All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 1891 - Chapter 1900
2333 Chapters
Chapter 1891
"It's true, I'll play around with you first, and after we're done playing, we'll eat you." "This beauty looks fair and tender. She must taste delicious." Tina looked at the two human-snake hybrid creatures that were approaching and felt extremely afraid. She kept shaking Wilbur in her arms, saying, "Wilbur, Wilbur, wake up quickly. Please wake up!" At that moment, Wilbur was already unconscious. Before this, in order to deal with the ant-man, Wilbur had forcibly borrowed both the power of destruction and the power of light. Those two immense forces exceeded the limits that Wilbur's body was able to bear. In order to channel those two forces, Wilbur had exhausted the last bit of strength in his body. At that moment, Wilbur was unconscious and would take some time to wake up. However, at that moment, a sticky substance quickly moved along the cracks in the ground. When it reached Tina's side, it paused for a moment. Then, it moved quickly toward the two monsters. Immediately,
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Chapter 1892
Demetra said, "Greensource Corp found us. They used electronic weapons to trap both me and David. Later, they brought us here and placed us in a test tube for cultivation. We've finally managed to leave the test tube and see the light of day again." Demetra's appearance changed, and David said, "Speaking of which, we have to thank you. Tina, if you weren't captured by the people of Greensource Corp, Wilbur wouldn't have come to save you. If Wilbur hadn't come to save you, we wouldn't have had a chance to escape." "I see." Tina breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Demetra, I'm glad to see you again." "I'm glad to see you too." Demetra glanced at Tina, then his gaze shifted to Wilbur as he said, "It seems that Mister Penn has been seriously injured." Tina replied, "Yes, let him rest for a while. He's too tired." David stated, "I don't think we have much time left." "Then why don't you help him." "I don't want to. You know, this generation of human civilization has biases ag
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Chapter 1893
Damon pointed at Demetra and said, "Yes, that's right. Master Barney did say that, but unfortunately, you broke the rules." "Rules?" At that moment, Wilbur woke up. He stood up from the ground and looked down at his body in surprise as he said, "What rules?" Damon sneered and said, "Demetra is ours, you can't take him away. Wilbur, since the virus has treated your body, you've broken the rules too. So, none of you can leave." Just now, when the virus, David, was healing Wilbur's injuries, he implanted memories of Demetra and himself into Wilbur's mind. Therefore, Wilbur knew about the relationship between the two. Because Wilbur had previously come into contact with information about the virus, he was not surprised by the appearance of David. "Thank you, I think I can take you out of here now." After speaking, a powerful spiritual aura emanated from Wilbur. Damon felt Wilbur's aura and exclaimed in shock, "What? Is your body fully recovered? How is this possible? It compl
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Chapter 1894
Wilbur entered the password and opened the door leading to B1, which was the underground garage. Demetra took out a key, pressed it, and a BMW's engine started up. "Mister Penn, Miss Tina, get in the car." "Yeah." As the three were about to get into the car, Barney arrived at the front of the car with Damon. Barney said, "Wait, you can't leave." Wilbur turned to look at Barney, frowned, and said, "Master Barney, didn't we have a deal? As long as I can bring Tina out from B9, you'll let us leave. Are you going back on your words now?" "Oh, no. You misunderstood me, Wilbur. I'm a man of my word. I didn't say that you and Miss Tina couldn't leave. It's just that Demetra and David are members of our Greensource Corp. They must stay." At this moment, Damon raised the sniper rifle in his hand and said, "This is an electronic sniper rifle, specially designed to deal with the virus. Within an eight-kilometer range, once the host is hit, the virus will be controlled by an electromag
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Chapter 1895
"Thank you, Barney. I suddenly have a better impression of you. Perhaps, we will become friends in the future," David said a few words using Wilbur's body, then tossed the keys to Demetra. Demetra drove, and the group left the Greensource Corp together. In the car, Wilbur suddenly started bleeding from his nose and mouth, his face turning pale in an instant. Tina noticed that something was wrong with Wilbur and asked anxiously, "Wilbur, what's wrong with you? What should I do?" Demetra observed Wilbur's condition through the rearview mirror and asked, "David, didn't you cure Mister Penn's body? Why is he bleeding from his nose and mouth again?" David replied, "Oh, sorry, I made it clear. I only healed ninety-nine percent of his body. This is a normal reaction." Anxiously, Demetra said, "Then what about the remaining one percent? Why didn't you heal him completely?" David hesitated for a moment and said, "Demetra, I can see you're very agitated, but Wilbur's body is differe
