All Chapters of Vampire's Call: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
Episode 61
*Lily's POV*I sat across from my dad, feeling excited and nervous. He held his journal tightly, looking serious and worried. I always felt like he was never going to tell me about that journal but now, the feeling was different. He was finally going to tell me the truth."Father," I said, surprised by his words. "Your journal was stolen? Why would someone want it?"He paused, taking a deep breath before explaining. "Lily, I kept that journal because it has information about our family's special heritage.""What heritage, Father?"He prolonged each response he gave me, "We come from a long line of protectors, chosen to fight against the darkness in the world."I pretended to widen my eyes in shock by what he revealed. It wasn't only me this time - Our entire family had a special purpose? It's like every day, a new prophecy comes in to broaden and further complicate the big picture. It was hard to take in all at once."But why would someone steal it, Dad? Who wants to know about our fa
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Episode 62
*Lily's POV*I had been running for almost 39 minutes and I didn't know particularly why I was running. I was just super anxious to see Sarah. A maid told me she had gone to visit Aunt Belinda and hadn't return since then so I had better let her know I was back.My heart raced as I arrived at Aunt Belinda's all too familiar cottage. I felt a strong apprehension that I would get something more from this visit. I noticed a bike parked by her herbal garden. It wasn't there the last time I visited with Sarah.I knocked on the door, feeling anxious inside, and it opened to reveal Aunt Belinda. Aunt Belinda's jaw dropped as she set my eyes on me, "Lily…Lily, my dear…"She grabbed me into a tight embrace and almost choked me with her love, "Aunt Belinda…you're.. choking…m…"When she let me go, her eyes were already filled with tears, "Oh Lily…you're alright. I was so darn worried!" She squeezed my cheeks and I held her hands away."Aunt, I'm not 5 anymore...and of course I'm fine. Why were y
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Episode 63
As Audrey was being pushed by the vampires to the dark room, her heart raced and she struggled to calm her nerves. She knew why she came here and she knew what she came to do. She wandered how this vampire lord would look like and how well she'd trap him within her finger tips. The atmosphere was tense as she stood in front of Leo, taking his full composure in. He was considerably handsome for a vampire and Leo thought the same; she was rather sexy for a werewolf. They stared at each other intensely, their eyes showing both interest and doubt simultaneously.Leo, raising an eyebrow, said, "Well, well, what could a sexy wolf like you be doing wandering around the boundary of our territory?"Audrey held her chin high even though her hands were binded behind her back, "Not what you are thinking it is. I came alone."Eyeing her more, he walked closer to her and then around her, "That's exactly what a spy would say, isn't it boys?"The vampires laughed aloud and Audrey sneered at them, wan
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Episode 64
*Theo's POV*As Sarah and I walked through the thick forest, our steps hastened by the second. The air grew thick with mystery and danger and an ominous presence hung over the ancient trees. Shadows danced among the twisted branches, whispering secrets that sent a chill through my bones. The forest was a labyrinth of towering trees, their gnarled roots snaking through the dark undergrowth. We were aware that mysterious creatures lurked in the shadows, their eyes gleaming with untamed wildness and ready to pounce on us if we make the mistake of wanting to rest for a night. This is why we've been awake and walking for 4 days straight.Each step felt like a daring venture into the unknown, still a vibrant curiosity drove me forward. This Forbidden Forest held secrets, waiting to be unraveled, and I was determined to uncover them, but most importantly, we had to find the ring."Theo, your leg!" Sarah's voice alerted me to a plant root on the ground a step from where I was which opened i
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Episode 65
I already made a campfire and we sat on opposite rocks. I then helped made a bed to sleep on which she went to lay on. I stared at her. I would never know what goes on in her head. She turned to the other side and our eyes met. I quickly faced the fire. I glanced at her again and she was still looking.So, I asked, "Can't sleep?""How could you tell?" She said sarcastically and got up then walked to sit opposite me, my eyes still on her. I saw she felt cold so I offered her my blanket and jacket to keep warm.She smiled softly, "Gentleman enough?"I rolled my eyes and smiled back."Thank you."I nodded. She continued staring into the fire whilst I couldn't take my eyes off her. She noticed and met my eyes, "Why have you been staring at me like that?""Like how?""Like now?..."I shook my head slightly and smiled to myself, "Well, I didn't realise how beautiful you looked until…"Then I stopped when I saw her facial expression change."No, I don't meant it that way. Well, I do but…" a
