All Chapters of Marked by Moonlight: A Rejected Mate's Redemption: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
191 Chapters
Rey's eyes shot open, her heart racing as she heard Luna's urgent voice calling out to her. She sat up, a cold sweat clinging to her forehead, the remnants of a haunting nightmare still lingering in her mind."Luna... What is it?" Rey asked, her voice laced with a mix of fear and anticipation.Luna's eyes widened as she took in the distress on Rey's face. "Rey, I just overheard a conversation. The Lycans... they're coming. Deucalion and the others, they have plans to unleash chaos upon the realm."Rey's body tensed, her mind racing to process the gravity of Luna's words. The Lycans had always been a threat, but this sudden revelation filled her with a sense of impending doom."How do you know this, Luna? What did you hear?" Rey asked, her voice tinged with urgency.Luna took a deep breath, trying to calm herself as she recounted what she had overheard from Deucalion's conversation with the other Lycans. She relayed the information to Rey, the plans for destroying the mage alliance and
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Lucius paced back and forth in the dimly lit room, his mind consumed with worry. Camilla's message had arrived moments ago, bringing news of a violent confrontation that had erupted in the capital. The Alpha King's authority had been challenged, and chaos loomed over the once prosperous city."The Lycans are making their move again", Xavier said."This is no ordinary move, they are calling us out", Asher replied.With a heavy heart, Lucius realized that he needed to return to the capital immediately. The safety of his pack, as well as the delicate balance of power within the realm, depended on his presence and guidance. But as he contemplated his next move, a sense of unease washed over him.Rey was to remain in Silverwood. Lucius had grown to rely on her wisdom and leadership, and he knew she was more than capable of handling the responsibilities entrusted to her. Yet, leaving her side during such a turbulent time filled him with a mixture of concern and guilt although she had reques
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The capital had experienced a brief respite from the turmoil that had plagued it. The Crimson pack, along with the mage alliance and the loyal factions of the realm, worked tirelessly to restore order and rebuild what had been destroyed. For a few days, a semblance of calm settled over the city.Lucius, however, remained vigilant, knowing that the threat of the Lycans still loomed. He had grown accustomed to the tension that hung in the air, and his senses remained heightened. He could feel the underlying currents of unease, as if a storm was gathering just beyond the horizon.On the fourth night since their return to the capital, chaos erupted once again. The peace of the night shattered as the sound of battle echoed through the streets. Lucius, sensing the danger, swiftly gathered his pack and rushed towards the source of the commotion: the palace.As they arrived at the grand entrance of the palace, a scene of chaos unfolded before them. The palace guards fought desperately against
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As the day broke, the news of the attack and Lucius' role in repelling the assailants spread like wildfire. Lucius had become a hero but he remained troubled."You have been quiet all day", Asher said as he approached Lucius who was sitting alone and gazing into the winds. "I was wondering how the Lycans quickly move around the town", Lucius replied. "I figured out that they use the tunnels to move around""What will you do?", Asher asked."I am going to the tunnels myself", Lucius declared definitely. Deep within the abandoned tunnels beneath the capital, Lucius and Asher cautiously moved forward, their senses on high alert. The narrow passageways were cloaked in darkness, the air heavy with the scent of dampness and decay. They knew they were venturing into dangerous territory, where the Lycans had established their hidden routes and secret hideouts.As they pressed deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels, Lucius's keen senses detected the faint sound of footsteps echoing in the dista
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Rey and Seraphina walked along the pathway that led to the great oak.”Where are we going?”, Rey asked Curiously. She still had no idea why Seraphina had requested that she stayed behind while the rest of the pack left for the capital.”To the great Oak”, Seraphina replied.”What am I missing?, I am sure that I have been there before”, Rey said.”Of course you have. The Oak itself serves as a conduit for channeling nature’s energy and hence is the best place for me to teach you”, Seraphina replied.”Huh... Teach me what?”, Rey asked.”Something happened to you while you were on your way to the Temple. Something that none of you spoke of. Almost like you are trying to ignore the fact that it actually happened”,, Seraphina said as she turned and faced Rey.”I lost control, I got so angry but I am fine now. Haven’t lost my cool since then and I’m generally in control of my emotions”, Rey replied.”I see”, Seraphina said as she turned and kept walking.Rey wondered how Seraphina had found
