All Chapters of What your love felt like- The Dragon Saga: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
121 Chapters
Lucian's quest
Lucian was on his way towards the Dark Lands. It was a place underneath the Dragon Realm. It was a parallel place that could be accessed from where Draco had take Liana, to retrieve the poison used in killing Kiara. Lucian had been to that place a few times. But it was not easy for a Dragon to be there. Not for a long time atleast. It was a place where a Dragon was stripped of his dragon essence. He was basically reduced to being a human. Lucian was over ambitious . He was there to take what was called the Forbidden Pearl. It was not really a Pearl but more like a stone. Nobody really knew if it really existed or if it was in the Dark Lands at all. But Lucian was determined because it was a widespread rumour in the dragon world that the Forbidden Pearl could actually bring back dead ones.There was no authentication but it was a fable that was well known. Lucian planned to use it on Draco. Play with his emotions and trick him into doing what they wanted him to do. As Lucian set o
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Trying to get back to normal
Draco, entered his court with a fierce expression on his face. He was back because he needed to. His people needed him. And he needed to normalise things for his son. His ministers quickly rose from their seats, bowing in respect. But they looked unprepared. And some even looked uncomfortable. They definitely didn't seem to expect Draco to come back so soon. The Dragon Lord acknowledged their presence with a sharp nod and took his seat on the throne with a sharp twirl of his cloak. It sent a gust of wind which made all his ministers cover their eyes . His eyes scanned the room in the meantime, taking in the familiar surroundings that he had missed during his absence.One of the ministers, a small dragon with bright orange scales, cleared his throat. "Your Majesty, we are pleased to have you back in your rightful place."Draco's expression did not soften. "Thank you, Minister Glimmer. Now, let's get down to business. What affairs require my attention?"A dark green dragon stepped forw
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Duality in his nature
Draco finally took off, deciding to take a look at his kingdom because trying to rest was more torturous.He was a fearsome sight as he flew above the bustling city, his wingspan casting a dark shadow over the streets below. Citizens quickly scurried away, some bowing in respect, others cowering in fear. Draco had made it known that any disobedience would be met with swift and merciless punishment, and the citizens knew better than to test his resolve.He had always been ruthless but his temperament was fluid at the moment. Correction, it was volatile. As he landed in the center of the city, Draco's ministers rushed to his side, offering their obeisance. "Your Majesty," Minister Glimmer said, "we are honoured by your presence." Draco acknowledged his ministers with a sharp nod before turning his attention to the unrest that had been brewing in the city , where a group of dragons had been protesting the harsh working conditions in the mines, and their unrest was beginning to spread
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Draco's POV- Me and myself
I swore to be there for my son and my kingdom but for tonight, I was going to take time out for myself. I retreated to my chamber, feeling numb and hollow. The ache in my chest was unbearable, and I thought that the only way to cope with the pain was to drink until I passed out.I had not rested since I came around from my unconsciousness. I needed some rest. More like, I needed some moments of unconsciousness. I ordered maids to bring me the finest liquors in the kingdom and settled in for a long night of mourning. As I took my first sip, memories of Liana flooded my mind. My plan kind of back fired but her pain was as sweet as her essence. "Why did she have to leave me?" I asked myself, my voice slurring slightly. "I loved her with all my heart, and now she's gone."I took another swig of the drink and continued to mull over my loss. "She was so beautiful and kind, with a heart of gold. I never thought I could love a human, but she proved me wrong."My mind drifted back to the da
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Hello Brother
" Hello brother! I thought you would be drowning in your tears of regret by now, but no. I find that you are in fact enjoying your time here. How romantic. A broken heart, reigniting your old passion. "It was Lucian. He had just dropped in through the windows. Draco looked up at him. " I thought you would never show up. But finally you did. "Draco remarked, seemingly unbothered by his taunts and kept going with his carving works. " What are you making? "Lucian suddenly snacked the marble up in his hand. Draco knew Lucian was definitely in a mood to pick a fight but he wasn't feeling like giving that to him. " Is this supposed to be your consolation prize Dragon Lord? A Liana made of stone? Are you satisfied with that? "Draco leaned forward to take his unfinished work back from Lucian but he swished it out of his reach. " You must be Draco. You must be... But I am not. "Lucian came dangerous close to Draco's face, " You know I loved her as well. Don't tell me you didn't know
