All Chapters of Alexander's Unforgettable Lover: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
123 Chapters
“Anything wrong?” Piper asked, out of curiosity.“No. Nothing.” Ivy covered up.She looked at her message one more time which read:“There is nothing you can do. I am always one step ahead of you and will always win. Alexander can never be yours.”Ivy wondered if Bethany was up to something again or if she had done something as well. She glanced at Alexander who was driving with a smile on his face. She wondered if he had met with Bethany during this period.She also felt insecure because she knew Alexander loved Bethany for him to choose her as his fiancée and it is certain that they could have processed their marriage before he had an accident but was curious on the reason, they didn’t process it even after a few years.Ivy let out a troubled sigh. She felt if Bethany wasn’t one who could be easily scared by threats especially the one which had to do with Alexander, then she had to take her steps quicker than she thought. If she was up to something, it meant Bethany was disregarding
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He knows
Ivy eyes narrowed in anxiety and fear. She stood up immediately along with Alexander and rushed towards where Piper was leading them to. Her heart broke into two and tears began to run down her eyes as she set her eyes on Liam who was lying on the floor like he was half dead, with blood from his nose which had stained his philtrum and drooled down to his neck.“No, Liam!” She screamed in agony as more tears came rushing down to her chin and dripping on her clothes.Alexander drew her back and held her tight.“Have you called the hospital?” Alexander queried.“Yes, I have. When I noticed that not even the water was waking him up, I had to call them and then rush down to you both. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have suggested that we leave you both.” Piper apologized, obviously looking shaken.“Let me touch my son, let me go.” Ivy screamed and was trying her best to free herself from Alexander’s strong grip.“Ivy, you need to calm down. We don’t know much about his case. What if we hold him in
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I'm sorry
Alexander wondered if it was a mistake the doctor had made. He was right there and he called Ivy, only.“Doctor, I’m right here. Don’t you need to talk to me too?” He asked as he put his hands into his pockets.“Mr. Grayson, you do not have to worry. It’s just her I need to see.”“I’ll be right back.” Ivy said and patted my shoulder.Alexander watched as Ivy followed the doctor to his office and hoped for the best. As Ivy got to the doctor’s office, she was offered a sit and, on that seat, she clutched her hand on her bag, fearing that the doctor was going to break her heart with some bad news.“So, Miss Maddison, I wanted to speak to you privately to assure you that your son is fine and he is in good hands. Actually, he was lucky that you brought him in sooner before anything worse happened to him. “Oh, thank goodness.” Ivy rubbed her palms together as she closed her eyes in relief.“And I must commend Mr. Grayson for suggesting an outing for Liam. He seemed to be calm and ready to
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Don’t Want To Let Go
“Dear Ivy, Thank you for being the best friend so far and for also being a positive influence in my life. I know I have been there with you for the highs and lows and that’s because I simply couldn’t just watch you sad and struggle on your own. Now that you have finally found Alexander, I think I can feel at peace now, because he will give you the best life ever. He is now there for Liam. By the way, I am off to a faraway place due to some reasons. You do not have to worry about me.”Ivy dropped the letter in disbelief. She knew that Piper must have left because she didn’t want to be the third who isn’t allowing us to have a private family time. But little did she know that they saw her as a family as well.Immediately, Ivy brought out her phone and dialed Piper’s number, but it wasn’t reachable.“Shit! No Piper. Where are you?” Ivy muttered under her breath as tears flowed down her chin.She dashed out of the house and checked from street to street to see if she wasn’t far aw
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The bond of friendship
“Piper!” Ivy exclaimed as she stood up immediately and walked towards her slowly. “I thought you left.” Ivy said, with tears, strolling down her chin.“I did. But Bethany texted me, saying you were about to ridicule yourself in the company I worked at recently.” Piper replied, looking sad. “And, I am sorry for leaving. I just thought that was the best. You know very well that I did it for your good, right?” Piper sniffed, looking into Ivy’s eyes as she got teary.Then the CEO slammed his hands on the table in anger as he stood up.“Take your emotional drama out of my office, this instant!” He ordered, with his right eyebrow arched.Ivy cupped Piper’s face carefully, with her hands and pursed her lips as she looked at her pitifully.“You have been doing things for me. Now, it is my turn to do things for you.” Ivy said, with firmness, then released Piper’s face and turned to the CEO who was fuming in anger.“I know very well that your phone is probably filled with threatening texts from
