All Chapters of Alexander's Unforgettable Lover: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
123 Chapters
Rays of the sun
Just after Ivy took about a few steps away from Bethany’s restaurant, she got a beep and then she checked her phone. It was a text sent from Alexander.“I have been trying to reach you. Once you get this message, come over to the river bank by 7pm.”Her heart jumped in excitement and she looked around as it felt as if anyone who could inform Bethany was around her. She didn’t know what to expect, but she hoped to play this recorder to him, so he could see what a fox Bethany was.Ivy decided to head back to the hospital since she had gotten what she wanted, which was the truth, from Bethany, herself. While walking towards the main road, she thought about all she was going to do to make Alexander hear the recorder, in case he didn’t want to, and he only wanted to lash out at her, probably because Bethany must have cooked up another lie.“Ivy!” She heard someone call her name.It was then that Ivy realized that she had gotten to the main road and had been walking towards her way, home. S
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From this day on
Ivy mustered up her courage and walked towards Alexander.Silence reigned between them both, and Ivy found it hard to read his expression, so she decided to break the silence. She brought out her phone from her pockets and handed it over to him.“Here is my evidence.” “To hell with any evidence, Ivy.” Alexander replied, then hugged her tight.Ivy was surprised that Alexander was hugging her and she was left, wondering what in the world was going on.“Why did you keep mute? Why didn’t you tell me that we have met before?” Alexander questioned.“I…I…”“It’s fine. Now that I remember you, I will not let you go.” Alexander said, then he withdrew from her with his hands still holding her shoulders and locking eyes with her. “Do you know how I much I tried to find you even after I came back from seeing my mother who fell ill and had to do surgery?”Tears filled Ivy’s eyes and she could not say a word. Joy overflowed in her heart and all her grievances were washed away and this made her spe
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Taking the wheel
Standing before Ivy was a large portrait of her. She didn't know how he got this picture, but she loved it and was touched by it."Do you love it?" "Of course, I do." Ivy smiled, still amused by the portrait. "But didn't Bethany ever catch a glimpse of it?" Ivy asked, out of curiosity."No. She never checked that part of my room." Alexander replied."Oh, I see. So, am I to take this home as a gift or is it yours?" "Well, if you want to take it, you can.""Whoa. Well, I think I'll prefer the portrait stays here." "So, I can look at your smile every day, right?" Alexander teased."No. I didn't mean it that way." Ivy giggled, covering her cheeks to prevent him from seeing how much she was blushing.Then Alexander grabbed her waist and looked into her eyes. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like minutes and slowly, Alexander began to lean in, closer to her until his lips met hers.Ivy closed her eyes and he saw it as a go ahead signal, so he kissed her intently and the
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Ivy wondered if Bethany knew anything about her being in his house or if she got a whiff of her, being with Alexander. Although, with Alexander by her side, she felt confident like she had won the game, but she feared what Bethany was capable of.If she could ruin Piper's job and other opportunities, then she could do more. It meant that she needed something to tie Bethany down and that was certainly not going to be an easy task.Still, she didn't let the news weigh her down and was glad that Alexander had agreed to do the bone marrow test to be certain that his matches with Liam's bone marrow. That was Ivy's last bet and hope.Ivy put her phone back on the bedside table and went into the bathroom to wash herself. While in the bathroom, she thought about how her miserable life suddenly took a turn for the best. She had Piper to thank for pushing and encouraging her to inform Alexander about this.She had never imagined herself to have to fight to claim a man who was meant to be hers a
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Battle line
Ivy scoffed and sighed like she was tired of putting up with Bethany.“I see you have got some guts, uhn? Well, this would stop when I show you what I ought to show you.” Bethany said.Bethany’s workers were wondering why Ivy had been frequenting the restaurant just to talk to Bethany.“I wonder what Ivy has been up to since she has been coming here.” One of the workers blurted out.“Yeah, and it doesn’t look good either. I guess they probably had a clash which I do not want to know about. It’s best we just do our job the way we ought to and ensure we do not get on boss’ bad list.” The other advised.Ivy was waiting for Bethany to show her what she wanted her to see and she folded her arms while waiting. Bethany was checking through her phone and then in a few seconds, she stopped.“Yeah, found it. Now look at this.” She held her phone out to her.Ivy’s eyes widened as she saw the picture of both her and Alexander walking into the hospital. “How did… you get this?” Ivy threw a puzzle
