stuck zipper on his skirt," Nicolas grumbles, smoothing the tie around his neck. In the near future, Nicolas would not be appointing his new deputy or assistant as Keenan's replacement. He would leave the position vacant for the time being.The CEO received several surprised looks from employees in front of the lift on the same floor, as everyone knew that Nicolas was supposed to be in the conference center.In reply to the astonished look and respectful greeting, Nicolas just nodded formally. A
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