All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 1881 - Chapter 1890
2333 Chapters
Chapter 1881
It was clear that the two baby pythons saw Wilbur as their first meal after they were born. "Damn it!" Wilbur clenched his jaw. Then, he emitted a dark energy. The power of destruction grew inside him, then his body unleashed a lightning strike carrying the power of destruction. The lightning strike hit the black python and it hissed in pain because the attack was boosted with the power of destruction. It instantly let go of Wilbur and moved around Wilbur, then it tried to bite him. He dodged the attack quickly. Then, he leaped on top of the python as it lowered its head and stabbed the thunder cleaver on its head. A lightning strike with the power of destruction imploded in the python. The python hissed tragically, then it hit the surrounding walls while Wilbur was on top of its head before falling to the ground in the end and dying. The baby pythons were at the entrance to B9 when Wilbur looked over. Then, they slithered inside. Wilbur pulled out his thunder cleaver and g
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Chapter 1882
Tina only cried. The regret in heart overpowered her fear at that moment. She knew that Wilbur would not be in that situation if it were not for her. She felt like she owed him, so she sobbed and said, "Alright, Wilbur. I promise you, we'll live well if you can save me from this place. I'll go live with you in Dasha." "Yeah, trust me!" They looked at each other, and Wilbur threw her a determined gaze. The black python seemed to see through Wilbur. It flicked its tongue and got close to the metal cage. It licked Tina with its tongue, and she instantly felt overwhelmed by the nasty scent and slimy saliva. "Argh!" Tina exclaimed as if someone was sweeping her body with a broom. Wilbur was instantly furious when he saw that. His spiritual energy erupted, and he formed a thunder spear in his left hand. He gripped the spear and abruptly shot it toward the black python. "Go away!" The thunder spear hit the python, exploding immediately with sparks that flickered on the python wi
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Chapter 1883
Wilbur continued his observation. After a few minutes, Wilbur finally managed to hit the python once out of three strikes. The thunder spears exploded and emitted powerful explosions, which made the python suffer in pain. "Hiss!" The python got faster after hissing as it slithered toward Wilbur. The python was fast, but its dodging abilities weakened a lot because of its anger. The thunder spears were more likely to hit the python. Wilbur could hit the python once with every two throws. Bam! "Hiss!" A thunder spear exploded. The python hissed in pain. Wilbur stood there and smirked. He said, "It looks like I found a way to deal with you." Suddenly, he smelled a rotten scent. His left shoulder and his right leg were bitten by the baby pythons before he could react. Although they were baby pythons, they were the size of humans. Their heads were as large as wine barrels, so their bites were extremely forceful. "Argh!" Wilbur yelled out angrily in pain. His shoulder and leg
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Chapter 1884
The python was sliced open. Its head shook a little in mid-air, then fell lifelessly to the ground. "Phew!" Wilbur panted. Then, he cut the metal cage open and saved Tina. Tina teared up when she saw Wilbur again. She said, "I love you, Wilbur." Tina threw herself on Wilbur, so Wilbur held her and patted her back. He said, "I love you too, Tina." Suddenly, the power of light flowed inside him warmly. The black energy on him also gradually faded. He was back to normal again. "Haha, you're indeed something else, Wilbur Penn." Barney could be heard from the speaker again. Wilbur looked at the speaker and said, "Mister Barney, I found Tina. Now can you let us go?" "Of course, I promise no one will stop you if you can leave the basement. As for whether or not you can leave the basement, It's up to your luck. But let me remind you that the pythons you killed were made from special potions. B9 is like a special smoker. The pythons in the B8 and B9 were akin to the aroma source
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Chapter 1885
Wilbur arrived on B7 once more. He discovered an electrical net spanning across the floor. It appeared on the ruins of the two current generators. The power grid was blocking their way out. Wilbur felt stunned. He destroyed the current generators on the way to B9, after all. This electrical net was not present back then, and it appeared suddenly, which meant the strange creatures on B5 had awakened. "Watch out, Tina!" Wilbur looked back and saw a human-lizard hybrid monster with a steel fork in its hand. It tried to stab Tina in the back. Wilbur quickly pulled Tina away, and then he instantly grabbed the incoming steel fork and stabbed it into the monster's chest. The monster instantly stopped and fell to the ground. Green slimy liquid bled out from its wound. "It's so terrifying." Tina backed away from fear. Wilbur said, "Don't be afraid, Tina. I'm here. You don't have to be afraid of anything." Truthfully, Wilbur knew that the monster was not a creature from this world.
