All Chapters of Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal's Gone With The Money: Chapter 1401 - Chapter 1410
1502 Chapters
Chapter 1401
Roderick nodded and replied, "Yes, Mr. Brooks." Luther did not say much and entered the apartment. As he closed the door, Isabella heard him and hurriedly ran over with a beaming smile."Come and have dinner.""Isabella..." Luther suddenly did not know what to say."Let's eat first. This is specially prepared by the chef," Isabella responded naturally as if it were just an ordinary day. Luther changed his shoes and walked over, still staying quiet as he looked at the delicious spread on the table. Isabella led him to wash his hands. After everything was ready, they sat down to eat."This is delicious." Isabella said as she served him a few dishes, "And this one too."Luther's gaze gradually darkened. Isabella noticed he was not eating and looked at him in confusion, asking, "Why aren't you eating? I remember these are your favorites." "Isaiah came to see me," Luther responded.He had no appetite, feeling overwhelmed by his troubled thoughts. Without self-control, he would
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Chapter 1402
Luther forcibly pulled Isabella's hands away, transforming into an entirely different person. "You like me, huh?""Yes." Isabella nodded.Luther continued, "No matter what I'm like, you won't leave?"Isabella nodded again. "Mmhmm."Luther pursed his thin lips, holding back the impending breakdown. He wanted to tell her his true thoughts but feared it might scare her away. Moreover, the original purpose of his return was to make her see the real him and run away. Yet..."If I ask you to give yourself to me right now, would you?" Luther simply went straight to the aspect she would find most challenging to accept."Sure, why not?" Isabella, holding his hand, walked toward the bedroom. As they walked, she continued, "But after that, you must marry me."Luther locked eyes with her, trying to discern if she was putting on a brave front. However, it did not seem like she was acting at all. While he was lost in these thoughts, Isabella's hand wrapped around his neck, and she tiptoed t
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Chapter 1403
"Just tell me what you need me to do. Let's take it slow, and I'll accompany you through this lifetime," Isabella said patiently.Perhaps Isabella was too sincere, or maybe because the person he loved loved him back that all the emotions that surged within Luther dispersed. At this moment, he was just Luther, shedding the disguises as he calmed down.Luther was no longer as cold as before, nor did he have an episode of explosive paranoia. All that remained was the confusion and bewilderment in his dark eyes.Isabella tenderly embraced him and planted a gentle kiss on his lips. With the softest tone, she asked him, "Is it okay?""Okay..." Luther's voice carried a huskiness."Give me the phone." Isabella extended one hand.Luther handed over his phone."My phone," Isabella said, pointing at her own phone.Luther glanced again at the phone placed aside. The thought of her possibly using that phone to contact others soured his mood a little."Do you want to show your face or kee
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Chapter 1404
Isabella went on and on, explaining everything to Luther. Knowing that Luther lacked a sense of security and was not much of a talker, Isabella had thought of everything without being asked. She genuinely liked him and cared deeply for him."That's all I can think of for now. If you have any other concerns, feel free to bring them up." Isabella summarized, adding, "Starting now, I'll keep my distance from Jojo and Nick. Similarly, you should keep your distance from other girls."Naturally, Isabella understood that merely providing him with a sense of security was not enough. Given Luther's current situation, he would surely hope she would have a unique possessiveness toward him too, and only then would he feel secure.Just as Isabella had expected, her assurance warmed Luther's heart. However, it was still somewhat incomplete. It was not until Isabella made her own requests that he truly felt loved."Why aren't you saying anything? You don't want to agree to it?" Isabella asked k
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Chapter 1405
"When are you planning to meet my family and announce our marriage?" Isabella sat with him on the bed, holding his arm as she asked, "Or are you thinking of going to register the marriage directly?"Luther tapped her on the head."Hey!" Isabella covered her head. "What's that for?""Confession, being together, proposal, engagement, marriage, preparing for pregnancy, getting pregnant. You have to do it step by step."Isabella simply replied, "Alright, I'll listen to you."Luther wanted to give her more advice, but his phone vibrated. When he saw it was Isaiah calling, he was caught off guard. "What's wrong?" Isabella asked, puzzled."Isaiah is here," Luther replied as he stood up, ending the call and heading toward the door. Isabella was even more confused now. After all, Isaiah's sudden appearance was not a big deal, and she could not help but wonder why Luther acted as if her parents were visiting.Luther opened the door, inviting Isaiah into his home.Isaiah saw Isabella