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One second
Night had fallen and Alexander had just closed from work. He got into his car and went through his phone. He noticed that he had missed Ivy’s calls and he wondered why she could have called him repeatedly when it wasn’t really long after they had seen each other.As he was about to call her back, a call from Bethany came up and he answered it.“Hey Bethany, I just closed from work. I will be at your place in less than 45 minutes.”“Oh, I think we won’t be able to meet tonight, Alexander.”“And why is that?” Alexander asked, out of curiosity.“An important meeting came up and I am no longer in the city. I couldn’t inform you because I had to be quick. I am back at Spain and will explain to you later on the emergency meeting. That would be when I get back.” Bethany informed, in a low tone.“But are you okay?” Alexander asked, noticing Bethany’s low tone.“I’m fine. I am going to miss you, Alexander. I wish we were able to have that dinner.”“Same here. I would have loved to taste your f
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Good news
” Alexander asked, out of worry.“Uhm… It’s just good news. Piper texted me that she was just sent a text for a transfer to the main headquarters of where she works at.” Ivy squealed in a high-pitched tone.“Whoa! That’s good news. It calls for celebration.” Alexander rejoiced with her.“I know right?” Ivy smiled widely.“I think it would be best if we celebrate tomorrow’s evening. We’ll all celebrate with Liam as well.” Alexander suggested as he rubbed his palms.“I’ll love that. That’s going to be perfect.” Ivy beamed in smiles.“Alright then. So, let’s get back to praying, shall we?”“Sure.”Both Ivy and Alexander closed their eyes and Ivy prayed and blessed the food, then they started eating.“I was thinking if we can go on a date tomorrow after I take my shot. We’ll have fun until evening when we get prepared to celebrate Piper’s success.” Alexander suggested while chewing.“Hmm. That’s a good idea. Does that mean you won’t be going to work?” “Yes. I won’t. I am going to spend t
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A chance to be with you
Ivy’s gaze was fixed at Liam’s body and she was trying to make sense of what was going on at the moment. Alexander walked in as he had gotten his shot pretty fast. He noticed the atmosphere and touched Ivy’s shoulder.“What’s going on Ivy?” He asked as he wondered why she was staring that way and looking a bit lost.Then Ivy looked up at Alexander and pointed at Liam.“Why is he covered up?” She asked as tears began to fill her eyes up.“Oh, Liam was actually acting stubborn today and I was about calling his favorite doctor as he wanted to see him. He was being rebellious, so he remained adamant about having the bed cover, covering his face as well.”“Mommy?” Liam called out to her in a low tone as he removed the bed cover from his face.“Oh, my goodness. Liam, my baby.” She said, in relief as she walked up to him in joy.She hugged him tight and sniffed his neck.“I missed you mom. Hey daddy!”Even if Ivy knew that Alexander was Liam’s father, she still felt cringe whenever he calls
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Alexander was surprised that a month had passed by so fast and he wondered what surprise Bethany had for him.“That’s good news. I hope your journey back to the city wasn’t hectic.” “It wasn’t. Why would it be when the joy of seeing you has filled my heart?” Bethany blushed over the phone.Alexander chuckled awkwardly, then he decided to get off that awkward situation by asking a question. “You said you have a surprise for me. What is it? I am actually curious about what surprise you have for me.” “Yeah. Let’s meet at my house, tomorrow’s morning, then you’ll marvel.” She squealed in excitement. “Honey, I have to go. We’ll talk tomorrow, alright?”“Alright then. Bye.”He let out a troubled sigh and slammed his hand on his face. He was used to life without Bethany already and her sudden arrival just made his seemingly bright and happy life, feel like the cloud was nearby. He knew that Ivy was going to feel somehow once she becomes aware that Bethany is back. “I know what to do.” He
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Who are you?
Alexander was surprised to see his mother and his sister smiling at him.“Won’t you give me a hug, Alexander?” His mom blurted out, with a smile on her face.Alexander was overwhelmed with joy to see her and he walked briskly to her and gave her a tight hug and his sister didn’t hesitate to hug him as well.“I have missed you so much son.” His mother said as she withdrew from him.“I have missed you too, mother. And you have gotten more beautiful, Alicia.” He complimented his sister.“Oh, come on, brother. By the way, I am so glad to see you. Thanks to Bethany who urged us to make this beautiful surprise.” Alicia revealed.Alexander glanced at Bethany who was beaming with smiles and then she hugged him affectionately.“Thank you, Bethany.” He thanked her, still feeling elated about the surprise.“You are welcome. Alright, I prepared breakfast already. So, let’s get to the dining room.” Bethany notified and walked up to the dining room to offer Alexander’s mother a seat.“Thank you, my
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