All Chapters of Living With My Lady Boss: Chapter 2361 - Chapter 2370
2387 Chapters
Chapter 2364
Wilbur was suddenly reminded of his master's words. That unknown dimensional guardian, too, came from a lower dimension. Wilbur suddenly swelled up with confidence, filling him with energy. Wilbur got up from the ground, looking around him carefully. Upon taking a good look, he realized that this formation was far more complicated than he thought it to be. In other words, this was a formation with several layers. The outermost layer was its source of energy, but there were many other structures within as well. In fact, there could be well over a dozen layers stacked within this formation. That was fine, though. As long as Wilbur found a source, he would be able to turn things around for sure. Wilbur took a deep breath. His gaze landed on the innermost layer of the formation, and it was not long before he had located the source of the formation's energy. Right after that, Wilbur raised the thunder cleaver and cut the line of energy off. One of the layers of the formation turn
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Chapter 2365
'What gives the lake its energy and motion is the energy source, and the difference between source and output lies in its special aura. That aura is similar to the mouth of a spring or fountain—slow, steady, and never-ending.' Wilbur's eyes flew open at once. "Slow, steady, and never-ending!" Wilbur understood then that the source of a formation was the part of it that had the most vigor. Despite there being multiple dimensions spinning in front of him, Wilbur could distinctly feel each of the golden auras. It was not long before Wilbur found the strongest stripes, and he leaped out. Fine golden lines appeared in front of him like threads of a web as Wilbur dodged them left and right, finally coming up to the aura he had chosen. The next second, Wilbur swung the thunder cleaver down. The golden aura shattered with a loud crack, disappearing into a cloud of shimmering dust as the view before Wilbur began to melt away. It was not long before he returned to Rindo Mine once more an
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Chapter 2366
Wilbur ended the call, letting out a long breath. In his search for the fourth dragon cauldron fragment, Wilbur had encountered the Night Demons, the Satan Robot, and the formation at Rindo Mine. All of Wilbur's experiences here in Kosanto seemed to be far more severe than what he had encountered elsewhere, as well as being far more complicated. The formation at Rindo Mine even turned out to be a dimensional one. Thankfully, everything was over now. All Wilbur wanted to do right then was to get back to Diseya and figure out the difference between the two formations in Bangsai so he could locate the source of the golden formation's energy and cut it off. The golden formation would be drained with no energy source, and Wilbur would get the fourth dragon cauldron fragment. The pale blue formation could stay in Bangsai and continue providing the people there with a steady supply of water. It was dawn by the time Wilbur returned to Diseya, and the sun was well on its way into the sk
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Chapter 2367
Wilbur fell silent at the thought. He thought that the Rindo Mine incident had nothing to do with these two formations, but it would be impossible to explain the shift in the pale blue formation's aura here otherwise. Besides, the formation in Rindo Mine was a dimensional one connected to the upper dimensions. It was definitely not a formation that a regular cultivator could make. It had to be the work of an upper dimension cultivator who was also somehow related to the dragon clan. Despite the questions Wilbur had, that was the truth of the matter. Either way, he now had the fourth dragon cauldron fragment and could finally draw an end to his time in Kosanto. Wilbur released his spirit sense into the cauldron fragment at once and was able to read the message on it in no time. He put the cauldron fragment away and came to the parking lot to say goodbye to Arsi. However, Arsi was nowhere to be found. Wilbur smiled and got into the car to drive out of Diseya. Wilbur returned to
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Chapter 2368
Skermann was located by the Gulf Coast that was riddled with war all the time, and the dozen or so countries surrounding it had been going at it for decades now. Thus, the wealthier citizens and businessmen would usually put their trading resources in Skermann. That basically made Skermann the central hub for all its neighboring countries' resources, which explained why it was far more developed than other nations in comparison. Skermann being a part of the Gulf Coast should have made it one of the warring countries, but that was not the case. The neighboring countries needed somewhere to store their resources, and the people of Skermann were also avid advocates for peace and heavily disliked engaging in war. Thus, Skermann had somehow become an important neutral nation on the Gulf Coast. The conflict between the surrounding countries was usually over profit and gain, and the endless wars that happened on the Gulf Coast only further proved this point. Wilbur was far from interested
