All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 2351 - Chapter 2360
2381 Chapters
Chapter 2352
The strange property of the metal could guarantee the wires in the Satan Robot to function regularly regardless of what happened. Even if its motherboard were to break, the special metal would be able to repair it at top speed and make sure the Satan Robot could continue to function normally. Since internal problems were not a thing for a robot like that, all it needed was just a solid enough exterior shell to protect its controls and the person piloting it from everything else. Despite the fact that many powerful robots had been invented in the past before, they were often easily destroyed and disabled. The slightest bit of damage would render the robot unusable, and it would be thrown out after that. The Satan Robot, however, would change this for good. It was a shame that it made its appearance as an evil robot used for murder, as those robots could not be allowed to exist in the world. Wilbur recalled Beverly's words then. Indeed, killing machines like this were too power
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Chapter 2353
Johnson's eyes widened as he collapsed onto the ground. Wilbur scoffed, unsurprised by Johnson's fate. After all, Wilbur had seen too many ruthless characters who still tried to get the last laugh even after their defeat. The Department of Paranormal Research and Defense had ordered Johnson to be executed on the spot, and so Wilbur had never really planned on sparing his life. Having him die this way was honestly the best way things could go. Wilbur looked up at the Satan Robot before walking up to it to open its source plug on the left and taking out the other activation metal. These two activation metals contained special energy, and Wilbur put them into his demiplane. He called Dennis after that and arranged for the scene to be cleaned up. Dennis arrived at the rooftop balcony of the Harry Hotel with his men not long after. He stared at Johnson dead on the floor in disbelief, shaking his head. "I can't believe a tiny guy standing at barely one hundred thirty centimeters wa
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Chapter 2354
Dickens' colleagues told Wilbur that Professor Dickens had gone to a secret location in the Kosanto military base three months ago for an international assignment. The assignment was supposed to last a year, and Wilbur would have to wait that long if he wanted to see the guy again. Wilbur stood in the Monsato city square, dialing Beverly's number while feeling rather confused. If Professor Dickens was supposed to be in this secret location, wouldn't the Department of Paranormal Research and Defense know about it? And if they did, why would they even have him look for Professor Dickens in the first place? "Hello, Deacon Penn. Is there anything I can help with?" "Beverly, can you help me find out more recent information about Professor Dickens? I went to his house and workplace, but there was no sign of him." "Sure, give me a second." A while later, Beverly's voice rang through the phone once more. "According to the information we have, Professor Dickens has always been in Moda
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Chapter 2355
Wilbur's phone dinged just a minute later. The message contained Fawkes' personal information, as well as some data on Rindo Mine, including its location. Fawkes was hiding in Rindo Mine but was still surfing the internet. That was how Layla found his location. Rindo Mine? Wilbur looked through the data, which said that Rindo Mine came to be a few years ago and was discovered to contain a special metal that reminded Wilbur of the two activation metals at once. The Satan Robot had used the two activation metals to sustain and prolong its functions. Maybe finding more of those metals in that mine could get Wilbur some grace points. Wilbur drove to Rindo Mine at once. He was greeted with endless deserts upon coming out of Monsato, and the spacious roads made the journey to the mine only a little over an hour long. After parking outside the mine, Wilbur used a spell to change his appearance to that of Trevor Penn. The Satan Robot matter seemed to have been dealt with for now,
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Chapter 2356
"Hey, dude. It's still too early now. The Cassidy's only open at night." Wilbur turned to see a muscular porter grinning at him. "Oh, I think you have the wrong idea. I'm not going to The Cassidy, I was just passing by." The porter nodded. "You don't say. Everyone thinks the same thing when they walk past this place." Wilbur's face flushed, and he turned around. "Er, actually… I'm here looking for a job. I've been having some money troubles lately." "I see. What do you do?" "Anything, as long as the price is right." "How about helping me out with moving some things?" "Sure." Wilbur could only say yes and followed the porter to a hotel. There, they loaded the food they had from the truck into the kitchen, which only took half a day with the additional help. Later that afternoon, Wilbur was dragged into playing cards with the porter named Tommy as well as his friends. Wilbur's plan had been to hide his identity anyway, so he played along with everyone without winning