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"What!” Ivy exclaimed in shock.It felt as if her world was going down. Usually it was hard to find a donor. How was she going to find a donor in the space of how many days? Would Liam die? She couldn’t bear the thought of Liam, dying. She wasn’t going to be the same anymore, neither would she be able to live without him, even if Alexander was now there for her.Alexander and Liam’s attention were caught because of how she exclaimed. They threw puzzled looks at her and Piper sighed, looking downcast.“Mommy, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Liam asked, out of concern.Alexander walked up to her and put his arm around her shoulder.“Ivy, what’s wrong?”As ivy looked up at him, he noticed that tears were rolling down her chin and dripping on her clothes.“What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Come on. Liam shouldn’t see you crying.” Alexander expressed his concern.“Is it true?”“What exactly?” Ivy sniffed and tried to cry without Liam finding out that she was crying while Liam was trying to c
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Healing process
Alexander looked around for Ivy. He ran to the alley which was near the restaurant, but all he could see were dirt bags and cans, and then a man and a woman, making out.Then he went in a nearby public toilet and checked the female's toilet. There was only one lady there."Pervert!" She screamed and ran inside one of the toilets."I'm sorry. I'm searching for a lady." He apologized."Then go to the bar, you pervert?" She shouted."I'm not…"Alexander didn't bother to complete his words since he felt he was just wasting his time. He had something more important to do than trying to prove his innocence.He went out of the toilet and walked around the street, but didn't find her. So, he walked back to his car, with beads of sweat scattered on his forehead. He began to freak out, hoping nothing bad had happened to her, so he brought out his phone and dialed her number. Her phone rang, but there was no answer."Shit!" He cursed, then dialed her number again.Still, there was no answer fro
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Ivy shook Piper, but she wasn't opening her eyes."Piper! Piper!" She called out to her but no response.Ivy's hands were trembling and then she listened to heartbeat to find out if she was still breathing or not and when she moved her ear closer to her chest, she could hear Piper's heart beating, but it was low and slow.She got scared, hoping she wasn't dying slowly. Immediately, she tried her best to drag her outside and then she got someone who helped her off to the cab which drove them to the hospital.As soon as Ivy got to the hospital's entrance with Piper, they brought out a stretcher and placed Piper on top of it and then rolled her in. Ivy waited in the ward hallway, hoping that nothing disastrous had happened to her.She couldn't call Alexander because she didn't know if he was receiving shots already or if there was something else he was doing in the hospital already. She Icould only pace around and hope for the best.After a while, the doctor came out and she rushed to m
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Where is Liam?
“Shit!” He cursed, under his breath.Alexander walked up to her and grabbed her hand abruptly.“What the hell do you think you are doing!” He lashed out on her.“Trying to get your attention of course.” Bethany replied, then withdrew her hand from his grip, with a glare at him.Then Alexander let out a tired sigh and slammed his hand on his face, then he sat on the couch he placed in his office.“Look Alexander, you know I won’t act this way. But you pushed me to. You have always had time for me and when you are so busy, I do understand.” Bethany said as she walked up to him, looking sober.“So, why can’t you understand now?” Alexander questioned.“Are you truly busy or you have not had the wish to see me?” Bethany asked, placing her hands on her waist.Alexander sighed again and released his tie a bit. He didn’t know the right words to say and he didn’t want to put up a fight with her, because she would be more suspicious about his behavior. So, he decided to stay calm and act calm a
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Ivy’s heart began to beat in anxiety and fear. She moved closer to the nurse and held her collar.“You can’t be speaking the truth. That can’t be. Is this how you do here! Leave someone’s child to another without making investigations? Was she the person who admitted him!” Ivy lashed out at her in anger as she kept dragging her collar.“Ma’am. Please calm down. I…. The person left about fifteen minutes ago as I was told. She could still be in the premises.”“What! Are you out of your mind! As you were told? Who the hell gave my child out on purpose!” Ivy shouted shaking her head in anger.“Look here. If you do not provide Liam right now, we will yank your hair out! Where is he!” Piper threatened.“Please… I wasn’t the one here when they took him.” The nurse replied, looking scared.“And you sounded so confident when we asked you where he was. I have never come across this face in this hospital. Are you certain you aren’t the one who ordered for his kidnap?” Piper shouted, holding the
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