All Chapters of The CEO's Daughter: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
116 Chapters
"What's going on?" I moved a bit further away, releasing myself from his grip.I sat on the bed, and he followed suit, looking concerned.I had to stifle my laughter. Maybe I was being a bit mean by making him worry that he had done something wrong when I was just playing with him, but seeing his face was quite amusing.Ethan nodded impatiently. I had to run my hands over my face to hide the smile that threatened to ruin my act."This is what's happening," I tilted my head back to show him the red mark on my neck, as if it were a serious injury and I were dying from it.I didn't take my eyes off his face, which went from worried and impatient to one that seemed annoyed and couldn't believe he fell for my prank. I started laughing and leaned over him, kissing his lips.Ethan fell back on the bed, holding onto my waist."You tricked me this time," he tried to appear upset, but a smile escaped his lips."You owed me for the cockroach," I said seriously, trying to exaggerate my expression
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The remaining days at the beach passed by extremely quickly. I had so much fun with the people at that house that I lost track of time.We did many things, like having a great beachside meal, making a big bonfire, and sitting around telling scary stories at night. A couple of times, Ethan and Iván joined forces to scare each of us, and of course, both received punches from us in return.We swam in the sea, had water and sand wars, and got to the point where we were all covered in sand.We also ventured to one of the nearby mountains, where we had a fantastic view of the sea, the beach, and even the house.I felt my muscles tense a bit when my friends commented that from up there, you could see the entire pool area, and anyone could have seen something. But we continued exploring the place, even encountering a snake at one point, which made all of us run downhill in fright. We also found a waterfall in the middle of a small forest and had a wonderful day there.As for Ethan and me, we
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I remained silent and realized I hadn't heard from my dad since I'd gone to the beach. It had been a week, and I hadn't heard anything from him. I felt guilty for acting like a bad daughter by not calling my father, who was probably waiting for my call every day."No, I haven't heard from him since we came to the beach," I admitted quietly.Ethan audibly sighed and didn't say anything more. I found his question about my father quite strange, and I couldn't help but wonder why he would ask that.I decided to dismiss it for now as Ethan bobbed his head to the music, seemingly absorbed in it and the road.I was dying inside when I realized which song was playing. It was my favorite song, well, one of my many favorites, but this one was definitely high on my list.I clenched my fists to resist the urge to sing, but I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back. I took a deep breath and turned up the volume so my voice would blend in with the singer's.I loved that song. Before starting the next
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After that brief conversation, Ethan and I didn't talk much.I went to take a shower, put on different clothes suitable for the city, and dressed presentably since I would be meeting someone. I imagined it might be his brother, as he had mentioned him a few days earlier.As we drove in his car, he remained silent, focused on the road, while I looked out the window at the buildings, people, and stores. I realized that I only knew the other side of the city, and this part was unfamiliar to me. I was about to ask Ethan where we were going when a sign indicating we were in the south of the city answered my question.After about 10 more minutes, I noticed that we were entering a residential area with moderately sized houses, similar to Isabella's residences but a bit more humble.Ethan parked in front of one of the houses and looked at me intensely."What's going on?" I asked, feeling nervous about his gaze."Are you ready?""Who am I going to meet?" I asked, still nervous.Ethan smiled at
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"I'm sorry, I had no idea," I admitted with embarrassment, gripping the edge of my dress.I felt Esther's warm hand on mine. I wasn't sure when she had come so close that our hands could touch."Don't worry, dear. You just need to be patient with him. He's never spent this much time with a girl," she spoke to me with a maternal air that reminded me of my mother."How does she know...?""He tells me almost everything, sweetie. Besides, I'm his mother, I know him," Esther smiled and glanced in the direction where Ethan had gone.I turned and saw him coming with a tray carrying three cups of coffee."Here you go," Ethan said as soon as he arrived."Thank you, dear, you're very considerate," he smiled at his mother and then sat down beside her.Ethan's mother was in between the two of us."What were you talking about?""I was telling Minerva that it would be lovely if you went to buy some desserts for tonight because I'm making a delicious dinner," Esther smiled, winking very discreetly.