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Episode 66
*Lily's POV*I had been in the mercy of this forest for about a day and I was already drained. The spooky quiet wrapped around me, and all my sense of security left me. Even using a motorcycle to navigate my way in these bushes were the least of my assurances that I'd make it in time to help retrieve the ring. The thick trees blocked the sunlight, making everything look gloomy. The air smelled earthy and rotten, reminding me of the secrets hidden in this old place our mothers always sung to us about. It was actually true.My senses were on high alert and fear and determination mixed inside me. Every sound, like leaves rustling or an owl hooting far away, made my heart race, but I kept going. Alone…. I wished I had went with someone. I wished I was with Adrian. The thought of him always made me feel sad and hopeful at the same time.The darkness that csme with the night seemed to whisper, warning me about the dangers hiding in the shadows. I had continued to search for Sarah and Theo,
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Episode 67
*Lily's POV* That night, when we made camp, I watched Sarah and Theo talk and laugh together. They had inside jokes and shared looks that made me feel a little left out. I used to be really close with Sarah, I mea she is my best friend, but now it seemed like she found more comfort and connection with Theo. They understood each other in a way that I didn't understand. I wanted to be happy for them, but part of me felt jealous and left behind.It was very hard to scale through that night. As I lay under the stars, I couldn't stop thinking about Adrian. I missed him so much. His absence felt like a big hole in my heart. I couldn't forget the image of him hurt and weak. It made me even more anxious to find a way to save him. I had promised to and I would.But while I longed for Adrian, I also felt the space growing between Sarah and me. It felt like something was keeping us apart. I missed the times when we laughed and shared everything. I wondered if we could ever go back to that, if I
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Episode 68
The training camp was very busy that afternoon. Tyler just finished addressing the army and sent out a battalion for a mission to recover the stolen loot the vampires took during their recent attack on the pack. He gathered the inable ones and assigned them tasks within the pack, making sure everyone was involved in rebuilding the home and preparing for the war.Tyler, now the commanding general of the werewolf army and pseudo-Alpha of the BlueMoon pack constantly felt the weight of responsibility in his heart, but he was determined to keep his pack safe and overcome the threat from the vampires ahead. As he got ready to leave to meet with the elders, he saw Henry coming towards him with a serious look on his face."Tyler," Henry called out, his voice hinting concern. "I need to speak with you. It's about…Audrey."Tyler furrowed his brow, feeling confused and a little bit alarmed. He wasn't still quite over what Audrey did to him. He had trusted and cared for her, only for him to dis
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Episode 69
Audrey was led into the room by some vampires who rough handled her. She swore under her breath she'd kill every single of them once she had dominion in the clan.Leo's voice beckoned her to kneel before him. The room was relatively dark but she could trace out his red eyes and gaunt composure sitting on the chair beside the bed.She obliged reluctantly, the chains around her throat, ankles and wrists scarring her skin even more. She seethed between her teeth but kept silent.Leo's curious laugh filled the room, "Are you going to keep pretending that you can't break away from those things? We can't come to a final deal if you're tied up like that."Audrey wandered as to how Leo was gradually getting into her head. She had to maintain her composure and not let the pain from the chains break her resolve. He shouldn't creep in.She cried out with a faltering voice, "Why would I fake my patheticness when I know you can kill me at any given moment? Even if I break free from these chains, y
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Episode 70
Already guessing what he wanted her to do, she did so. For someone inexperienced, she seemed to know what she was doing.Leo smiled dominantly as he gazed down at his "pet". As he carefully zipped down his pants and his length bulged out, Adrian swallowed hard. His thing seemed to be.. glowing, glowing! Was she really putting that shit in her mouth? "Should I keep on giving you commands before you understand what to do?" He said, a little bit annoyed.She swallowed all her pride and self respect and held it in her hands, weighing and examining it. When she finally got past that mental block, she took his tip into her mouth which made him softly moan. She used her tongue to tease around his shell and used her fingers to rub on it."Take it in." He held onto her hair and she slowly went in, his length disappearing into her mouth. Leo squeezed her hair tighter as she started to garble his thingy, in and out. She used her saliva to lubricate her movement and Leo's groan grew louder."Shi
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