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Chapter 2357
The kerfuffle from the gunshots had sent everyone scuttling out of the basement, and Wilbur was the only one left. Fawkes smirked, finding the situation rather amusing. "You're pretty brave, aren't you." Wilbur shook his head. "I don't want to waste my time with you, Fawkes." "I don't want to waste my time talking to you, either." Fawkes raised his pistol, aiming it at Wilbur as he glared at him. "You think you're so brave, don't you? I think you're a fool. Don't be so foolish in your next life, young man. Goodbye." "Wait. I'm here because of the Satan Robot." The Satan Robot?! Fawkes's eyes lit up at once. "You want to buy the Satan Robot too?" "Yes, it's much more powerful than I could have ever imagined, and I'd like to have it. But before that, I'd like to know more about it." "Hahaha! Of course…" Fawkes barked out a laugh as if he had stumbled upon a pot of gold before his expression quickly returned to its previous coolness. "I have to tell you beforehand that t
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Chapter 2358
The U-shaped wire was whole again. Wilbur had seen the memory metal before but witnessing it at work still left him in shock. Fawkes chuckled. "Yes, that's what the memory metal can do. It's changed what used to hold robots back forever. In the past, the slightest blow to the robot's motherboard would cause it to lose all functions at once. However, with memory metal, robots can now overcome moderate damage without being affected at all. That alone should make it worth its price." "Yes, I agree. Well, the Satan Robot costs a hundred million dollars per unit. How much would the memory metal go for, then?" Fawkes' expression darkened. "I think it's important to know your boundaries, Mister Penn. The memory metal is the core of the Satan Robot. It's not for sale on its own. I thought we could have a nice chat, but there's no point in talking if you're not going to purchase the robot." "Oh, I'm here to buy the Satan Robot for sure. How soon can I get the ten units?" "Three days."
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Chapter 2559
"Yes, I am." "At least five billion. All you have to do after that is wait, and the dividends will come to you." Wilbur took a deep breath. "Can you give me a copy of the Satan Robot's blueprint, then? After all, you're the one who calls the shots on the dividend payout." "You're overthinking the matter, Mister Penn. Do you really think I'd be that kind of guy? Don't worry. The blueprint's with me. Professor Dickens, the inventor of the robot, was killed, but the blueprint has already been made, so the project can continue without any issues." "Can I take a look at the blueprint?" "Of course." Fawkes opened a safe, taking out the blueprint of the Satan Robot. Wilbur flipped through it, asking, "Did that Professor Dickens guy really get killed?" "Yes. It seems like Johnson killed him." Fawkes then told Wilbur about his agreement with Huck. Fawkes, at the end of the day, was just a businessman. He needed people like Huck working for him, but the Scorpion Killers had an in
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Chapter 2360
"Argh!" "Help!" … A deafening roar cut through the air, and then the cave fell silent as the vortex of black miasma disappeared as well. Wilbur looked around him. Everyone else had run into a building as they stared at the cave in terror. "My brother!" "No, my sister…" "Dad!" … Upon recovering from the initial shock, the survivors fell to the ground and began to sob. Most of their family members had been sucked into the cave just now. Someone stood up then to say, "There's a beast in the cave, and the authorities must be informed so that it can be dealt with. Otherwise, none of us are going to live the next time it shows up." Tommy looked at the cave. Upon spotting Wilbur making his way towards it, he shouted, "Hey, don't go!" Tommy was about to yank Wilbur back, but the people around him held him down. "It's far too dangerous, Tommy. Don't go over there." "But…" Tears welled up in Tommy's eyes. He was a kind man, yet he could only sigh helplessly as he w
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Chapter 2361
Without a doubt, the beast trapped within the formation was a dragon. Wilbur took a deep breath, then stepped into the formation. The view before him began to shift dramatically at once. Wilbur was now surrounded by gray skies and endless volcanoes. He was on a spot of land covered in lava that had cooled down. Boom! Two volcanoes erupted just then, spewing out red-hot lava. Wilbur could even sense the energy within the volcano lava. Everything here felt so real despite being an illusory realm. "Roar!" Just then, an explosive roar could be heard. Wilbur turned to see an enormous, winged dragon climbing out of one of the volcanoes. It towered over Wilbur like a giant, radiating a wave of dragon aura that made him dizzy. Had Wilbur not been a dragon clan cultivator, he would have been forced to his knees by the immense power coming from the dragon. The dragon let out another furious roar as it noticed Wilbur. It spread its wings, soaring into the sky before turning and swoo
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