The CEO's Daughter의 모든 챕터: 챕터 51 - 챕터 60
116 챕터
"Excuse me?" He looked at me confused, but I knew he was pretending to be clueless.Both he and I knew perfectly well why I had this attitude. We both knew that at that moment, even though I loved him with all my heart, he wasn't my favorite person."I understand that because of the contract, you can't be with me, and you're in a delicate situation with your family where you need money, I understand that perfectly. But why didn't you have the courage to tell me?" I stared into his eyes. "Instead of leaving my house like that and letting me find out through my father that you had left me for a stupid apprenticeship at the company... It's not fair, Ethan. I didn't deserve that."Emotions welled up in me. I felt overwhelmed, exhausted, annoyed, hurt. Everything I hadn't told anyone, everything I had rehearsed not to say to him, had all come out the wrong way.I needed to vent, and for some strange reason, my brain thought that this moment would be perfect. My words didn't waver for a mom
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"That apartment shared space with two more doors. He opened the door, and this time he didn't even look at me to silently ask if I wanted to come in; instead, he pushed me inside his house. I complained and moved away from him, entering reluctantly.The house was completely dark; I could barely see some things thanks to the moonlight filtering through the windows.It was a super small apartment, but at least it had the basic things for living."Nice place," I said, looking at the furniture absentmindedly."Thank you," Ethan tried to approach me, but I moved away as soon as I felt his closeness.I headed for the sofa, and just before my back touched the fabric, he yelled, "What are you doing?" I almost burst out laughing at his expression."What? What? I'm just going to sit down," I straightened up immediately."After rolling in the trash? I don't think so," he crossed his arms."I rolled in it? Yes, of course! Because you don't smell like garbage, right?" I raised my voice, annoyed, a
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I made a gesture with my hand for him to go check on the food peacefully. I started pouring and counted 6 seconds in my head.1...2...3...4...Why did he have to be so handsome? With that smile and those eyes. Or why did he have to be such a good kisser? God, his kisses made you forget everything around you. And his body, holy mother, I would never tire of seeing it.His well-defined abdomen and his strong arms, as if they invited you to hold onto that arm for all eternity, and his footballer's legs. Or his face itself, with that hypnotizing and charming smile he had, or his eyes,God, I would never find eyes as perfect as his, so penetrating and captivating. Although you could say it was my first time with someone worth doing it for.I wish I could just forget everything and tell him to go to his room right now... I shook my head and returned to reality. I was still pouring detergent into the washing machine.Where did I leave off? Ah, right. 5... and 6.I left the box where Ethan h
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"I'm not important to you, am I?" I muttered, allowing the pain in my chest to consume me.I had an overwhelming urge to cry. I felt foolish for having fallen in love with my bodyguard, knowing that he only saw me as a spoiled brat."What did you say?" he asked with a furrowed brow."Nothing, forget it," I shook my head repeatedly.I made a motion to get off, and he stopped me, looking into my eyes with a hint of concern that only made the pain worse."I think I need to go home now," my voice came out steady, although inside, I was crumbling."What?!" he furrowed his brow even more, disbelieving."You won't make me stay here," I tried to break free from his grip. "I've figured it all out, don't worry.""What? What do you mean?""I mean I've figured out your plan," I said, getting serious and clenching my fists at my sides. "You got what you wanted from me, and now I'm useless to you, right?"His face showed total astonishment, and for a moment, I saw anger in his eyes. But he closed h
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Ethan's POVMine looked at me with such compassion that it almost made me want to give in and tell her everything, but I knew I couldn't.If I did, I could never be with her again.I turned away from her gaze and looked the other way. I felt like a coward, a wretch for allowing someone to keep me away from the woman I loved.From the moment I thought I saw her at the bar of that club, my heart had been racing. I hadn't planned to go, even though Frank had begged me to. In my innermost thoughts, I convinced myself that I should thank him. It had been so long since I had seen her, and I fantasized about seeing her so often that I no longer knew if it was a trick of my subconscious, reminding me every chance it got that seeing her was what I yearned for most in this world.Minerva looked so spectacular in that dress, so provocative. Seeing her that way reminded me that I had made the right decision with that contract.I knew why her father did it; he had his overprotective reasons for do
