All Chapters of Vampire's Call: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
Episode 81
*Lily's POV*I saw Audrey marching to Tyler after the burst of magic she just released. That was the only way I could define what she did now. Magic. Very dark magic.I ran to her and pushed her off the way, both of us landing beside one another."Bitch!" She gnarled at me and dragged me by the hair up, "I'll kill both of you now!"She wrapped her hand around my neck and long nails started growing out of hers, each digging into my neck as she carried me up slowly. I don't know where she got this strength from but it was frightening. Her eyes dripped with rage."Audrey!" Leo's voice sounded."I don't fucking care about your command! She'll die here, right now!" Audrey shouted back without looking at him.Tyler wanted to stand up again but one swoosh of her hand and he was blown back again. I could hear Theo darting towards us but Audrey blew the ball of energy to his gut again. I had not even seen Sonia in a while.My airflow was slowly getting cut off as I garbled in her grasp.She sm
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Episode 82
It was already morning. Sarah told me how I had passed out in the car and Tyler carried me down to my room. I felt my arms and legs, trying to relive his touch on my skin but stopped when I felt how wrong it was."What of Aunt Belinda?" I said with my morning voice."She's in the health centre.""I thought she'd insist on staying in her cottage…" "Well, she did, but your dad insisted she stayed here since we all had to stick together during these times.""What about Theo?"She blushed, "He only sustained some bruises. He's fine." She shifted closer to me, "Enough of others. How are you feeling?""I can't say…" I shook my head and held my hands together."I didn't want to disturb you this morning but it looked like you were having a bad dream. Would you tell me what it was about?" She said worriedly.I remembered what I saw. Audrey, dead bodies, the journal, fire…I closed my eyes tightly and held my hands tighter."Lily…" Sarah said worriedly and held my hand."No, it's nothing…just
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Episode 83
It was a solemn gathering. Tyler stood before the elders whilst I sat beside my father. He looked nervous to start but when he glanced at me and I nodded at him, he smiled briefly then cleared his throat.His words were heavy with disappointment and a sense of betrayal as he recounted the events that had unfolded while we were trying to rescue Aunt Belinda, exposing Audrey's treachery and her attempt to undermine our pack by her alliance with the enemy's leader.I could hear when Tyler said, "Henry, your suspicions were right all along."Finally, Audrey's true intentions and the extent of her betrayal was being exposed though I wish she was here to see this. The room fell into a heavy silence and it brimmed with shock and anger. The elders exchanged worried glances, realizing the magnitude of the situation.Henry's expression hardened as he listened, his voice cutting through the tense silence. "Audrey's actions have shown a complete disregard for our pack and its values. She will fac
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Episode 84
As the days passed, Audrey's betrayal and the constant chase to find her took a toll on me. But we couldn't rest or feel tired. We had to keep going, knowing every second mattered in finding Audrey and killing the Leo who she was now partnering with.In the midst of the everything that was going on, I found comfort in being with my mom. She reminded me of the love and courage that I have and she always supported me. Even though her health worsened, she stayed strong, not letting the difficulties break her spirit.One afternoon, as the sun dipped below the horizon, I sat by my mom's side, holding her frail hand in mine. Her once vibrant eyes now held a weariness that pained my heart. "How are you feeling, Mom?" I asked softly, hoping to offer some comfort.She smiled weakly, the lines on her face deepening with the gesture. "I'm hanging in there, sweetheart," she replied, her voice tinged with fatigue. "It's just been a long journey."I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. I wante
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Episode 85
As the days stretched on, the weight of my mom's illness felt like an ever-present shadow hanging over me. I tried to stay strong and hopeful, but deep down, the fear of losing her ate my heart. Tyler, trying to be the supportive friend he wasn't, tried to comfort me, assuring me that my mom would pull through and be eager to talk to me once she recovered. But the weight of my emotions made it difficult for me to see beyond my own fears."I know it's hard, Lily," Tyler said gently, his eyes filled with empathy. "But your mom is a fighter. She's going to make it through this."I nodded, trying to take comfort in his words. "I hope so," I murmured, my voice filled with uncertainty. "I just can't help but worry."Tyler reached out and gently squeezed my hand which I withdrew to my chest. He saw this and took back his hand. "I understand, but you need to have faith in her strength and in the love she has for you," he said. "She's not going to give up, and neither should you."Despite his
