All Chapters of Married Again To My Alpha Ex-Husband: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
162 Chapters
Chapter 71
Kiara povI was glad that the occasion that was giving me many sleepless nights was finally here and now I could rest easily after tonight.The awareness that messing up tonight would make a permanent dent in my image had left me with a lump in my throat for quite some time now but I was glad to be breathing okay again."I'm sorry gorgeous, I hope your date doesn't mind me talking to you?"I looked at the third man that had approached me that night, and I was just blinking my eyes in disbelief. I had picked the dress I was wearing last minute after realizing the big night was almost here and I still wasn't ready yet and not only that but my makeup was not as phenomenal as some ladies here.You could tell that they already looked good and the makeup they had on was just a cherry on top. With my ten-minute makeup routine I felt extremely plain and I was trying not to get too close to them to avoid looking even plainer.Because of this, I was not expecting to get any attention, not like
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Chapter 72
Kiara pov I took a general scope of wondering why I had to deal with this man at all. It was already bad enough what he had done to me in the past. Somebody with a little bit of decency will give me some space now but he had his hand on my waist?So I made an attempt to pull away from him and he abruptly brought me back to his side making me sick down to my stomach then he whispered in my ear."I know that you love attention but I hope you are not really trying to cause a scene at such an important event?" I was feeling cold on the spot where his fingers made contact with my body but I was trying to brush it off. It got even worse when he started making small circular motions with his fingers.I was almost tempted to move away again and then he held on. "Don't try to act smart with me. I have nothing to lose if I make a scene in this place but I'm guessing it won't look too good on you I love…."My eyes swept across the whole hall that had been beautifully arranged for the night an
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Chapter 73
Bryant pov"Let me get this right, you want me to leave?" I had not expected that our conversation was going to take this long and all I wanted was to get to my wife.She was now sitting on my mahogany table that she had put herself on the moment we stepped into the office. From the look on her face, I could tell that our conversation was going far from where she had expected it to."You need to understand.." I tried to explain to her calmly."This event is strictly for people that are working in this company or their close invite-" I was barely done speaking before she got into my words."I don't understand, I am your girlfriend, why do I need an invitation to come to this then?"I felt like I had aged 10 years with this conversation even though it had probably just been a couple of minutes. I wanted to return to my wife as soon as possible and to the occasion in general since it could not move onto the next stage without me.And here this woman was fighting all sorts of nonsense a
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Chapter 74
Kiara povI have never been happier to see my husband until that very moment. His cousin Oscar had already succeeded in tearing off the pics of my dress and was attempting to do much worse when his voice vibrated through the entire office and I could have jumped into his arms at this very moment."It's not what it looks like!" He suddenly healed as loudly as early demented manhood and I just passed him using the shock to throw him off balance running over to my husband. I'm clinging onto his arm. He leaned closer to me and told me not to worry."Oscar you have exactly one minute to explain yourself and not a second more…"Standing with his back against the desk Oscar seems to have quite a casual expression on his face, smoothing out his features that have been a rock for a moment ago due to the intense struggle that we had one from me trying to stop him and him desperately trying to overwhelm me."Look cousin this is what really happened…"I didn't want to look at him but as my face w
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Chapter 75
Kiara's povThe moment I heard that he was going to be acknowledging his cousin I wanted to shrink into something small and dismissible and then crawl into the nearest hole I could find.What really made me think that he was going to take my side over his own family just because he couldn't remember him yet it didn't change the fact that the same blood run through their veins it's my foolishness that made me want to disappear it made me wish that the earth will just open up conveniently and swallow me.I held onto the side of my dress remembering how the previous one that I had admired so badly was torn right in front of me despite all the money that I put into it my husband had insisted on buying it for me but I told him that I wanted to buy it with my own hard-earned money after all I wasn't working for free and I wanted to spoil myself a little bit.We were able to come to some kind of compromise when he said he was going to give me a big bonus if the party went smoothly and that s
