All Chapters of The King and the Golden Wolf: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
99 Chapters
Little fly
Unknown pov That dam witch keeps hiding Leonor , but I have my spies . They are in the Royal pack , the place is almost impossible for me to get into . The covens have the place bound tight with magical runes that alert the pack's security . I should have taken her the moment I located her at the fight . I was too curious why the Prince was interested in her. According to my little fly on the wall she is the Prince's fated mate . Well now , isn't that interesting ! I wonder what the price one would pay for their mate or should I say Queen . I think to myself as I sit in an inn, just a few miles from their borders . I heard from the little spie that the princess is also home . Two for one kinda deal , I chuckle to myself making a few in this cesspit drinking hole look at me . Pathetic, the lot of them I flash them a wanting look . Before I finish my drink. Yes i think to myself , yes she can't hide forever our little witch won't be able to cloak her if she's dead . I hate wolve
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Do not touch me !
Alpha Prince Orion pov I take a back seat as I allow Onix to shift . My wolf is over the moon that his mate is strong , some wolves can feel threatened or insulted . Not us , we are so happy. I have always believed that both male and females should be given the choice if they want to train . Unfortunately my mother and father are not of the same mind . That's why I fear for Fallon , I wish that she could defend herself . Lex had started to train her in private but my father was furious with him . My attention is brought back to the present as Jewel nips at Onix’s back legs playfully . She is magnificent , just as Leonor is . I know my mate will always be able to look after herself , she is a warrior pure and simple . I would be proud to have her by my side in any battle . I watched her bring down a man almost as big as I am , and even when he shifted she protected her wolf and did what needed to be done . Our wolves are running and playing. I feel all of my wolf's emotions , love
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My People
Leonor pov I walk into the office of my former Alpha and feel nothing but disgust and anger . Unlike the pack that is now in squalor , the people look dirty and hungry . The Alpha’s office is luxurious and well kept . I feel Orion behind me , he places a hand around my waist as he says ‘ Are you ok ? Do you need me to take over ?’ he asks through our link . I lean into him before taking the lead with a deep breath and shake my head . “ Sit please , Alpha Luna “ the old Alpha says to us . While his Luna stands behind him as he sits in his big chair . She keeps staring at me , It's not in a snarl , more like she wants to say something . I find myself cocking a brow at her . “ I am so sorry Luna Leonor , you look so much like your mother . “ I frown at her “ you knew my mum ?” The older Luna wells up with tears as she nods her head and walks around her mate towards me . I notice as the Alpha tries to grab her as she moves towards me . I see him retract his hand as Orion lets out a
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Future Queen
Alpha Prince Orion pov I won't lie watching my mate was a serious turn on , she is something else all together . I watch as the two warriors drag Leonor's father away . Something isn't sitting right with me , something the crazy old drunk said , Wait until the darkness finds you , he's coming for you . Thankfully Leonor had already left , I found myself deep in thought when Haggen appeared at my side with a load of paperwork . Pinching the bridge of my nose I asked him “ ok , how bad is it ?” When he doesn't answer straight away I open my eyes and look at him . I have known my beta my whole life , and never has he been lost for words . “ I have sent for reinforcements , It's much worse than you thought . I have also had all higher ranking wolves been taken to the holding cells “ i just nod waiting for him to continue , i can tell there is more . “ The young warrior Luna spoke to , He has come forward with other information “ he takes a deep breath and meets my eye for the first
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Leonor pov The journey back to the royal pack was quiet , Orion would check I was ok every now and then but overall he left me to my thoughts . I was grateful he never pushed me and just allowed me to process everything . I knew he could feel the turmoil of emotions , he would just send calm and love everytime they would start to overwhelm me . I knew Lil felt bad. I just didn't have the energy to convince her I didn't blame her . I was trying so hard to keep my aura in check so as not to hurt any of them . We had just crossed the border when I turned to Orion . “ I want to talk with Samantha , Can she and Jess be brought to the castle please? '' he just nods and kisses my forehead “ Of course my love I will link to have them on the floor below us . The doctor will meet us there and the maids will have her room ready .” I snuggle into him and thank him . I feel exhausted all of a sudden and my body feels heavy , the stress of today has finally caught up with me . I must have no
