All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 1871 - Chapter 1880
2345 Chapters
Chapter 1871
"He bought me coffee?" Thomas looked in disbelief at the waiter before asking, "Did he have a message for me?" The waiter was a little stunned before smiling and saying, "Yes, there is. Mister Penn wanted to tell you that the coffee is not bad. He hopes for you to try it out." "Anything else?" "No." "Thank you." After the waiter left, Thomas looked at the cup of coffee in his hand. Although he still bore animosity toward Wilbur and grumbled at him silently, he tried the coffee, nonetheless. The meeting lasted four hours. When the meeting was about to end, Thomas received a call from Kyle. "Mister Clements. How may I help you?" "Thomas. Is Mister Penn still there?" "Penn? Mister Penn who?" "Wilbur Penn." "Oh." Thomas looked at the cafe and said, "He's still here." "Alright, now that the meeting is over, bring him in. Say that I'm inviting him to lunch." "Lunch?" "Yes, is there a problem?" "No." Thomas was surprised. The international meeting was a prestigio
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Chapter 1872
"Of course, I didn't mention anything about Greensource Corp during the meeting, and neither did all the other countries' representatives that attended the meeting." "Thank you," Wilbur said. Kyle patted Wilbur on the shoulder and said, "Mister Penn, the rest is all up to you. I hope you don't let me down." "Of course." Then, Kyle invited Wilbur to join him for lunch and introduced Wilbur to all the other countries' representatives. After exchanging pleasantries, Dasha's representative, Matias, pulled Wilbur to the side and said, "Mister Wilbur. The Department of Paranormal Research and Defense is really pleased with Cametra's investigation, but there might be a huge change coming to Cametra. I hope you will be ready before it comes." "I understand. Thank you." After Wilbur chatted with Matias for a while, they headed back to their own seats. The lunch lasted for an hour. Then, after a short moment of rest, the representatives each got into their respective cars. Wilb
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Chapter 1873
Wilbur looked at Barney, who was seated behind the desk, and asked, "Where is Tina?" Barney slowly took out a cigar and lit it. He took a draw and puffed out smoke before saying, "Don't worry. Since you've finished my mission. I will surely hand her over to you. However, before that, there is something else I wish to talk to you about. Have a seat." Wilbur had no choice but to pull a chair and take a seat. He said, "Cut straight to the chase." In fact, Wilbur knew that Barney would not hand over Tina so easily, which was why he was already prepared. Barney said, "Actually, I'm really interested in how you got Kyle Clements to trust you and how you got them to give up talking about Greensource Corp at the meeting." Wilbur said, "It's because of Ralph." "Ralph? This has something to do with him?" "That's right," Wilbur said. "Master Barney, I'm sure you know that Kyra and Tina are best friends. Kyra's boss is Paul, and Paul's boss is Ralph." He continued. "Kyra was worrie
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Chapter 1874
"Let me tell you. There are nine floors of underground basements. Other than the parking lot on B1, the other eight floors below hold various types of creatures for experiments. "Tina is on B9. If you're willing to join Greensource Corp, I'll get Damon to take you down the elevator to get Tina up. It will take less than five minutes. But, if you're not willing to join the Greensource Corps, you'll have to head down one floor after the other. As for what creatures you'll meet and whether you'll be able to see Tina or take her out alive, that's up to you. Do you understand?" Wilbur lowered his head and looked at the map. He pondered deeply. Barney thought that Wilbur was hesitating, so he smiled and said, "You'll receive so many things that an ordinary person will not be able to receive in their entire life by staying in Cametra." Wilbur stood up and said, "Master Barney, I thank you for your advice, but I'm not the type of person who wants to rely on others, so I'm going to give
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Chapter 1875
Bang! Roar! The crashing sound immediately attracted the creatures in the cages. The initially quiet creatures were all suddenly agitated and started to crash themselves against the cages. The metal cages were distorted. A leopard even died from the constant thrashing. It lay on the floor in the pool of its own blood. The other leopards immediately devoured the dead leopard before crashing into the cage again. Bang! Finally, the cage was knocked open and a few leopards jumped out. They immediately split up and surrounded Wilbur. Wilbur retreated while observing his surroundings when suddenly a leopard quickly leaped and pounced at him. "Take this!" Wilbur threw out a thunder spear from his hand. The spear instantly pierced through the leopard's abdomen. The leopard exploded, and bits of flesh and blood scattered everywhere on the floor. At this moment, a dozen leopards pounced on him together. With a wave of his thunder cleaver, all the leopards dropped dead at on
