All Chapters of Married Again To My Alpha Ex-Husband: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
162 Chapters
Chapter 91
Kiara povI sighed with my entire chest as I placed my folders on top of my boss's desk.Yes, that was all he was to me; my employer and nothing else.When I told him that I wanted a divorce and was ready to terminate our contract, the only answer that Bryant gave me was no. "You don't have the right to go except I ask you to and I'm not ready to let go of you now. At least stay here with me and work alongside me at the company if that's enough reason for you to stay." Looking through his eyes I'm sure that he meant every word he said. The contract started with him so what right do I have to terminate it? And working here isn't a bad idea but seeing him with the woman that he has loved from the onset is the only thing that I'm trying to bring myself to understand.She has always belonged to Bryant. What right do I have to be jealous? My feelings will change nothing, rather it will cause more damage.I should even be grateful that he allowed me to keep my job and I should not be so n
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Chapter 92
Anna's povJust as I expected and also dreaded, his smiling face was waiting for me the moment he opened the door but I didn't have any time to waste.I threw my purse into a corner-I didn't care where- and I grabbed him by his neck slamming the door shut behind us as we began to devour each other I soon wrapped my legs around his hip and after a little bit of stumbling and struggle, we made it to the bed consumed by our passion until both of us were finally separated from each other basking in the aftermath and feeling intense pleasure.There was a pinch of guilt though.Well, this was all my fiance's fault if he wasn't able to do his duties as a man and somebody else was going to do it for him and it wasn't my fault that that somebody was his despised cousin.He was looking at me with a cheeky smile on his face that I wanted to punch right off but I ignored him pointlessly because he wasn't going to stop badgering me until he knew that he had my attention."You haven't visited me in
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Chapter 93
Kiara's pov The high-pitched scream filled my ears. It was so loud that I was sure that my eardrums were going to explode at the very next second but somehow they didn't. I turned around and I saw Anna standing by the doorstep. I felt cold from the tip of my head down to my toes. This couldn't be happening. This had to be some kind of nightmare. Bryant had his hand on my waist and I had just been kissing him when she walked into the office thinking back to how the day began. I couldn't believe how I ended up in this situation. Last night I was thinking about what happened in the office and how Bryant had helped me pick up those files. He could have just looked away like he normally did when I had a problem but he decided to help me and I was quite surprised because of that but I tried not to show it keeping up with blank expressions on my face. He didn't need to know about the effects that he had whenever he did things like this. I just wanted him to think that I had forgotten ab
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Chapter 94
Bryant pov"Yes I'm so proud of you, you need to get that woman away from you the moment you take her somewhere else you will realize that you never needed her in the first place," This was the conversation that I had with my grandmother earlier before I came to the office but it had not sunk any deeper into my mind or my heart from the moment she said it up till when I was in the elevator trying to put myself together for another stressful day.I had told her that I was going to transfer Kiara to another position in the office before I could get away from her she had been so pleased her eyes literally lit up when she heard it she couldn't have been any happier she looked just as happy as the moments that I completely revealed to her that I had recovered my memory and she had settled the information in her mind absorbing it like a sponge.I heard the elevator dinging as I kept going up one floor and another some people joined me and others left until I finally made it to the top floo
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Chapter 95
Bryant's PovShe said as she stepped towards the two of us and then I put Kiara behind me and she came towards us, her eyes burning with a fury painted in them. "Bryant just stay away. I'm going to give her a piece of my mind, how dare she?!"She yelled but I stood between the two of them I wasn't going to let Anna place a single finger on her and she saw it from the determined look on my face and the way I stood in front of Kiara she looked flabbergasted and took a step back and "Bryant, are you really defending this woman right now, what about me, what about us?!"she cried at the top of her voice."Why on earth are you?!"I held Kiara by her arm and then I asked her to leave the office that I would see her later time and Anna stared at her like a python that wanted to strike but the warning gaze that I gave her forced her to stay still and not attack Kiara until she left the office when she did and she threw her purse on my table with all but enough force to send it shattering."