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Chapter 1896
In the past, the old dragon had been so stingy. He made many contributions in the past and only got a few hundred grace points almost every time. Yet, at that moment, the ant-man's crystal core and the ant-man's broken sword together earned him a whopping 3000 grace points. This ant-man, it seemed, had been incredibly strong. Wilbur suddenly thought that this ant-man was probably not a creature from this dimension, but from some other higher dimension instead, which was why its crystal core and broken sword could be exchanged for 3000 grace points. If that was the case, then, as long as he searched for special items from a different dimension, could he turn them in for more grace points in the future? "Ah, my young contributor. You have finally appeared again." At that moment, the old dragon's voice rang out through the air. Wilbur shouted loudly, "Old dragon, do you know the origin of that ant-man?" "Do you need me to answer you?" Wilbur was stunned for a moment. When th
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Chapter 1897
Wilbur furrowed his brows. Although this Incarnation Technique seemed somewhat useless, it did have its benefits. After all, when facing a powerful enemy, diverting their attack once was equivalent to gaining an opportunity for a counterattack. Wilbur quickly reached the first level of proficiency. By this time, the sky outside had already brightened. Wilbur prepared to give it a try. He uttered the incantation. After a moment, an incarnation emerged from Wilbur's body, but this incarnation only lasted for three seconds before disappearing again. Seeing this, Wilbur could not resist a sense of exasperation. It seemed that he would need to spend some time practicing this Incarnation Technique. After all, for Wilbur, it could be a potential lifesaver. Just then, there was some knocking from outside. Tina asked tentatively, "Wilbur, are you feeling better?" "Yeah, Tina, I'm much better now." "Can I come in?" "Of course." Tina pushed the door open and placed breakfast on the
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Chapter 1898
"I doubt it. The fact that people from the Greensource Corp know about my existence means that Ralph does. There's not much difference between the two." David shook his head incessantly, seeming to suddenly remember something, and said, "Right, although I hate Greensource Corp, Scarlet Leaf and Green Leaf are also closely related. Demetra, I think we should leave this place now." "David, wait!" Demetra reassured David, "Miss Kyra said that Ralph doesn't know we're here with Mister Penn now. Even if he does, he won't do anything to us. But if we leave Mister Penn, the people from Greensource Corp will soon find us again. Then, we might face the test tube again." "Damn it!" David slammed his fist on the table, and it broke apart, collapsing to the ground instantly. Wilbur said, "David, stay. You saved me once, so I'll protect you guys." David's face darkened, he turned around, looked at Wilbur, and said, "I can stay, but I need you to swear, Wilbur, no matter what happens, unti
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Chapter 1899
"That's impossible. I don't want to be subject to his manipulation. Just thinking about his excited look makes me feel nauseous." "Don't worry, we've changed our appearance. Ralph definitely won't recognize us." The group waited in the car overnight. The next morning, the gate of the base finally opened. Looking at Ralph in front of them, Paul leaned out of the car window and said, "Good morning, Mister Ralph." "Thank you for your hard work. Come in quickly." The group got out of the car and entered the secret base together. In a comfortable reception room, after everyone sat down, Ralph said, "Can you introduce to me who among you is Wilbur?" Kyra hurriedly stood up and introduced, "This is Wilbur, and this is…" Wilbur interrupted, "This is my good friend, Peter." "Hello and nice to meet you, Mister Wilbur, Mister Peter." Ralph shook hands with the two, then returned to his seat and said, "The reason I invited you here is to discuss how to deal with the Greensource Cor
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Chapter 1900
So, Wilbur was almost certain that Ralph's words were just an excuse. The Scarlet Leaf would not give up the markets of various countries, let alone the global conspiracy behind those markets. At this moment, Paul said, "Mister Ralph, this isn't a trivial matter. The Scarlet Leaf and Green Leaf factions have existed in Cametra for many years. If we only take over Greensource Corp without destroying it, then I think the people of the Green Leaf Faction won't easily surrender. There will be many troubles with management if that's the case. Once the people of the Green Leaf conspire against us, they will be back. This is not a good thing." Ralph looked at Paul with a cold gaze and said, "Scarlet Leaf has considered your question for a long time. In fact, Paul, you should also be aware that the Green Leaf's current glory was not achieved overnight. When it comes to people of the Green Leaf, there are definitely many of them with ulterior motives. These people need to be identified and
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