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Alpha Prince Orion pov It’s been a month since we were at the midnight pack , the crimes against the pack members are endless . The higher ranking members have been kept in the royal prison until the investigation has been completed . Most of the females we found in the building behind the packhouse have been temporarily housed in the royal pack . The timing of all this couldn't have come at a more stressful time with the missing teens still missing . The only upside is there has been no new kidnapping in the past six weeks . We know that all missing teens are still alive as their pack links to their Alpha and parents have not snapped yet so keeps hopes high . We are still looking but at the moment with everything else going on our resources are stretched to the limits . Haggen and Lilith have been holding stuff together over at the midnight pack , sorting out their books and making sure that the repairs to the pack are underway and hopefully the people can start to heal from the
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Strange encounters
Alpha Prince Orion pov My father looks pale. I see him wince from time to time . My mother sits by his side and holds his hand on top of the table . I see the guilt in my fathers eyes , he can't look at Leonor . He refuses Fallon's offer to use her powers to help , he looks so frail the light from his eyes is starting to dull . I watch as he waves his hand at my sister and tells her to stop fussing and enjoy her dinner . Leonor is sitting next to me , I can feel she is nervous through our bond . Mum turns to my mate “ Leonor , I have heard wonderful things about you from all who have met you . And I must say you are stunningly beautiful . Not to forget the most important thing , you are a warrior and a leader “ my mother lifts her glass and toasts to the next queen , may she continue as she's started . I can't quite understand but there was something underlying in her toast , and i don't like it . Onix is growling in my head and he has never done that towards my mother before .
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Girls night
Leonor pov It has been almost two months since Orion and I met , I have been in his pack for almost seven weeks . I started to train with the elite , that's what would normally be known as the kings guard . There are two other females training with the elite apart from me . Fallon and Lil have started training much to Lil’s disgust , Fallon however seems to be loving it and her confidence is really starting to grow . The coronation and my Luna ceremony is booked for three days time , things have been quiet and although there have been no more abductions there has still been non stop searches for the missing teens . They are still considered missing as their link to their packs have never been felt to have broken . Don't get me wrong, not everyone has been so welcoming , as expected you have the bitchy gang like that girl Hallie . I try my hardest to steer clear of them not as I am worried but more so I don't do something that would make me look bad in the eyes of Orion's people
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Cicero pov Looking down at the whore who is sucking my dick I feel nothing but disgust . Hearing that Leonor has marked that stupid boy wolf Orion , making her my female, I have now turned to taking her and little princess Fallon and keeping them for myself . Having toys and ruining the royal pack would still be fun . Getting fed up with this whore I bat her away with my hands telling her to leave , as the doors shut i get up and pour myself another drink . After I drink the gold liquid down in one I feel so frustrated I throw the glass at the wall above the fire . Since watching Leonor fight i can't seem to enjoy any of my whores , she was just mesmerising and the way she could take down men twice her size . I won't lie, I want to see her wolf actually scrap that I need to see her . The blood lust I could see in her gold eyes called to the darkness when I released it , they would be drawn to her once she was locked onto her target . She was embracing the darkness , I watched
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My Luna
Alpha prince Orion pov Something felt off , almost like the calm before the storm . The teens were still alive but still missing , no more had been taken . Fallon had been strange lately , distant almost . Something was bothering her but knowing my sister she would tell me when she was ready so i didn't push the point with her . Haggen and Red were due back tonight; they had been to Red’s coven to visit her grandma . My mother was still acting off but I just refused to allow Leonor to be left on her own with her . At times I was starting to feel like everything was getting too much for me , I can't remember the last time I felt relaxed . There was so much going on and threats coming from every angle . My mother won't leave my fathers side. My sister keeps trying to get him on his own . If anything was truly up with our mother he would know . The truth is we can't sense her wolf , Onix has tried on more than one occasion . There is a soft knock on my office door drawing me from
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