All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 1841 - Chapter 1850
2381 Chapters
Chapter 1841
Damon did not want to die, let alone give up what he had worked for in the past decade. If he had to give up all those things, then he would rather die. "Don't worry, you won't die. Just be good and swallow these two flame crystal cores." The cloaked figure fed Damon two black-colored flame crystal cores. Then, he took out a syringe filled with a red fluorescent liquid, injected it into the syringe, and plunged it into Damon's left chest, injecting the red liquid into his body. In an instant, Damon emitted a powerful spiritual energy aura, and the fiery red spiritual energy that represented the fire element rapidly spread from Damon, quickly covering the entire training room. The flames of spiritual energy formed a turbulent flow in the room, constantly crashing in the training room. Under the powerful impact, the cups and some tables and chairs in the training room were shattered to pieces. The spiritual energy emanating from Damon's body had such formidable power, and the s
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Chapter 1842
Demetra fell silent for a moment and said, "I'm just wondering if I should have joined Greensource Corp in the first place. If I had never joined, then maybe I wouldn't be facing the dangers I am today. But if I hadn't joined, I might not even be alive right now. So, I didn't really have a choice, did I?" Wilbur said, "Since you didn't have a choice, why dwell on it?" Demetra said, "But I…" Wilbur said, "The reason you're troubled is because you're a good person, Demetra. Tell me, have you ever killed innocent people?" Demetra shook his head and said, "No, the people Greensource Corp had me kill were all demons. Of course, that's other than you. You're the only exception." Suddenly, Demetra stared at Wilbur and said, "Mister Penn, since your body has already recovered, why don't we have a fight? I've been wondering if I can defeat you now that my body has the power of destruction. You might no longer be a match for me." "Hmph, who are you underestimating? You might be progr
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Chapter 1843
With a loud boom, the powerful shockwave dispersed the armor formed by the power of destruction on Demetra's body, turning it into black miasma. At the same time, Demetra's body flew backward rapidly. At that moment, Wilbur seemed to suddenly snap out of it, hastily reaching out to grab Demetra's arm and pulling him back. "Be careful!" "Stay back!" Demetra suddenly swung down with his sword, and Wilbur quickly let go, taking a few steps back. The two stood facing each other, panting heavily. At that moment, the black aura emanating from both of them continued to dissipate. Wilbur smiled slightly and said, "Heh, it seems the recoil of the power of destruction is still too strong." Demetra gritted his teeth and said, "It's true, that's definitely the case. I'm truly sorry for that last attack. You know, I didn't mean it." Demetra sheathed his sword, and Wilbur approached him, patting Demetra's shoulder. He said, "This battle is a draw. Alright, it's getting late. Get some res
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Chapter 1844
Wilbur hoped that Kyra would keep her promise. With him already helping her deal with Jeckle, Tina and her mother's safety in Cametra would depend on Kyra. Allowing Tina to get close to Kyra was aimed at making Kyra understand Wilbur's intentions. As long as the Scarlet Leaf Faction did not harm Tina and her mother, Wilbur and the Abyss Mercenaries would not cause trouble in Cametra. In the afternoon, inside Kyra's room, Tina asked, "Kyra, is there anything I can help you with?" Kyra smiled faintly and asked, "Did Wilbur send you?" Tina blushed and replied, "Yes, it's partly his idea, and partly mine." "Alright, I bought a set of clothes yesterday. I'm not sure if they'll fit you, but since you're here, you can help me take a look." With Jeckle already dead, Damon was actually more useful compared to Wilbur. So, Kyra actually hoped that Demetra would die in battle against Wilbur. If the two of them died together, Kyra could pull Damon under her command. Although there was
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Chapter 1845
"It looks like it." The man in the black robe said coldly, "That despicable man! I wanted to let them kill each other, but I didn't expect Demetra to leave Wilbur. How could he leave? How could his will be so strong?" Bari said, "Sir, Demetra is an orphan and has lived a difficult life since his childhood. His willpower far exceeds that of ordinary people. Although the virus in the red reagent can control the brain of cultivators, it may not be effective for someone with such strong willpower." The man in the black robe remained silent for a moment and said, "In that case, Bari, go and kill Demetra. Get rid of the problem." "Yes, sir. I'll have it done right away." Bari retreated into the darkness and disappeared without a trace. The man in the black robe got up and entered the underground chamber, arriving at the training room. As he opened the door, a surge of fiery spiritual energy rushed towards him. Entering the training room, the man in the black robe looked up and sa