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Episode 86
The day finally came when my dad decided it was time to reveal the long-held secret of the journal to me, not like I didn't know most of it anyway. I knew I had to pretend again to be oblivious, but not because I didn't want him to know I knew ahead of him but because I wanted to see if he had other things to reveal to me that I knew nothing about.We sat in his study, the room filled with an air of anticipation and my nervousness. I could tell this was not an easy decision for him considering the recent weeks of my mom's deteriorating health, but I was grateful that he trusted me enough to share this secret. The reason why he chose now to do so, I didn't know. I really didn't know."I hope you've been well, Lily?" He said whilst looking in my eyes. I could tell he hadn't slept for days."Have you, dad?" I said and he looked away. His eyes shook and he wiped a tear from one. He pulled himself together and then held my hands, "I called you here to tell you about some…things." He purse
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Episode 87
" did you…""I had known even before your birth, my child. I believe your aunt has already explained to you how our father didn't want the great duty to fall on any of his children's shoulders so he prayed to the moon goddess about it but she ended up passing it on to you. This is why I have always told you you are special child, Lily. You can't even imagine how great your destiny is." For the first time, my father spoke to me in a way I had never heard before, with so much pride and trepidation.He didn't know I was the chosen one yet but he was.well aware that I am a Guardian, which is still sick. I felt my heart flutter.It was a thing of pride knowing you were born and chosen as one of the guardians. But it also was an immense responsibility, one that I wasn't still sure I was ready for. But deep down, I knew that I couldn't turn my back on this duty. The fate of our pack and the supernatural world rested in our hands."Lily, there's more." My dad's voice cut my thoughts off
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Episode 88
With my mom's health still on a stagnant mode, Sarah helped me settle into a more stable rhythm even though I was a walking wreck. I can't believe the fate of the realm is now resting in my hands. I laugh.Sarah and I took turns caring for Aunt Belinda, who was still recovering from her ordeal with Audrey. As we tended to her, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Sarah's presence. She had become like a sister to me, and her strength and unwavering support were a constant source of comfort.One evening, as Sarah and I sat by Aunt Belinda's side, I decided to share with her what my father had told me about the ring of Lythian. I knew I could trust her with this secret, and together, we could plan our next steps. But I wouldn't share everything obviously."Sarah," I began, "there's something I need to tell you. My father told me about the ring of Lythian."Sarah looked at me with curiosity and concern. "What did he say?""He said that the ring has immense power like we already know," I
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Episode 89
Audrey threw her hand away from Leo's grasp making him sharply turn to face her with a grimace on his face, "I knew you had a temper but not this foul. What were you thinking? Why would you want to kill him now?""Why shouldn't I?!" Her eyes blared, "You should've let me end his pathetic life once and for all. The sight of his face makes me think things that I don't want to…""Is he the reason why you came to join my side? He is the one?" He said almost looking pathetically at her. Audrey felt it and spat back at him, "No! He isn't the reason why I came over here, but he has caused me a lot of hurt and I want to make him also feel more of that hurt. I want to watch him suffer and beg when I take his life away from him."He stared at her, amused, "Really? He has hurt you a lot…"After Leo stated the obvious, Audrey rolled her eyes and threw her hands beside her.Leo continued to watch her, "But how could you have killed him when you couldn't even think when he stood in front of you?"
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Episode 90
She was already used to this life. Her life. Her decision. Her choice.Fuck Leo. She thought she needed him which was wrong in her head now since she was well aware she was more powerful than him and to make herself believe she needed anyone was a recipe for disaster.She started to see him differently than his useless persona he'd always seen him as but he was another reason why she would hate men for all her eternity.He wanted Lily more than he wanted her.She shouted into the air and echoes of her own voice welcomed her into the forest she'd been navigating for the past 5 hours. Why did she always have to be competing with Lily in one way or the other all through her life? Why was that bitch the bane of her existence? She just wanted to be rid of her once and for all.She knew where she was off to. Her destination - the Pivoc Cave of the Black Healers. The more power she garnered, the more unstoppable she'd be and then she'd truly and in fact not need anyone.As the sun dipped bel
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