All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 1861 - Chapter 1870
2357 Chapters
Chapter 1861
Wilbur felt like he might not have won the battle last night if he had gone against Damon on his own and could have even lost to the guy. Despite the fact that the Light Gloves could convert the power of destruction to the power of light, the power of destruction in Damon's body was far too powerful. It was extremely difficult to completely control such an amount of power of destruction flowing in his body. Even if Wilbur had not lost to Damon, he would have suffered serious internal injuries. The thought made Wilbur heave a sigh of relief, but he also reflected on his boldness last night. Despite the fact that Wilbur had been borrowing the power of light, both the power of light and the power of destruction were interchangeable, and Wilbur had not fully learnt to control the two yet. Thus, he would suffer severe backlash from the power of destruction while he was using the power of light. It seemed like learning and mastering the similarities between the two powers was the only
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Chapter 1862
Ralph could tell what Paul was thinking. "Paul, you should know how terrifying the virus is. The kid might be innocent, but if we don't kill him he's going to kill others and more innocent people will die." "We can't afford to go easy on the virus." Paul nodded, furrowing his brows all of a sudden. "Is it possible for us to co-exist with the virus? As long as he doesn't kill others, we won't kill him. Can we do that?" Ralph stared at Paul for a beat, before shaking his head. "The virus isn't the same as us. It might have been an artifact left behind from a different time, or it could be an alien from a different planet altogether. Either way, it's not the same as we are. Do you understand?" "But…" "Listen to me, Paul. The virus operates in a completely different culture than us. We share none of its values and thoughts. If we keep it around, it might see us the way robbers view a bank safe. That's terrible for all of the human race." "Alright. I know what to do." Paul was
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Chapter 1863
Kyra found Wilbur and said, "I'm so sorry, Wilbur. I originally wanted to take you down, but I really am grateful for you saving me. From now on, I swear to you that as long as I live, Tina will never be in danger regardless of whether or not you're in Cametra." "Thank you," said Wilbur. "That's the answer I wanted." "Oh, right. Do you know about a group in Greensource Corp called Light Valley?" "Light Valley?!" Kyra looked shocked, but her expression quickly returned to normal. "I do know about them, but that's top-secret information within the Scarlet Leaf Faction, so I can't tell you." Wilbur replied, "I know the relationship between the two factions is extremely complicated, and I know the Scarlet Leaf Faction has rules of its own. How about I ask you a few yes or no questions, and you just have to nod or shake your head in response? That doesn't count as revealing any confidential information, right?" "Okay," Kyra nodded. Wilbur's conditions were still pretty acceptabl
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Chapter 1864
By the next morning, both the men in suits had been stripped completely naked and dropped off on the ground in front of the lab's main entrance. Paul slammed a table furiously. "This guy's far too much! I'm going to make him pay now!" "Don't, Paul. They're lucky enough to be alive, and we don't know what the other side wants yet. We might as well hear them out." Ralph looked at the two men. "Tell us what happened." The two men knelt on the ground remorsefully, describing everything that happened. "Sir, Damon said that the two factions haven't completely burned bridges yet and the upcoming international meeting might be quite a huge blow to Cametra, so…" "So?" Ralph urged. "What did he say?" "Damon hopes that whatever happened between him and Mister Paul will just stay between the both of them and have it end like that. He said that it won't be good for either faction to completely burn the bridge." Paul was furious. "The nerve of this guy! He was the one who crossed the
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Chapter 1865
Just then, Tina's mother came hobbling onto the balcony on her cane with a kindly look in her eyes. "Wilbur's a good man you can trust with the rest of your life. I won't make you lose out on your happiness just to be selfish." "Mom…" Tears welled up in Tina's eyes. She had fallen deeply in love with Wilbur during their time together, but her mother had always been at the back of her head. Tina was touched to hear her mother's words, but she shook her head all the same. "What's the matter? Do you not want that?" Tears streamed down Tina's cheeks as she sobbed. "You are my mother, and I can't just abandon you. If you really want me to live with Wilbur in Dasha, I hope you can come with me. Can we go to Dasha together, Mom?" Tina's mother gazed at the setting sun as her eyes turned glassy. A long while later, she turned to leave quietly. Aidementon was where she and her lover had spent their lives together, and the city held too many memories for her to leave. The truth was