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Chapter 1876
Wilbur could sense that they were constantly moving as if they were preparing to attack. Just when Wilbur was about to take a step forward, he realized his foot was stuck. He instantly had a bad feeling. At the same time, a cold breeze blew by from behind him. He immediately swerved to the side. He sensed something flying past him. He snapped his fingers to cast a light spell. A ball of light appeared above him, illuminating about ten meters ahead. Since the entire floor was extremely vast, the ball of light could only illuminate a small area. The other areas were still in the dark, but just when the ball of light appeared, Wilbur saw the thing that flew past. On the floor, a string of spider silk as thick as an arm was slithering across the endless darkness behind him. Coincidentally, the direction was where Wilbur sensed the source of spiritual energy. Through the current of spiritual energy, Wilbur could sense that the creature was huge, but due to the darkness, he d
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Chapter 1877
If Wilbur had a phobia of giant creatures, he would have already passed out from being scared half to death. He gasped. He did not want to cause any more trouble. After all, he was there only to rescue Tina. Since the spiders had already given up on attacking him, he was not going to continue staying there. He followed the map and headed to the entrance of B4. Coincidentally, there was a giant spider on the wall above where the entrance was. This troubled Wilbur a little. After all, all creatures were territorial, and the spider's webs were its territory. Only two types of creatures would approach its web. Either prey or foes. Since the entrance was there, Wilbur had no choice but to brace himself and head in that direction. As he went in closer, he got more and more nervous. Just when he was about to reach there, he sensed that the spider actually scuttled to the other side of the wall. It seemed like the spider was afraid of light. Since that was the case, Wilbur wa
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Chapter 1878
As Wilbur was thinking, he had already walked past the second group of office staff. Suddenly, he sensed something was off. He immediately swerved and raised his left hand to cast an advanced earth-type defense skill to block the oncoming bullet. "Thick Earth Realm!" Wilbur roared angrily. A huge thick earth column appeared, enveloping Wilbur inside. Just as the realm formed, countless bullets and assorted electric attacks came in. Slam! Bang! Clang! Under the intense attack, the Thick Earth Realm exploded three times before crumbling away. The bullets and laser beams were still heading for Wilbur. At the same time, he cast the Dragon's Safehaven. A rainbow beam appeared right above his head, enveloping him inside a protective shield. All of the bullets and laser attacks were absorbed by the shield. Wilbur looked at those people. Some of them had taken their arm off to shoot laser beams, some opened their heads. Facing the constant attacks, Wilbur gasped.
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Chapter 1879
Scanning around, Wilbur made sure that there was nothing but the rock on the floor. He was in deep thought. How could a rock take up an entire floor? Also, this rock was so huge it looked like it had been there since the construction of the building. Hold up! This rock did not look like any other ordinary rock. Could this be an asteroid? Zap! Right at this moment, the sound of electric current flowing and the wire fence that enveloped the rock slowly rose up. Wilbur looked on as the fence rose and suddenly felt an odd magnetic presence all around the entire sixth floor. In the presence of the magnetic force, Wilbur's head suddenly hurt. "Ouch!" He clutched his head and squirmed. "Ah!" He raised his head to the sky and yelled. "Wilbur!" It was Tina. He looked over and saw that Tina was already in front of him, looking at him worriedly. She held his hand and said, "Wilbur, you came just at the right time. It's dangerous here. Let's go." "Hmm! Let's go!" Wilbur
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Chapter 1880
On second thought, Wilbur seemed to have understood. After all, Greensource Corp also developed drugs that could help a cultivator level up. The properties of the drugs were still unknown, as they were still in the development stage. Furthermore, unexpected situations occur from time to time. Many cultivators who take the drug experience a variety of unforeseen circumstances. They either could not control their mental state or their body, yet they were still powerful. The Greensource Corp had spent a huge effort in dealing with these uncontrollable cultivators. Zap! Just when Wilbur was close to the two metal columns, the metal columns switched on. The electric current kept flowing, forming a lightning chain, attacking its surroundings. Wilbur immediately retreated a few steps back. The electricity produced by the two metal columns was way beyond the capacity that he could bear. Wilbur realized that if he wanted to pass through this floor, he had to destroy them. He th
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