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Chapter 96
Kiara povHe's a madman. That is exactly what he is. These words echoed in my mind over and over again. He didn't love me anymore. The only reason why he had made them was because he believed that I was his beloved wife. He didn't know that the only connection between the two of us was a piece of paper, a contract that held us together and now there was no point in it anymore.He was supposed to end up with Anna, not me. I had too much baggage and too many problems on me not to mention that she was also far more suitable for him than I will forever be seen as sick to even come into competition with her that day. I left earlier than usual and I sent him a email that I was going to be leaving then I waited for his approval before I quickly picked up my things and disappeared I was afraid of actually running away because I still needed the support for my mother and not only that even if I run away with his connections he would easily find me so there wasn't really any way I could run t
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Chapter 97
Kiara's pov"Here's your cup of coffee," I said to my boss with a smile on my face just then as I was stepping away he pulled me back and we sheepishly smiled at each other"Are you going off just like that?" He said as he placed me to sit down on his lap and my smile grew wider. If anybody told me that I would be in this position a week ago I would have thought that they were out of their mind and imagining something that could never be but here I was and it was a reality for me.It almost brought tears to my eyes after Bryant recovered his memories. It had taken him some time to come up with his feelings but I hadn't really heard how he felt he had chosen me but why? I decided that I wasn't going to think about it if I did in every situation and I was going to grow tired.So I decided to just accept that for now, he had chosen me. Maybe tomorrow he would wake up and decide that she was much better for him but for today I would just accept that I was the one by his side and nobody el
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Chapter 98
Kiara povI watched my husband driving at the front wheel. After what Anna did to him, forcing him to face his trauma he actually started going to therapy and now it was easier for him to drive again.So sometimes he would get overwhelmed if we were driving a very long distance but the gap between the pack house and the office was not that much so it was easy for him to drive us back and forward and I could see the pride that was beaming in his eyes whenever he did this his entire face would immediately light up like a light bulb and I smiled back at him too when he would look at me from time to time.I could tell that he was looking for encouragement to see if he was doing everything well it was almost as if he was learning how to drive all over again and I would often smile back or squeeze his thigh and tell him with my eyes that he was doing a great job and immediately he would look like he was about to explode with joy.It Always amazes me that this man who had been considered the
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Chapter 99
Kiara's povI would have expected a million other things to happen but with an exception that this woman will happily apologize to me today.So to say that I was quite shocked to see her coming into this room and telling me that she wanted to apologize was indeed an understatement. A little bit of disbelief was in my voice and I was unable to hide that as I responded to her and despite the fact that I was speaking to her a little harshly even though she had always spoken to me in a cold manner she didn't react or insult me or call me names as she normally would when I will speak to her respectfully and I was quite surprised.For a moment I entertained the thought that she was actually here for an apology and asked her why she was apologizing once again and she continued to speak."Like I told you before, I am finally seeing the truth. I wanted Byrant to be happy with me so badly that it was no longer love it was just really selfishness I kept demanding that he should be happy with me
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Chapter 100
Kiara's povOne of the craziest things that I thought would never happen with me was becoming friends with Anna, it didn't make any sense she was probably from a rich family well-bred while I came from a humble background and had nothing much to my name.My biggest most overwhelming achievement was being mated to the Alpha and that was really not in my control either and I always thought that she was going to see me as nothing more than a whore that had taken advantage of her situation so her apology was something that surprised me deeply that I was trying to accept it because my husband wanted everybody to be on good terms with each other.I could even see that he was throwing a little hint here and hint there that he wanted me to be on good terms with his grandmother as well and as much as I would like to go somewhere in the pack house and not be draining the idea of crossing my In-law I seriously doubted that old woman who never wants to be on good terms with me.She absolutely lov
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