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Nemesis's POV - Into the King's Den
I crept through the streets as unnoticeably as possible.I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Every passerby seemed to stare at me suspiciously, their eyes lingering on my features. I had to keep my head down and blend in with the crowds if I wanted to avoid drawing attention to myself.The sounds of the marketplace filled my ears as I made my way towards the Royal palace. I could hear merchants shouting out their wares, the clinking of coins as they exchanged hands, and the flapping of wings as the dragons flew overhead. I looked around in awe. This world had always intrigued me. I remembered jumping around with my mother on the same streets when she was still alive. With her gone, I had given up on these light enjoyments that life had to offer. I shool my head hard, trying to ignore the distractions and focus on my mission.As I approached the palace gates, I spotted a group of guards came right in front of my path. My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to think of a way pa
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Master Plan
" So, you are telling me that I can bring Liana back if I voluntarily to that part of the Netherworld, where human souls are? And I will also be able to get out of that place in one piece if I offer the FerryMan, this Pearl in exchange? "Nemesis nodded as fast as he could to answer Draco's question. Lucian knew that Draco would be easily able to see through Nemesis's trickery if he asked Draco straight away to exchange his life. Instead , he came up with his brilliant plan. A plan that would give him two birds at one stroke. What Nemesis told Draco was not entirely untrue. He would be able to bring Liana back if he went to the Netherworld voluntarily. But the catch was he would be going to that part where Dragons were restricted, where human souls were. Moreover, he would be taking a human soul back with him, which is a King can never do. He can never be partial. He would not only not give his own soul in exchange, but he would also go a step ahead and try to bribe the Ferry Man. A
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Draco's POV - Netherworld... journey
As I sored through the sky,towards the virgin mythical lands that would lead me towards the Netherworld, my heart began to race with excitement,a little fear and a lot of anticipation. I had heard stories of that dark and dangerous place, but nothing could have prepared me for what lay ahead.The mythical lands unfolded beneath me in a blur of vibrant colors and dizzying heights. I soared over snow-capped mountains, past sprawling forests and verdant meadows, and over crystal clear rivers that shimmered in the sunlight.But as I drew closer to the Netherworld, the scenery began to change. The sky darkened, and the air grew thick with a sense of foreboding. The once,beautiful landscape now twisted and distorted, the trees and plants withering and dying in my wake.I encountered fierce winds and powerful storms that threatened to knock me off course. Lightning flashed all around me, striking the earth with a deafening roar. It was as if the very elements themselves were fighting against
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Nemesis was pacing the corridors of the elite quarter that Draco had alloted him, in the letter that he left for Master. Master was very, very sceptical but he did follow Draco's order. Nemesis however was having a sleepless night because he knew that he had sent Draco to his eminent demise while he himself was sitting there, enjoying the hospitality of his cousin. "Ahhhhhhh....! "He let out a loud roar in frustration. "This is all that I ever wanted. I am finally at the point where I will be able to see all my plan work. Damn it! Why then am I feeling so restless? What is this guilt that is weighing around my neck? "Just then the door flung open, " May I come in Nemesis? "It was Master. " Yes. Yes of course. "He made way for Master as he came in with his hands behind him, his half moon glasses all the way down on his nose and his eyes glaring at Nemesis, but he had a pretend smile on his lips. " I hope there is nothing lacking in our hospitality? "He asked as he circled a
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Failed Attempt
The battle raged on with a deafening cacophony of roars, screams, and blasts of fire and dark magic. The sky was shrouded in a thick veil of smoke and ash, and the ground trembled with the impact of every blow.The dragons, led by the fierce Master had been fighting tooth and claw to defend themselves from the undead demons of the Netherworld. The demons, however, seemed to have an endless supply of minions, and they had been slowly overpowering the dragons.Just when it seemed like all was lost, a voice boomed from the shadows of the Netherworld, startling both the dragons and the demons. The voice was deep and powerful, reverberating through the air like thunder."Hold on, dragons," the voice said. "Do not lose hope. For I am with you."The dragons looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice. They knew that the Netherworld was a place of darkness and evil, and they had never expected to hear anything but the cackles of demons and the screams of the damned.There was trick
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