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Chapter 1886
Wilbur stepped into B6. He saw the metal net that enveloped the rock being hung in mid-air. There was a loud clang, and the huge rock was suddenly charged with electricity. A powerful magnetic field instantly appeared. Meanwhile, more than a hundred arrows were shot toward Wilbur from all directions. Wilbur immediately activated the shield of light, which stopped the magnetic field and the rain of arrows. Wilbur formed the thunder spear in his left hand and threw it toward where the monsters hid. … There were sounds of explosions, and six monsters were killed. Wilbur saw a monster that hid near the B6 entrance and tried to escape. Wilbur thought about the monsters he saw in the fifth basement. The horse and lizard monsters were just ordinary monsters, so he had nothing to worry about. What really terrified Wilbur was the ant-man he saw in the large test tube. The ant-man was nearly three meters high with a huge body. The powerful energy it gave off also made Wilbur's heart l
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Chapter 1887
However, the energy that the ant-man emitted was extremely unique. Wilbur could not believe that he was terrified of it. Its subordinate monsters were all dead, so the ant-man stood and muttered some unknown curse. Then, it grabbed the chair and threw it toward Wilbur. The chair was struck by lightning chains in mid-air and exploded into bits, scattered on the ground. Meanwhile, the ant-man stepped forward, and it instantly vanished. "What? An invisibility spell?" Wilbur was shocked. Before he could react, an arm instantly grabbed Wilbur by the neck and lifted him up. The lightning balls vanished, and the ant-man showed itself. Then, it punched Wilbur heavily in the chest. Wilbur flew out and crashed into a wall. Several cracks instantly appeared on the wall and spread out because of the powerful impact. Wilbur clenched his jaw because his back was in pain. He covered his abdomen and stood up from the ground. He looked up again and the ant-man was walking his way. The ant-man
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Chapter 1888
'Since the power of light and the power of destruction are powers from the middle dimension, the power of the universe's laws will have restrictions in this power-filled environment, right? In that case, any opponent can be detected no matter how strong they are, right? The laws of dimension was like a dimensional wall. As long as the laws of dimension appear, my opponent will be exposed no matter how well they try to hide themselves, right?' Wilbur wondered. Wilbur knew that the only way he could stop the ant-man from being invisible was to fight it. Otherwise, he would not know where the ant-man was, so it would be very dangerous. Suddenly, the ant-man appeared a few meters away. It looked at Wilbur condescendingly as if it knew Wilbur was fated to lose. Meanwhile, a voice appeared in Wilbur's mind, 'You poor thing of this dimension. You're not worthy of being my opponent. So, come and face your death!' The ant-man grabbed the air after it finished communicating. A black swor
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Chapter 1889
Two blade energies clashed with each other and exploded. The ground instantly cracked, and the cracks spread out well over ten meters. The ant-man dodged and quickly moved. Wilbur threw the thunder spear in his hand and yelled, "Damn you! Taste the power of lightning!" The thunder spear soared through at extreme speed. It instantly hit the ant-man, and then it exploded. The powerful force blew the sprinting ant-man backward for several meters, and then it crashed on the ground. A huge hole appeared in the ant-man's chest. Wilbur smirked and said, "You're doomed." However, Wilbur could not believe that the huge hole in the ant-man was visibly healing at a rapid speed. 'You trash from a lowly dimension. I'll show you what true power is!' the ant-man communicated telepathically. The ant-man extended its left hand. There was a black spiral that appeared on its palm. Then, a black beam shot toward him. Wilbur quickly tried to dodge. When the black beam hit his shield of light, Wil
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Chapter 1890
However, Wilbur had the power of light flowing warmly inside him. If he forced himself to use the power of destruction, the change would cause his internal energy to go into chaos. He might die from the backlash instead. Nonetheless, Wilbur would die from the ant-man if he did not use the power of destruction. It would be fine if he was killed, but Tina would be left behind on her own. 'Am I going to let Tina get tortured by this monster? No way!' he thought. Wilbur made up his mind. He decided to forcefully use the power of destruction. The chill from the power of destruction kept coming out from the dragon's head mark. It was stopped by the warm flow from the power of light, but Wilbur was determined to use the power of destruction regardless. Therefore, the resistance was quite weak. The two energies merged together and immediately threw his internal balance askew. In the end, the black energy overpowered the other. His eyes turned black, as well as his thunder cleaver. The an
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