All Chapters of What your love felt like- The Dragon Saga: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
121 Chapters
Bird's eye view
POV of the mythical bird, associated with death and prophecies-I am Gamayun. Just a regular bird out in the sky of the mighty dragon realm. As I soared high in the sky, I could see the realm stretched out beneath me. Today, another Royal Dragon funeral was taking place, but it was not like any other I had seen before. The atmosphere was thick with grief and sadness, and even the clouds seemed to have turned a somber shade of grey. The air felt heavier around the palace as if it had covered itself with a cloak of sorrow. However, the deceased was not even a dragon, but a human woman named Liana, who had become the accidental mate of Dragon Lord Draco. She had sacrificed her own life to save him from the Ivory Blade, and her act of bravery had left a deep impact on all the dragons present here.The funeral pyre has been erected in the center of the open field, and it towered high into the sky. The pyre was made of the finest woods and adorned with intricate carvings that depicted the
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Draco's POV - With myself
As I stumbled back into my chambers, the weight of Liana's absence crushed me like a boulder. I tried to keep my composure in front of my subjects, but inside I was torn apart. My breaths came out in ragged gasps, and my heart felt like it was being squeezed by an invisible hand.I clenched my fists, feeling the familiar sensation of flames building up in my throat. But this time, I couldn't control it. I let out a roar of agony, the sound echoing through the stone walls of my chamber. My rage consumed me, and I smashed the nearest vase with a swipe of my other hand. The sound of shattering glass brought no satisfaction, however. It only fueled my despair. I roared again, letting the flames erupt from my throat and scorch the nearby furniture. The heat was nothing compared to the inferno raging inside me.Liana, was gone. She was not coming back. How could she leave me so soon? We were supposed to get married, I was supposed to proclaim her as my mate, to rule our kingdom side by sid
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" Where could he have gone? It's impossible that he would disappear on us, on his son, all of a sudden. Specifically at a time like this! "Master was pacing the corridors of the Royal Palace as the guards came back with reports one by one.It was Damian who had pushed the locked doors of his father's room open when nobody else dared. To their surprise, they saw the wrecked place but found the Dragon Lord was absent. The entire kingdom went into high alert.And the news of the high alert situation spread like wildfire, panic gripped the hearts of every citizen. The air was thick with tension and paranoia as the palace guards scrambled to get the situation under control. The sound of wings flapping and claws scraping against the ground filled the air as scouts rushed out to search for any sign of the missing Dragon Lord.Inside the palace, chaos reigned supreme as every room was being turned upside down in search of any clues. The sound of furniture being moved and cabinets being open
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Him against them
And then there was Draco, with his feet planted firmly on the wall, his bare hands clenched into fists at his sides. On the other side, the ferocious Hell Hounds howled, their eyes fixed on their prey. The air was thick with tension, as if a single wrong move would trigger an all-out battle.Behind him was a Ring of fire. An inescapable Ring of Fire, that he had breathed out himself. And inside that fire were trapped his own soldiers. Draco didn't need their sympathies or their distractions. He wanted to crack some knuckles in peace and his loyal subjects weren't allowing him that. " We will stand between you and the Hounds till our last breath my Lord, " one had chirped as the others had joined him with bowed heads and sitting on their knees. Draco shook his head and chuckled. "Alright.Alright.How many of you are willing to die for me? "He asked, very amused. He was amused because his soldiers did not contradict his irrational order to break into the Hell Hounds' formation on th
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Body Weapons
Body Weapons were like a miracle in the Dragon World. It was said that it manifested only when a true king was in dire need. Not only that. The heart of that king must have had experienced all seven sorrows in life. It aught to know heartbreak and longing, compassion and a sense of giving, bravery and leadership, betrayal and subordination, it aught to reach the highest ecstasy in life, only to fall in the deepest pit of grief and depression. For someone like Draco, such a feat was unimaginable, no matter how far and wide his reputation spread. Nobody could ever imagine how deep his emotional turmoils were as were his physical ones. This feat was unheard of for centuries. Even before the times of Draco's grandfather's. It meant that, nobody alive had the good opportunity to witness, such a spectacular miracle. No wonder Master was shaking with excitement, because he knew how important this achievement was. For Draco, however, this meant nothing at the moment. He just wanted an
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Draco's POV - In my dreams