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Chapter 2369
"Thank you." Wilbur smiled at the old man in appreciation. Despite hearing the clear answer, he still refused to believe it and asked the townsfolk another few streets down. Sure enough, the old man was right. It was impossible for any road in Wendis to be built facing the sea. However, that was what Wilbur had seen through the fourth dragon cauldron fragment. Could he have remembered the wrong thing? He was certain about the location being Wendis for sure. Was it possible that he had made a mistake and the roads in the cauldron fragment had not been facing the sea? Wilbur returned to the hotel and entered the fourth dragon cauldron fragment with his spirit sense. However, he had already done this once before and the message left on the fragment had disappeared for good after being read once. There was no way he would be able to re-read that message now. At the same time, the image in Wilbur's head grew clearer and clearer. He was certain that the roads he had seen were
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Chapter 2370
Wilbur, being out of ideas, was drawn to the mirage at once. Upon taking a closer look, the page said that mirages were common occurrences in Wendis. In fact, there were records of it appearing eighty-nine times in a single year. Practically anyone living in Wendis would have seen a mirage before. It was not really a big deal as mirages were usually formed by a reflection of sun rays. Wilbur flipped to a page recollecting a rather special mirage. It was said that thirty years ago, there had been a mirage on the waters along Wendis reflecting the town itself. However, no one knew why the mirage had even appeared. There were two sketches on the page. One was of the map of the town, and the other was of the suspended mirage of Wendis. Wilbur's gaze landed on the mirage of Wendis and was immediately stunned by what he saw. All the roads in the mirage of Wendis seen in the sketch were facing the ocean. "I found it!" Wilbur cried out excitedly, causing the people around him to whip
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Chapter 2371
Wilbur held back a laugh. "It's alright, you already thanked me just now. You don't have to do it again." Judith nodded, pursing her lips. "My grandma told me to remember good deeds from others deep in my heart. That's the only way to become a kind and grateful person." Wilbur did not really know what to do with Judith's enthusiasm. However, he was also a little curious about her. "If you really want to thank me, can you tell me how you found this clam and why you were so sure there was a pearl in it?" Judith hesitated. She looked around to make sure there was no one nearby, and whispered, "I can tell you, but you have to keep it a secret." "Yes, of course. I swear I won't tell anyone." Wilbur nodded, overflowing with curiosity. The water where Judith was must have been at least fifteen meters deep, and clams usually lived at the bottom of the sea. Wilbur found it rather unbelievable that this little girl was not only able to see fifteen meters underwater but even knew that t
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Chapter 2372
Ten minutes later, Wilbur arrived at the foot of a shabby, worn apartment building. "Block thirty-five… this is it." The neighborhood was named Ediran, and it looked to be at least thirty years old. All the buildings here were six floors tall at most, and it looked to be the poorest place in all of Wendis. Wilbur could hardly believe that Judith and her grandmother lived in a place like this. With the special talent they both had, they were more than capable of digging up the most unthinkable treasures from underwater. The money from that could more than get Judith and her grandmother a unit in the most luxurious apartment in Wendis, or even a house of their own. Wilbur walked up to unit 502 and knocked on the door. "Coming!" Judith's voice rang from inside. The door was opened not long after, and Judith appeared in front of Wilbur looking delighted to see him. "Mister Penn! Come in, come in." "Thank you. Here's a little something I picked up." Wilbur handed the fruits
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Chapter 2373
If Wilbur had been shocked by the old woman's first statement, he now felt like he had been struck by lightning. "You can tell I'm a cultivator?" Judith's grandmother looked at him calmly. "Yes, I can. You might find this strange, but it's perfectly normal for me. My family and I are descendants of the dragon clan, and each of us has some dragon blood flowing in us. When the dragon's blood is powerful enough, our special legacy, the Dragon Eye, will be awakened. The Dragon Eye can see things regular people cannot." She paused for a moment, then continued, "The dragon's blood in my body is powerful enough to awaken my Dragon Eye, so I can sense your aura. Judith is my granddaughter, and her Dragon Eye has been awakened just like mine. However, the dragon's blood in her body is not so powerful just yet. That is why she only has some special powers, so I let her dive for clams in the sea to make a living for the two of us." Wilbur frowned at the old woman. "Why did you tell me somet
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