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Chapter 1406
The two of them stayed for a while before Isabella and Isaiah finally left. After seeing them off, Luther sat on the sofa, reflecting on everything that had happened that day. It felt so surreal.Luther initially thought he would lose control of his emotions and scare her away, but Isabella managed to calm him down. That was something he never anticipated.Ding![Isabella: Dear, you can trust me and rely on me. Don't worry about me leaving you because you're the only person I've liked since the very beginning.]Luther's gaze softened. He pursed his lips, contemplating before finally taking the risk.If this worked out, it would be just as he always wanted; if it failed, it would be another irreversible loss. [Luther: Okay.]Isabella's eyes lit up when she received the message, genuinely overjoyed. Isaiah raised an eyebrow and uttered, "Do you want to take a look at how ridiculous you're right now?" "I'm just in love. You wouldn't understand," Isabella retorted. Isai
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Chapter 1407
"Got it," Isabella did not argue with him, just agreed directly.Afterward, neither of them spoke much. Isaiah drove, and Isabella continued texting Luther. Once they reached the hotel, there was a hint of concern in Isaiah's expression. It was evident he was still worried about Isabella and Luther. After careful consideration, Isaiah looked at Isabella, who was playing with her phone on the sofa, and said, "How's Luther doing?"Isabella stopped her texting and looked at him, saying, "He's doing fine. It's different from what you initially thought. His emotions were stable throughout the process, and he didn't harm me."Isaiah was somewhat skeptical, asking, "Not at all?""At first, he wanted to drive me away, but under my persistent efforts, he calmed down," Isabella explained everything honestly. Isaiah wanted to say something but feared it might not be appropriate. After all, Isabella and Luther were already together. All he could do was hope that the two would get along wel
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Chapter 1408
After all, she was now an adult, and he could not excessively meddle with her life. Isabella cleared her throat, asking, "Can we just say I'm dating Luther without mentioning his condition?""What do you think?" Isaiah replied.Isabella giggled and playfully replied, "Of course we can!"Isaiah turned serious and said, "No, you can't. Before, you promised to tell them about Luther's situation if I told you why Luther disappeared. I did as you said and helped you with the other things you asked. Don't you think you should..."Before he could finish his sentence about fulfilling promises, Isabella started to pout. "But Isaiah...""If you don't tell them, I'll do it," Isaiah said firmly, not allowing room for negotiation."Give me another month. If Luther's situation improves after a month, our parents won't worry. If it hasn't improved, I'll still tell them," Isabella negotiated with a somewhat aggrieved expression, Isaiah said nothing.Isabella softened her tone and begged aga
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Chapter 1409
After the phone call, Isabella returned to Joshua's place.It was almost eleven at night when she arrived. Despite the late hour, Joshua still awaited her in the living room. Seeing her return, he brought out the prepared midnight snack from the kitchen."Why aren't you asleep yet?" Isabella was somewhat surprised. She noticed the late hour on the way back and told him to go to bed first. After all, they were older; staying up late was more challenging for them than it was for young people."I couldn't sleep without hearing how you managed to win over Luther," Joshua replied, placing the midnight snack in front of her. There was a hint of indulgence and care in his eyes."You could have asked me on WhatsApp. Besides, you can hear it tomorrow," Isabella said while eating."I can't see your happy expression on WhatsApp. I want to hear the story from you in person," Joshua replied, smiling warmly.Isabella was surprised to hear his reply, but she giggled and put down her utensils,
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Chapter 1410
"Good boy!" Isabella praised him through the video call, almost wanting to reach through the screen to pat his head, "It's getting late; you should go to bed soon."After Luther agreed and wished her good night, Isabella placed her phone on the bedside table to charge, setting the alarm for an early morning wake-up. She could not afford to break that promise since she had promised to pick him up.The night passed peacefully, and Isabella had a restful sleep. She was up before seven in the morning, readying herself and packing the breakfast Fiona had prepared in advance. Then, she took the breakfast and headed out.Around seven forty, Isabella arrived at Luther's doorstep. With one hand holding the breakfast, she pressed the doorbell with the other. Having just finished his morning run and shower, Luther absentmindedly threw on a shirt, assuming it was Roderick at the door. When he saw Isabella standing outside, he was shocked. "Good morning, my beloved boyfriend. Are you going t
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