As I lay in my slumber, I felt myself slipping away into a realm of wonder and enchantment. My body felt weightless, as if I were soaring through the sky, and the world around me was awash with colors that I had never seen before.I saw her then, my Liana, standing before me with a grace that only a human could possess. Her hair was as dark as the night sky, and her eyes glowed with a fire that could rival the stars. I felt my heart leap with joy at the sight of her, and I rushed to her side.She smiled at me, a smile that was both familiar and foreign all at once. "Draco," she said, her voice echoing through the dreamlike landscape. "It's been so long."I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. "Liana," I whispered. "I missed you so much."But instead of reciprocating she said something that sliced my heart up further. "I have to go," she said, her voice soft and gentle. "But know that I will always be with you."I was not ready to listen to anything. Not with her right in front
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Lucian's POV - She is in my dreams as well
I woke up to the darkness that surrounded me, my heart beating faster than ever before. It was just a dream, but the pain was so real that it felt like a living nightmare. I closed my eyes and tried to shake off the thoughts that consumed me since I had seen her lifeless face but I couldn't escape them.In my dream, I saw her again. She was as beautiful as ever, but her eyes were lifeless. She was dead. And I couldn't help but feel responsible for her death.I got up and stretched my wings, the muscles aching from the tension. I walked to the edge of my cave and stared out into the darkness, trying to calm my racing thoughts. Suddenly, I heard a voice."L-Lucian?" The voice was weak and trembling, but it was very familiar. It was Liana's voice.I turned around as swiftly as I could and saw her - Liana, the human woman who stole my heart. She was standing at the entrance of my cave, her eyes fixed on me. For a moment, I couldn't move, couldn't speak. I just stared at her, wondering if
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Draco's POV- Back to reality
I opened my eyes, and the world was blurry. I tried to shake my head to clear my vision, but something was stopping me. I felt a tightness around my neck and realised I was still wearing the collar they used to keep me stable while I was unconscious.."Draco, you're awake!" Master exclaimed, his voice filled with joy.I looked around the room, trying to piece together what had happened. Memories of Liana, flooded my mind. Was it all just a dream? I couldn't tell."Where am I?" I asked, my voice hoarse and weak."You're at the infirmary," Calix replied. "You've been unconscious." He added. My heart sank. "Liana..." I whispered. "Was she real?"Calix and Master exchanged a worried glance. "Draco, we need to talk," Master said gently.My confusion turned to dread. "What happened? Where is Liana?"Master hesitated before speaking. "Draco, Liana...she passed away , don't you remember? You must have had a dream about her. You almost got yourself killed when you took all those Hounds out ,
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Nemesis's POV - My plight
I, Nemesis, half-dragon, half-human was,at the moment slouching low. Very very low. My bloodline was cursed, a source of shame for my mother and me. But my guilt weighed heavier than any curse. I killed the Dragon Lord's mate, by mistake. She was human, and taking human life is forbidden for me by the Divine law.I have taken refuge in a place that lies between the human and dragon world. It is a desolate land, where nothing grows, and the only sound is that of my breath. I am scared, not of Draco, but of the Divine law that will hunt me down, no matter where I hide."Why did I do it?" I asked myself, knowing the answer but still seeking some solace. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to hurt her." But my excuses ring hollow, even in my own ears. The fact remained that I took a life that was not mine to take.My target had been the Dragon Lord. It was my vengeance. For my mother. Against all Dragon race. But why did the human have to interfere? Besides, was it possible for the Ivory Bl
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Nemesis's POV - Brother against brother
" So... You accidentally killed my prize huh! You are indeed as useless as we have been told. Your mother should have accidentally dropped you, even before you were born. Would have spared her the hard life that she had to lead because of you! "His blows didn't hurt me as much as did his words. He was deliberately reopening my wounds. He wanted me to reacts, so he would be able to mercilessly see me through my end. I knew how to read these dragon brothers very well. So predictable. I was swallowing down my own pride at the moment and being submissive in front of him because, first of all, I did commit a mistake and second of all, I needed to live if I were to see my revenge through, till the end. " Lucian... I... I won't block you... Not today... You can hit me all you want... I will take it, blow by blow... It was my mistake... I took a life which can't be replenished... "Blood was trickling down my nostril and I could taste it's coppery aftertaste in my mouth. " Hell, you did,
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