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Minerva's POVI felt a breeze sweep across my entire body, waking me up in a very lazy manner.I lifted my head and glanced out of the corner of my eye to find that the sheet that should have covered me was not there. I turned over and saw Ethan sleeping in a rather uncomfortable position for his neck.I couldn't help but laugh and covered us again with the sheet that had fallen to the floor.I noticed the sun shining through the window even though the blinds were down. I looked at the wall clock, which read 12:15 pm. I lay my head back on the pillow when memories of my friends and my father caught me off guard.I sat up in bed, desperate."Ethan, wake up! We overslept!" I stumbled out of his bed and rushed to the bathroom.He simply shifted. After using the bathroom, I rushed to find my clothes. Thankfully, they were already dry and ready to be worn. I hurried back to his room.Ethan was still in the same position; I glared at him and searched for something to wake him up. I found a
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I rolled my eyes and got up from the floor.I adjusted my dress again and grabbed my broken heels. Honestly, I was embarrassed to have to walk in them, but I had my pride, and I wasn't going to step barefoot on the street.Ethan grabbed his car keys and opened the door of his house, waiting for me to follow."Hadn't you told me your car wasn't here?" I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms in the doorway.Ethan raised his head a few inches, as if he were trying to remember that conversation. He looked at me again and smirked."I lied," he said with an angelic expression, shrugging.I looked at him incredulously; I had believed him like a fool. I shook my head a couple of times, and before I could say anything, he stepped forward and kissed me to silence me.I decided to let it slide; I was too happy to be bothered by trivial things like him lying about not being able to drive me home.Before leaving his building's parking lot, Ethan's cellphone rang.He took his phone out of his pocket,
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"Are you two okay now?" an animated Isabella asked.I pondered my response.Relatively, yes. We had to keep a low profile since my father had forbidden him, or rather, made him promise to stay away from me, but everything was fine between us.He loved me, and I loved him. What could go wrong when we both felt the same way?Although I had to confess that I still had my doubts about the promise and the secret contract between the two of them. But that wouldn't stop me from being with him.According to the information my father and Ethan had given me, my father had made me choose between my job and him, and apparently, he had chosen his job. But then he told me about the promise he had made.It all confused me. How did we go from a contract to a promise between the two of them?I shook my head. It wasn't the time to think about that. I would have plenty of time locked in my room to rack my brain over it.Now that my friends and I had gotten out of the predicament of my escape, my father
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Esther was a special person, affectionate, attentive, kind, with a free spirit within a body as small as the one standing in front of me. She wasn't very tall; in fact, I was taller than her by a few centimeters. Her eyes were gray, and she had a smile that could melt any man's heart. I imagined that if she had hair, it would be a coppery color.She was an exemplary mother, like all mothers. She often told me stories about when Ethan and Daniel were younger and the mischief they used to get into. She also mentioned how happy she was that someone like me was with her son, saying it was what I needed.Although it sometimes felt like she was trying to sell me on her son, I couldn't help but laugh at all the good things she said about Ethan.While I helped with simple tasks for the meal, she buzzed around the kitchen, doing a million things at once. It was impressive to see her so active despite her serious illness, cancer.Whenever she asked me something that I hadn't really paid much a
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"See? Nothing happened," Ethan smiled at me, but at that moment, Esther arrived and hit him quite hard with a rag.He was surprised and sought refuge behind my arms. I heard Daniel's laughter behind his mother as he watched his older brother being teased."How can you do that to this poor girl? Can't you see she might keel over from the blood rushing to her head?" Esther scolded her son and hugged me protectively.I couldn't speak; I was still in shock.Esther sent her sons to take the food to the table while she comforted me."Are you okay, dear?" Her eyes showed genuine concern."Yes, thank you," I laughed, recalling everything that had just happened."Be patient with him, dear. Men can be foolish like that when they're in love," she winked at me and went to the table to supervise her sons' work.I joined them a few seconds later, taking deep breaths to prepare for what was to come. I wasn't too upset with Ethan for this, and I knew I would take it as good-natured teasing in a littl
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