บททั้งหมดของ The King and the Golden Wolf: บทที่ 31 - บทที่ 40
A Convoy of cars
Alpha Prince Orion Watching my mate arrive in the main dining hall , my heart swells with love and pride. She is just stunning and oh goddess she's sexy . “ For goddess sake Orion , you know your slavering, '' Lex says as he snickers while he rips into a bit of bread . I shoot him a look basically telling him to shut up , he just shakes his head but stands as the women get to the table . Watching Lex pull out Fallon's chair and give her a warm smile , I turn to hold the chair out when I notice my mate and Red exchange a look then look back at Lex and Fallon . Something is up. I link Haggen and ask if he saw the exchange between them. If he knows what's going on he just looks at me and shrugs at me . There is definitely something that all the females seem to know . “ Orion , baby we are going to head into the city tomorrow to look for something for the coronation and Luna ceremony “ Leonor says as she starts eating . I find my wolf growling so I put my fork down and pinch the br
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Little wolf
Leonor pov I knew I was being unreasonable but I had looked after myself for a long time now . Lil kept asking if something was wrong as I was quiet and Fallon looked like she was lost in her own thoughts . Maybe this trip was silly with the possibility of a threat to both Fallon and I , but I just needed time to think, time to breathe . The royal pack is beautiful and has everything you might need but the neutral city has been my home , my comfort and safe place . I miss old Sam and Murren , things were just going too fast . Crossing the border I felt it the shield that protected the pack , Lil had a frown on her face and Fallon was looking at me . The moment the shield was gone I felt it , it was just faint but I knew he was watching . But the truth was i was fucking sick of this shit and was ready for it to be over . I have repeatedly offered to use me as bait to draw the fucker out , but of course everyone thought that was a wrong idea . The thing was I felt no threat from
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Lilith pov My heart is sinking as I try to keep the shield up over us but they are strong . I know my best friend and I know she will not run or put others in danger . I am chanting as fast as I can but I can feel my magic draining my life source . As soon as Len steps out I stop. Fallon hands me a wet wipe from her bag . “ Your nose and eyes are bleeding , are you ok?” I smile my thanks and clean my face . I feel weak at this point and need to think on the spot. As I look at Fallon she is struggling to deal with it. Her normal golden skin looks pale and her hands are shaking . “ Fallon , he will take you both . I need a small amount of your blood so i can track you so we can always know where to find you ok “ she nods then asks about Len . letting her know i already have Len’s she allows me to take it . I can hear Len trying to keep Fallon out of it and I smile , she really is born to be a queen . Looking at my only other friend I pray to the moon goddess and my goddess to keep t
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Dark Barbie
Leonor pov As much as she is trying, Fallon is shaking like crazy , I keep trying to reassure her . Stepping through the portal , we were greeted with a stunning blonde who looked like she was chewing a wasp . As soon as the dark lord steps through behind me the portal shuts . “ Now , Ladies i assume you both would prefer a nice comfy room rather than the dungeon ? “ I find myself just staring at him , with a are you fucking serious look on my face . Looking away from him, I decide to ignore him and take my surroundings in . We are in what looks like some sort of receiving room , decorated in rich colours with gold fittings . The furniture was dark wood with a shiny finish , oh and the dark snarling barbie . Who looks even more sinister standing in front of the large open fire . Fallon steps closer when the dark barbie steps up in front of us , I honestly have no idea why she thinks i would back down or care more to the point . The fact she towers over me , obviously thinks i
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Fun with Reec
Leonor pov Waking up the next day , my heart was heavy. I missed Orion and Jewel was pining for Onix . Fallon was still clearly terrified and could not understand how I wasn't . I had spent the first hour of the day pacing in the room , my plan was clear: divide and conquer . I don't think it should be too hard with a serious pist off dark barbie with jealousy issues . No one and I mean no one can think straight when it is coming from an emotional place . I am still pacing when Fallon comes out of the bathroom with a frown on her face it stops me in my tracks . “ Fal , you ok?” she looks up at me as though I had interrupted her . “ Len , can you feel your wolf ? I can't feel Mist . At first I thought she was in a huff , she can be like that “ she says with a small shy smile . ‘ Jewel , can you sense Mist ?’ I decided if there was anything she could tell us . ‘ Len , she seems to be there but in a deep forced sleep ‘ i find myself confused ‘ How are you still awake ? " I ask he