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Chapter 76
Bryant's pov"I have tolerated this nonsense for far too long… "I sat down cross-legged as I looked at the older woman that had introduced herself to me several weeks ago as my grandmother waking up without my memories had been so unnerving but I could feel the warmth that had come from this woman the moment she landed her eyes on me how it had been so painted with such sincere worry it was almost impossible to believe that we didn't have the same blood flowing through our veins.But as she loved me I guess she also had similar affection for the man that I had just thrown behind bars. How unfortunate.I had moved back into the house that she had been inviting me to for so long mostly to spend more time with my wife and also to be seen as a peace offering but she only saw this as a chance to plug my life complaining viciously that I should release Oscar.Now in the early hours of dawn, she had marched into my bedroom without pushing the door open and demanding to speak with me. I shou
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Chapter 77
Anna povThis has to be some kind of joke.I have repeated that phrase to myself so many times since Bryant lost his memory that it is almost becoming a mantra for me at this point.If I knew that things would have deteriorated to this point I would have never told him to marry that useless whore.Getting a signal from my GPS I turned around a few more times before I arrived at a respectable but secretive hotel. I glanced at my wrist watch and then I walked out of my car, opening the door and keeping my sunglasses tightly fixed to my face.I had even brushed my hair so roughly that most of it would be covering my face like a curtain. It earned me a funny look at the receptionist's office but I couldn't care any less as I headed up to my destination on the top floor grinning from ear-to-ear.All the tension that had built up for me this week would finally be released, I got into the hotel and then started setting the mood for the other person that was going to join me playing slow musi
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Chapter 78
Kiara pov"You probably already know why I called you here," Anna asked me as she crossed her legs on the dining table, the table that I was setting so that my husband could have his breakfast. I looked at her unable to hide my distaste and she caught on to my expression quickly. "Are you glaring at me?"She demanded to know slamming her open palm on the table and propelling herself up to her feet.I was backing away from the eggs that I was supposed to be cracking for an omelet.I mumbled that I wasn't glaring at her which was just basically me lying right through my teeth because that is exactly what I was doing a moment ago. Putting up with her nonsense was becoming more and more intolerable everyday and now I was becoming more self-conscious because my husband was living with us once again.I had arrived at the kitchen with a big smile on my face and now it has been turned upside down because of this annoying person."You should know your place…"She said to me in a twisted t
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Chapter 79
Kiara's povThe silence that entered the dining area when Anna said that was louder than an exploding bomb and I just looked at her, my jaw now running to the ground, my eyes skipped over to my husband.Panic immediately ran through every fiber of my body when I noticed he was rushing at his former fiancee."What did you just say to my mate?" He growled from the bottom of his throat and I watched as all of the color in her face immediately washed off. I would have been scared too if I was in her position.I was sitting across from her but hearing that sound was enough to make me feel cold all over even if it wasn't directed at me.My husband's eyes were obviously hot with rage and I was afraid of what he would do if he acted in this anger-and how it will be conveniently blamed on me- so with a movement that was swift as a breath I was standing next to him and my arm interlocked with his own."Bryant, she didn't mean it like that!" I never thought that a time would come when I would b
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Chapter 80
Bryant's povEven though I kept a straight face throughout the rest of the day, deep down inside I was troubled.Even though I was not expecting my wife to jump through the roof when I told her I wanted us to live alone. I wasn't expecting her to look like someone that had just gotten a blow straight to the gut.She quickly burnt the idea, until it was nothing more than ashes.I have not pressed on with that idea because she didn't seem comfortable about it and at the same time, as I looked at her going through her duties for the day, I was dying to ask why it seemed so unbelievable I wanted to live alone with my spouse.Before I had hoped that without the burden of our official positions in the office, we would be even closer to each other under the same roof, but it seemed as if as many people walked through that door we became nothing but strangers to each other.Even though I have not brought it up because she would go viciously out of her way to avoid me when we were under the sa
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