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As Rey drifted deeper into unconsciousness, the world around her transformed into a whirlwind of fragmented images and sensations. Flashes of her past flickered before her eyes, fleeting memories that had been concealed deep within her subconscious.She saw herself as a child, laughing and playing with Luna in a sunlit meadow. The warmth of her mother's smile enveloped her, and Rey felt a surge of love and tenderness. Her heart ached with bittersweet nostalgia as the memory faded into darkness.Suddenly, Rey found herself in an ethereal room bathed in soft, golden light. At the center of the room stood her mother, Sonia, a radiant figure filled with love and grace. Luna lay peacefully asleep nearby, unaware of the mystical encounter taking place.Tears welled up in Rey's eyes as she realized the significance of this moment. Sonia's presence brought a mixture of emotions—joy, longing, and a profound sense of loss. She longed to reach out and embrace her mother, to feel her warmth once
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Rey opened drifted away from her memories as she slowly regained sensation and Awareness of the real world returned. She slowly drifted back into consciousness as her body came afloat on the river.”What did you see?”, Seraphina asked.”I saw my mother, she was speaking to before she begun the ritual and I saw the markings she used”, Rey replied.”That isn’t enough Rey”, Seraphina replied. “Think carefully, what else do you remember?””Nothing else”, Rey said as she tried to recall anything.”Think carefully Rey!, what else could did you miss?”, Seraphina said.Rey paused as she looked at her reflection on the water trying to recall. She begun having flashbacks as all the memories of everything swarmed into her mind.”What do you see now?”, Seraphina asked.”I see it all. I know how she sealed it off and I know how to unseal it”, Rey said.”Good job”, Seraphina commented.”But.., but, what is this? Mother was terrified of it and now that I think of it you seemed wary of this ‘alter eg
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Rey stood in the center of the small house nestled within the Great Oak, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Seraphina, her wise mentor, prepared the materials and markings needed for the ritual to unbind Rey's powers. The room was filled with an array of herbs, crystals, and intricate symbols.As Seraphina meticulously arranged the components, Rey couldn't help but feel a surge of uncertainty. The prospect of facing her alter ego, an angry and spiteful version of herself, loomed over her. It was a battle not only against external forces but also against her own inner demons."Are you ready, Rey?" Seraphina asked, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and determination.Rey took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts. "I am. I have to be," she replied, her voice laced with determination. "I can't let fear control me."Seraphina nodded approvingly. "Remember, this battle is not just about physical strength. It is a confrontation of the mind. Your alter
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Rey's heart sank as her alter ego's words penetrated her core. Despair wrapped its icy tendrils around her, choking her determination and sowing doubt within her mind. She struggled to comprehend the truth behind the alter ego's claims."What do you mean I've been in despair?" Rey asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of confusion and fear.The alter ego stepped forward, a twisted smile playing on its lips. "You hide it well, don't you, Rey? Behind your strength and resilience, there lies a deep well of despair. It has been eating away at you, whispering doubts and fears that you try so hard to ignore."Rey's mind raced, memories of moments when doubt had clouded her judgment and moments of overwhelming sadness flooded back. She had pushed those feelings aside, burying them deep within herself in her quest to protect others and maintain her image of strength."No," Rey whispered, tears welling in her eyes. "I can't accept that. I won't let despair define me."The alter ego chuckle
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“The alter ego faded away into darkness and what followed was a tranquility and silence that made Rey sigh in relief. She could tell that it wasn’t over but the moment of respite was more than enough for Rey to catch a much needed break. As she slowly begun to walk through the endless darkness, she begun to ask herself what the alter ego was up to.” are the harbinger of Destruction”, called out a voice from the distance. “All you are is all I am. All I am is destruction and that is my destiny. Our destiny and why we live”The later ego re emerged from the darkness but this time it looked different, it was nothing like Rey. It’s hair was pale white and so was its skin. It had deep black eyes that seemed to extend to a bottomless void.”What are you?”, Rey asked as she gazed upon the face of the figure before her. Her question was met with a distorted and prolonged laughter from the figure. Rey patiently waited for her response.”You still think that I am something else that
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