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Cicero pov I won't lie , I was taken aback by Leonor's statement about her childhood . Even Reec stiffened at her statement , I knew that the stupid old wolf had been doing something underhand but beating his child . I could feel the darkness rage with anger at the mention of her being hurt . I know they are drawn to her , I've seen it, at the fights . She embraces the darkness , letting them cloak her using their strength and speed . I don't even think she knows , I saw them accept her . I watched as she allowed them in , they lapped at her golden skin . It just made me realise the prophecy was correct , both dark and light are drawn to her . She enjoyed the feeling they gave her , she marveled at their presence . I could see the way they were drawn to her as she was to them . The darkness has been with me my entire life all the three hundred years . My constant companion , they gave me strength when I needed it . I had never seen them be drawn to anyone except her , they woul
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Blood magic
Alpha Prince Orion pov As the minutes tick by my patience is starting to run out . I am currently pacing back and forth as I listen to the five witches chat about their plan of attack . Lex is sitting in the corner chewing on his thumb nail , I know he hasn't slept since they were taken . He's never left this room , neither have I . Haggens running the pack while we have a breakdown , Red is dishing out orders to the witches . I won't lie , I had no idea she was as strong as she was . Red’s grandma has taken a step back allowing her to run what's happening , her love for my mate driving the determination . I am so lost in my own thoughts pacing , I almost bang into Red , “ Hey , look don't take this wrong but you need to rain in your aura , It's getting quite hard to concentrate with it growing .” I let her words sink in . “ Sorry Red , I need her home . It's taking me everything to stop Onix from shifting and causing havoc .” “ When was the last time you had food or sleep? She
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Truth or treason
Alpha Prince Orion pov Standing around the table was Red and four other witches , Haggen , myself and a seriously confused Lex . Watching Red take charge of the situation , I knew she was the reason that my mate is still alive . Looking down at the map , I just want her home. I know she can take care of herself but this is far bigger than us . In the past hour there have been three more reported teens missing . I keep thinking coincidence , but something isn't right , why now ? . It’s almost as if they know we are close to finding them , do they know ? . I almost didn't hear Red as one of the guards was mind-linking about two more . Five in the past two hours , what the fuck is going on . Red touched my arm drawing my attention back to the people in the room . “Sorry , what were you saying ?” Everyone looked at me with concern . “ There have been five missing teens in the past two hours .” Haggen looks at his mate “ Lil , is there any chance someone knows we are looking . You know
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Mix of emotions
Leonor pov I feel off , I know I'm not feeling myself . The longer we are here the more I can feel the darkness taking hold of the deepest parts of my soul . Orion is the only thing keeping my self control in place , but for how long I don't know . The dark dick has left us in this room for goddess knows how long now . Fallon is struggling , I need to be strong for her sake . Reec hasn't been near for that I am grateful , even if it would give me some entertainment . Even Jewel has been quiet , I know she is trying to save our energy to keep the darkness from taking total hold . My brain won't shut off and the negative thoughts keep coming . Why hasn't Orion and Lil not found us ? . I know she has the power to find us , the question is does she even want us back? Are they bothered ????? The darkness grows from the negative thoughts . Jewel growls in my head as she feels them slither around me like a warm cloak , wrapping me up and soothing my soul . Fallon has been quiet for t
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Hard confession
Prince Alpha Orion pov I could feel the tension in the room as my mother sat ringing her hands in her lap . I needed to find out what was going on with my mother , what happened to her wolf . Onix was pacing in my head giving me a headache . I give everyone one last glance before I take a deep breath and decide the best thing was to get this over with “ Mother , I know your wolf is not prescient . Can you please tell me why ?” My heart is hammering out my chest , as I wait for an answer . My father leans over and takes my mothers trembling hand in his frail one . She looks up at him with tears in her eyes . “ I had no choice , He has taken her as punishment .” She says in a soft voice that's not much louder than a whisper , I am a bit confused and encourage her to continue . “ I first met Cicero when I was a child . Then I watched him drain my mother , while holding Fallon's hand .” A sob ripped through her as she remembered , I just stayed silent allowing her to speak her trut
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