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Ethan's POVI felt nervous, the first time I ever felt nervous in front of someone older than me.It's not that I was disrespectful; it's just that this person exuded so much confidence and self-control over my emotions. But seeing Minerva's father now, after everything that has happened between us, is intimidating.He was looking at me, maybe because he knew she wouldn't respond. How could I tell him that his daughter and I like each other?I had made a deal not to get emotionally involved with his daughter, but that was before I realized how perfect she was for me. It's not my fault, and besides, his daughter is beautiful. It seems strange that she went 8 months without even a suitor."That you needed to talk to me alone," I said seriously.Minerva looked at me strangely and shook her head several times. I couldn't discuss this situation with her present.She would probably send me to hell or something like that, that's for sure."Oh, right. Daughter, could you leave us alone for a
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I opened my eyes suddenly, looked around, and realized that my room was bathed in sunlight. Somehow, I had fallen asleep, who knows at what hour. My eyes hurt, and my whole body begged me to stay still in bed all day without doing anything.It had been over three weeks since I had last seen or spoken to Ethan.I called him many times, but he never responded.Was I worried? I had stopped worrying about it last week. Did I assume he had chosen his job over me? Yes, I had assumed that a while ago.My days passed quickly; I distracted myself with my friends or my father. I was still on vacation, so I always looked for activities to do. Only two weeks left until classes resumed, so reading about what I would study that year was a great distraction.I was still hurt and very angry. My friends noticed a change in my behavior, and whenever they could, they asked me about Ethan.I had told them part of what had happened, and although they thought there was something strange about it all, I saw
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I looked away, distancing myself a bit from him, hoping he would understand that it was an uncomfortable topic for me to address.Of course, he didn't get it.He insisted, and I had to explain, very subtly, that we were no longer together and that he had practically vanished from my life as suddenly as he had entered it.Tony's attitude suddenly changed, and he became a bit more affectionate. I felt good because it had been a while since I had received that kind of attention.I spent a few hours with Ricardo in the park, sitting on the grass and talking about many things, from the long hair I was now wearing to what we would do if we were on the moon.I checked my watch and realized I was running late to meet Daniel."I'm so sorry, Tony," I interrupted."What's wrong?" he suddenly looked at me."I have a commitment; time has flown by," I got up from the ground, dusting off my clothes.Tony did the same."It's okay, don't worry. Will we see each other another day?" he asked with intere
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"That's what you think? If it were really like that, he wouldn't have left me the way he did!" I was trying my best not to raise my voice too much because I knew we were in a public place, but hearing him say those things was making my blood boil completely.Daniel sighed, growing impatient."Fine, don't do it for him, then. Do it for me and my mother. Forget he's my brother..." he looked at me seriously."As if it were that easy," I interrupted."It's impolite to interrupt people while they're speaking," he gave me a stern look.How the hell did he expect me to forget the fact that they were family when they spoke almost identically?"I'm sorry," I said reluctantly."Go as if you were a social worker, telling him he needs to be there for his family and that he's doing wrong by leaving us.""I'd be meddling in a family matter.""No, you wouldn't, because the problem is related to you, so you're practically getting to the heart of the issue, talking to him, and everything's solved!" h
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We had arrived at the club, and the music was deafening, with bass that resonated in my stomach.We had been at the party for about two hours. If I were a party person, I would say the show was great, but I didn't feel that way.I had danced a couple of songs with my friends, and, of course, several men had approached me to dance, but I trusted very few of them enough to let my body move with theirs.Whenever they played songs I liked, like they did just now with Daft Punk's "One More Time," I got all excited and danced with everyone I encountered. The music intoxicated me, making me want to dance, and I didn't care if they pressed their bodies against mine. I was having a relatively good time.I was having fun, but it wasn't the same sense of enjoyment as being at home with a pijama party and the 15 cats I would soon be living with.A while ago, my friends had disappeared into the crowd.I had sat at the bar to get some fresh air because my feet were killing me. I ordered a glass of
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