All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 1911 - Chapter 1920
2314 Chapters
Chapter 1911
"Is that so?" "I thought I already told you before? Only Barney and Damon have been ordered to be taken out. Everything will be over after that." Ralph walked over to the water cooler, filling up two cups of hot water and passing one of them to Wilbur. "Here, have some water." "Thank you." Wilbur took the cup from Ralph, glancing down before looking back up at Ralph. In that split second, Ralph had thrown the cup of water he was holding at Wilbur. Wilbur scrambled to duck, while also throwing out his cup of water at Ralph. There seemed to be some kind of chemical in the water. It splashed onto the floor, decaying the concrete at once. Ralph pulled out an umbrella he had prepared before and turned to run. Wilbur watched as Ralph ran for his life. "You can't escape, Ralph." "Some f*cking nerve Barney has! How dare he try to get you to kill me! He's lost his mind!" Wilbur saw Ralph dash into a room, bolting the door shut. He keyed in the password to a safe in the room, tak
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Chapter 1912
"Is that so?" Wilbur smirked. He stepped back quickly, summoning the thunder cleaver once more as Ralph charged towards him. "There's nowhere for you to run anymore, Wilbur! Just accept your fate!" Ralph extended his arms once more, clawing at Wilbur. Wilbur swung the thunder cleaver in his grasp, chopping Ralph's hands off once more. Yet the purple tentacles on Ralph's arm continued slithering over. "You can't run, Wilbur! Accept your fate!" Ralph's tentacles wrapped themselves around Wilbur like vines, uncaring of Wilbur chopping off the tentacles as they continued to grow and extend on their own. "God, this is boring. It seems like you aren't afraid of death at all. I thought I'd be able to see fear in your eyes, but it's clear you hardly think much of this. Well then, you can just die!" Ralph's tentacles stiffened all of a sudden, reaching out toward Wilbur from multiple directions. Wilbur was completely surrounded by black miasma all of a sudden, which formed an armor
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Chapter 1913
Wilbur remembered the purple potion Ralph had injected into himself. That had probably come from a special virus. Since Jeckle had brought David out, Ralph's intentions must have been to leave a spare potion behind for himself. This purple, octopus-like creature had to be a special virus too. David had been able to heal himself in less than a minute before, and Ralph would definitely be able to do the same with the help of the virus. The thought made Wilbur fall silent. Ralph would be pretty much immortal if he had the ability to regenerate endlessly, and Wilbur would be no match for him. The dust settled then, and Ralph's gigantic figure appeared before Wilbur, laughing maniacally. Ralph was roughly three floors tall, leering at Wilbur from above like a gigantic octopus monster. "I told you that you'd be dead by tonight! I'm going to kill you, and then kill Barney too! How dare he betray me! I'm going to show him what real power looks like! Take this, Wilbur!" Ralph roared f
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Chapter 1914
"What?" Ralph stopped in mid-air, staring at Wilbur in shock. "Is… Is that the power of light?" "You're absolutely right," Wilbur roared as a shield of light formed, spreading out quickly. Ralph's tentacles wilted the second they came into contact with the barrier as he retreated with all his might. "Please, please don't do this! I'll die without my essence of life! I don't want to die!" "But you were going to kill me just now!" "I don't want to die! Please, sir! Please forgive me!" Ralph bowed profusely to Wilbur, and the shield of light stopped growing in size as Wilbur said, "Alright. If you want to live, I can forgive you, but you need to promise me two things. One: hand the purple potion over. Two: you're coming with me to see Barney." "That's no problem at all as long as you don't kill me. I'll do anything you want, sir." Ralph's figure grew smaller and smaller, eventually returning to his regular form. He opened his mouth and took out a tube of purple potion, passing
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Chapter 1915
Wilbur let Ralph into his car and drove to Greensource Corp. Barney called right after they had parked. "Have you brought him?" "I have. We've just arrived. Just give me a minute." "Alright. I'll be waiting." The call ended, and Wilbur took the elevator up to the balcony with Ralph. Ralph's expression was icy. "I'm here now, Barney. Just say whatever you want to." Barney smirked coldly. "I didn't think you would've stooped this low, Mister Ralph. We used to be powerful colleagues, but now we're at Wilbur Penn's mercy." Ralph shouted, "That's enough, Barney! Stop bringing up the past and just tell me what you want from me!" Barney lit himself a cigarette. "There's something you know I care about deeply, and I'd like an answer from you." "It's been ten years, and you still haven't let it go yet!" Ralph exclaimed. Barney shrugged. "There are some things you'll never be able to let go of. You should know that better than me, Mister Ralph." Ralph said, "I'm not the man