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Chapter 1846
Moonlight scattered over the calm surface of the river. Demetra and Bari, one standing in the water, the other on the shore, stared at each other, neither showing any intention to strike first. They were like two composed individuals who were engaged in conversation, but this surprised Bari. The Bari said with a smirk, "I didn't expect you to remain this calm. Weren't you acting quite crazy just now? I thought my punch would drive you completely mad. But with your meager strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle my Heavenly Dragon Fists. Forget it, this is boring. Just let me kill you quickly so I can go back and report it and take a nap." As he spoke, black energy gathered in Bari's hands, then he suddenly unleashed his fists at Demetra. Two jet-black fist imprints rushed toward Demetra. At that moment, a trace of killing intent flashed in Demetra's eyes. He raised the katana in his hand and swung it fiercely. A powerful spiritual energy burst forth, carrying a destructiv
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Chapter 1847
At that moment, Demetra appeared very calm. His gaze was icy as he looked at Bari and said, "Yes, your Heavenly Dragon Fists may be powerful, but I didn't use my full strength just now. And now, you won't be able to escape." "Escape?" Bari seemed to find it amusing. He had an incredulous expression as he said, "Heh, young man, do you actually think I would run away? How ridiculous." As he spoke, Bari's gaze swept over Demetra, saying, "Not bad. It seems like you have the constitution to absorb the power of destruction. You've definitely grown stronger. In that case, I'll give you a chance." Demetra placed his right hand on the hilt of his sword, saying coldly, "Enough talk. Let's fight." Bari erupted with a powerful destructive aura, and black energy swirled around his body. Then, a figure formed from black energy separated from his body. "Adru, kill him!" Adru wielded a sword formed from the power of the destructor in his right hand. The next moment, Adru transformed into
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Chapter 1848
Bari transformed into a phantom and charged, aiming a punch at Demetra's face. Demetra clenched his right fist and threw a fist at Bari simultaneously. Bang! Their fists collided in mid-air. The powerful spiritual energy and destructive force within Demetra erupted, neutralizing Bari's strength. Then, Demetra's power invaded Bari's body, instantly tearing it to pieces. Bari's head fell from the air, landing in front of Demetra, which Demetra crushed with a stomp. An unfamiliar voice could be heard from Demetra's throat. "After so many years, I've finally returned. This time, I will take back everything that's mine!" After that, Demetra stepped into the river. A powerful aura of destruction emanated from his body, forming a circular vortex in the river. It spanned across both riverbanks. Half an hour later, the vortex gradually dissipated, and the river continued to flow slowly. At that moment, there was no sign of Demetra in the river anymore. In the villa, the man in bla
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Chapter 1849
After Witter and Andre left the room, Paul turned to Kyra and said, "Kyra, there's something very important that I think you should know. The people of Light Valley might seemingly be cooperating with Greensource Corp on the surface, but they have actually gained control of the Greensource Corp. They even intend to use Greensource Corp to control the Green Leaf Faction and then further gain control of the Red Leaf Faction." "What?" Kyra said in confusion, "Aren't the people of Light Valley supposed to be reclusive practitioners? Why would they do such a thing?" "You might not know this, but I was not in favor of establishing Lantech at the beginning. However, the people at Greensource Corp insisted on it. I found it very strange, but I knew that this matter was definitely not a simple one. Now, the people of Greensource Corp even dare to openly distribute the blue potions to experts from seven countries. This proves that they have mastered stronger countermeasures. Scarlet Leaf a
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Chapter 1850
In the afternoon, Wilbur gazed into the distance with a frown on the rooftop. At that moment, Tina walked over and asked, "Wilbur, what are you looking at?" Wilbur replied, "These past few days have been quite calm. I was just thinking since Greensource Corp's assassins haven't come looking for me, could they have gone to look for Demetra instead?" Tina frowned, "Even if they did, there's nothing you can do about it. There's nothing any of us can do, to be honest." "Hmm." At that moment, Wilbur's phone rang. He was surprised to see that it was a call from Witter. "Hello, Mr. Witter, what's the matter?" "Mr. Wilbur, there's something we hope you can help us deal with." "Oh? What is it?" "Did you see the news this morning? Thousands of pounds of fish suddenly died in the fishponds of Mirya Village. A few days ago, the villages there actually purchased some water quality maintenance drugs from Lantech. With their fish dying, they've been calling us nonstop, wanting to disc
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