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Chapter 1866
Tina said in the letter that she knew her mother would not change her mind as her father's death had been too much of a blow to her. Tina wished that Wilbur would not push her. Her mother had decided to stay, and so would she. In conclusion, Tina was not going to live in Dasha with Wilbur. Tina had decided to leave for a while to avoid any awkwardness and return once everything with Greensource Corp was settled. "Shit." Wilbur sensed something ominous about the letter and rushed downstairs onto the streets looking for Tina. "Tina!" "Where are you, Tina?" "Come back! I won't force you to do anything anymore!" "Please, come out!" … Wilbur shouted with all his might, and Kyra appeared not long after with a smile on her face. "Don't shout, Wilbur. Tina's decided to leave and not see you for a while, so you should respect her choice. Right?" Wilbur was positively fuming. "It's not that I don't respect her! Things aren't settled yet, and I'm afraid she might run into tr
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Chapter 1867
"Kyle Clements?" Wilbur gave it some thought. "You want me to change his mind?" "That's right. Remember not to kill him, though. Anything else is fine, as long as he changes his mind. Just give me one more day, and I'll make sure to shut them all up." "Okay, I'll give it a try. Could you let me speak to Tina for just a bit so I can make sure of her safety?" "Of course." Tina's sobs rang from the phone then. "I'm so sorry, Wilbur. This is all my fault." "Don't worry, Tina. You aren't to blame for any of this, and I promise I'll come to save you as soon as possible. Don't be afraid, alright?" "Okay." Wilbur was going to comfort her further, but the phone was taken away from Tina abruptly. "That's enough. My name is Barney, and you'd best remember my name. Greensource Corp welcomes you. Alright, go do your thing." Barney hung up the phone after that, and Wilbur stared at the phone in silence for a while. Kyra asked, "What did they ask you to do, Wilbur?" "Barney told
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Chapter 1868
Kyra said, "Mister Clements, can you first tell us what the other countries have suggested regarding this matter?" "Oh, no," Kyle shook his head with a smile. "I'm sure you two should know how important this meeting is. I can't reveal any information about its contents prior. Besides, I think you should prove your sincerity if you actually feel strongly about this. I hope you know that I only agreed to see you because of Ralph. If you can't convince me of anything, let's not waste each other's time." Kyra flushed in the face. She had thought that Kyle would be a nice guy, only for him to be this cunning. Indeed, he was a skilled old fox to be representing the Allied States. Wilbur said, "Mister Clements, I'm sure the problem with Greenpeace Corp is clear enough. It's just that there is a key factor to how they're going to be dealt with, and that's who's going to be in charge of doing so. Surely an international meeting is not going to be enough to knock Greensource Corp down and
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Chapter 1869
"I guess you're pretty skilled, after all. Come to Greensource Corp's headquarters tomorrow. I'd like to meet with you personally." "Sure, but it's going to have to wait till the meeting's over. I'll look for you after I send the national representatives off to the airport." "Those bastards! Do they think they can come and go as they please in a place like Cametra? I'm going to make these nosy bastards pay tomorrow!" Barney hung up after that. Wilbur let out a long breath before heading back with Kyra. Tina's mother had seen Tina's letter and was waiting anxiously at the door. She hurried over at the sight of Wilbur. "Have you found Tina, Wilbur?" "Of course. Don't worry, you know what her temper's like. Tina's not going to want to come back anytime soon, and I didn't force anything on her. We agreed to cool off on our own for the night, and she'll be back tomorrow." "That's a relief. I shouldn't have pushed her." Tina's mother wiped at her tears, before ushering Wilbur
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Chapter 1870
Thomas could not help but chuckle at Wilbur's invitation to a battle, finding Wilbur ridiculous. However, Thomas was also an avid enthusiast of battles and never turned any down, and this was no exception. "Listen up, young man! I've never lost before, so I'll hold back later to go easy on you. You're going to get lost like a good little boy once you're defeated, got it?" "Sure." Wilbur said calmly, "I'll leave as long as you defeat me. But if I win, you'll have to listen to my every order until you get on that plane. How's that?" "Boy, you sure are cocky, but I must say that I respect that boldness. Alright, I agree with your suggestion. You're not winning anyway. Bring it on!" Thomas shook Wilbur's hand, and both men stood across each other. It seemed like nothing was happening to an outsider, but they were already pitching their spiritual energy in a battle against each other. Both men channeled their spiritual energy into their palms. Thomas did not show his mid Sanctua
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