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Chapter 1916
Ralph loosened his tie, smirking smugly. "Barney used to be in love with this girl named Annie ten years ago, but one day, Annie killed herself. I knew the reason all along, but Barney didn't. He wanted to know, so I finally gave him an answer." Wilbur stared at Ralph in shock. "What? Barney killed himself?" Ralph said, "I told her that Annie had been in love with me, not him. I rejected Annie very harshly, and she couldn't take it. That was why she killed herself. You must know how beautiful love is to a young man and woman, sir. That lady had been the entire world to Barney, but I fooled him too." "You lied to him?" "That's right." Ralph looked nothing but smug, looking extremely confident when it came to talking about women. "The truth was that Annie was in love with Barney, too. She knew Barney and I were close, so she came looking for me on her own hoping that I'd help her give Barney her love letter." "I took her body in my very house, and she hung herself not long afte
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Chapter 1917
Wilbur nodded, glancing at Ralph's corpse and not feeling surprised in the slightest. His phone rang then. It was a call from Paul. "Mister Paul." "Good job, Wilbur. Congratulations on completing your mission. Now, please leave with Demetra as soon as possible. There's going to be a massive change within Greensource Corp tonight, and a storm coming for Cametra in a matter of days. You can take the time to talk about living in Dasha with Tina." The call ended, and Wilbur left with Demetra. It was late at night by the time they returned home, and Wilbur restored his health on his bed. Tina did not send breakfast to him the next morning, so Wilbur skipped it altogether and focused on channeling his spiritual energy. That afternoon, Kyra called Wilbur out for lunch. Wilbur saw Tina with reddened eyes at the table as she kept her head bowed and was just about able to guess what had happened. He kept to himself, digging into the food silently. It rained heavily that night, and Wil
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Chapter 1918
Wilbur said, "True love might not be a real thing after all. Barney and Annie were too stubborn and believed too strongly that they had made the right choice, but things were never black and white like they believed." "Mm." Tears welled up in Tina's eyes. "Yeah, there's no clear right or wrong. Love might just be a temporary feeling that exists for a certain period of time. It'll fade after that." She got to her feet before Wilbur could respond, pushing the door open and leaving without another word. Wilbur took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling. He did not blame Tina, as long-distance relationships hardly ever worked out. Besides, Tina was a good daughter. The rain eventually lessened but did not seem to be stopping anytime soon. Wilbur bought a few crates of beer and drank to his heart's content with Demetra. Demetra downed an entire bottle, his expression twisting as David took over his body to say, "Ah, I haven't drunk like that in a while." Wilbur clinked his bot
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Chapter 1919
Things had been quiet for a while. Wilbur was able to find out from the news that there had been a huge change throughout Cametra in the past few days, and the medical industry was completely uprooted. The medical industry was one of the strongest pillars of Cametra, and the revolution was a huge blow to many businesses big and small. The news spread around the world quickly enough, and even the people from the Cultivators Association found out about it. Wilbur thought that the weather would clear up by the fifth day after so much rain, but the skies remained dark and cloudy, and the rain continued to rage on. Wilbur was about to get some beer to drink up a storm with Demetra once more, but Kyra came looking for him before he could head downstairs. Kyra looked at Wilbur with a serious expression. "Mister Penn, Mister Paul would like to see you." "Mister Paul? Where is he?" "Come with me." Kyra brought Wilbur to her room, where Paul was. Paul was wearing a coat, a wide-brim
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Chapter 1920
Now, it was going to take someone to go underwater to restore the cables so that the cage could be opened to free the ocean beast. "The Dark Messenger's far more powerful than me. Why are you looking for me instead of him?" "The Messenger has a mission of his own to complete, and he has left Cametra. You're the only one who can help with this, Mister Penn. Of course, we'll compensate you handsomely for this once it's done." "I've just got one request," Wilbur said. "Take care of Tina and her mother. As long as you agree to that, I'll go." "Of course. That's no problem at all." That afternoon, Wilbur drove out of Aidementon with Paul. They sped all the way to the beach, driving into the Greensource Corp building by the water. Paul had the technicians show the structure of the cage hidden in the sea. The 3D image was pulled up onscreen, and Paul pointed something in front and a little to the left of the cage. "This is where the cables broke. Please help us restore them once y
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