All Chapters of Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal's Gone With The Money: Chapter 1421 - Chapter 1430
1502 Chapters
Chapter 1421
"Why do you sound a little disappointed?" Annie began to pry.As Annie was her best friend, Isabella was rather straightforward. "Is it strange to want to cuddle and kiss someone you like?""Are you really just thinking of innocent cuddles and kisses?" Annie expressed her skepticism.Isabella countered with a question, "What do you think?"She was an adult, after all. Luther was undeniably handsome, in great shape, and, most importantly, her boyfriend and future husband. It was normal for her to have such thoughts occasionally, but most of the time, she just enjoyed teasing him."Anyway, just a warning. Given your and Luther's physical conditions, there's a high chance you might get pregnant on your first time. Be prepared and use protection in case anything happens," Annie warned."Got it," Isabella replied.Annie added playfully, "Alright, that's it. Go and get some rest. Let's hope you get what you wished for tomorrow morning!" Isabella smiled slightly and concluded, "Stop
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Chapter 1422
"Kind of." Isabella nodded. She stepped forward and straddled him when he was not paying attention.Luther was caught off guard. When he smelled Isabelle's subtle fragrance, his gaze darkened. Then, he lifted her and seated her beside him."What's wrong? Can't I sit on your lap?" Isabella pretended to be puzzled."Not right now." Luther stood up, not wanting Isabella to notice his awkward situation. He kept his cool and added, "It's not right.""Even for couples?" Isabella inquired."Mm.""Then how about giving me a hug?" Isabella stood up and requested.Luther lifted his hand and embraced her. Feeling his slightly rapid heartbeat, Isabella smiled in return. She deliberately got close to his ear and whispered, "I have a small request.""What is it?" Luther had been restraining himself, suppressing the desire ignited by Isabella.Isabella leaned in closer, tiptoeing as she kissed him. It made Luther's heart beat faster, and the hand around her waist tightened a bit."Can
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Chapter 1423
Not surprisingly, most search results pointed to two possibilities.It was either the boyfriend was cheating and did not care about their partner, or he had performance issues and did not want to be discovered. Luther was definitely not the type to cheat on Isabella, so there was only one possible conclusion: he had performance issues.Isabella became worried. How could she bring that up with him without hurting his self-esteem?When Luther came out after freshening up, he noticed Isabella seemed troubled. He approached her and asked concernedly. "What's wrong?""I was talking to my close friend about something. She asked me to help her come up with a solution, and I can't think of one right now," Isabella said, feigning a sigh as she looked at the fabricated chat records on her phone."What's it about?" Luther inquired.Isabella hesitated, looking at him before finally saying, "It's not appropriate for me to discuss it with you."Luther raised an eyebrow in confusion."I c
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Chapter 1424
Luther understood what was going on. He looked into Isabella's sparkling eyes and asked directly, "Do you think I have an issue?""Isn't it?" Isabella suddenly felt unsure.Luther walked over, wrapping an arm around her waist, and kissed her lips. While she was in a daze, Luther took her hand and placed it somewhere on him.That made Isabella's fair and rosy face suddenly flush, and even her ears turned red.Why did she think Luther had an issue?Luther released her, feeling mixed emotions as he observed her delicate features. Soon, he whispered, "Do you still think I have a problem now?""No..." Isabella wished she could find a hole to hide in. That was the most awkward situation she had ever experienced.Luther continued to look at her, pondering what might have led her to this conclusion.Abiding by the philosophy that it would only be awkward if the other person felt so, Isabella pretended as if everything was fine. Then, she grabbed his hand and asked, "Since you have no
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Chapter 1425
"Leave?" Isabella was slightly puzzled, puzzled as to why he would say such a thing.Luther stayed silent, looking at her with a turmoil of emotions within him. "Do you want me to leave?" Isabella asked."The decision is in your hands..." At this moment, Luther was just Luther, not the esteemed president of the prestigious Neal Group. "I won't stop you."Isabella took several steps toward him and said, "Then open the door."Luther was completely puzzled. "What door?""The door to your heart. If you don't open it, how can I walk in?" Isabella replied matter-of-factly, a hint of mischief in her captivating eyes.A simple sentence triggered a profound change in Luther's heart. Isabella was incredibly close to him, and their eyes locked. She questioned him, "After watching last night's surveillance, you should know our promise."Luther did not say anything, but he remembered it well. "Now, I want you to fulfill the promise and tell me why you said that just now. If you aren'
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Chapter 1426
"Why?" Luther was puzzled.Isabella answered matter-of-factly, "Because it's still you."Isabella's reply lingered in Luther's mind."In everyone else's eyes, my perceived personality is cheerful, lively, and a happy-go-lucky person. But I also have bad moments... Moments of melancholy, sadness, and even times when I get irritable. Are you going to dislike me when I show these emotions?" Isabella explained."No," Luther answered.Isabella nodded. "See? That's it."Still, Luther had his reservations. He could be decisive and straightforward in all matters, handling them without hesitation. However, this... he struggled."You can tell me anything. We're a couple, and we're meant to walk through life hand in hand. I hope we can understand each other, wasting less time on speculation, doubt, and insecurity," Isabella said, holding his hand. "This lifetime isn't long, and I want to spend more of it with you," Isabella expressed sincerely. Deeply moved by these words, Luther final
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Chapter 1427
"Did you do something behind my back? Even though you're great and I really like you, cheating is absolutely unacceptable," Isabella teased, knowing he would not."That's not it," Luther replied.Isabella pressed on, "Then what is it?"Luther hesitated about whether to tell her. After careful consideration, he decided he should. She had been so good to him, understanding his insecurities and awkwardness. Even so, he had misunderstood her. Hence, he owed her an explanation.Five minutes later, Luther laid down his heart. Isabella was stunned when she heard Luther's confession.Apparently, his avoidance was also due to her personality."I'm sorry..." Seeing her silence, Luther held her, feeling anxious. He was afraid that she might get angry. "You can punish me however you want as long as you don't leave me.""Although I get along well with everyone, not everyone is my boyfriend," Isabella explained. She was not angry; she was just worried he might misunderstand again. "You're t
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Chapter 1428
Could it be because they had been spending too much time together?Roderick replied, [I do, but I'm just curious. Mr. Brooks never used to hold hands with you when you walked together, but he actually did today. Congratulations!]That simple statement somewhat annoyed Luther. Instead of typing a response, he sent a voice message, "Should we get some fireworks to celebrate?"Roderick had just returned to his office. While browsing through his files, he opened Isabella's voice message. The moment he heard Luther's voice, he froze.Damn it! How did Isabella's phone end up with Luther?Despite the shock and panic, he swallowed hard and sent a voice message, "I'm sorry..."However, Luther did not reply to Roderick and continued with his work instead.Not long after, Jojo called. Luther's gaze darkened when he saw the caller ID. After careful consideration, he suppressed the jealousy bubbling up in his heart and handed the phone to Isabella, saying, "Someone's calling.""Who?" Is
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Chapter 1429
[For Uncle Hunter, finding someone of equal status for Jojo after his failed pursuit of you is the best way to help him move on,] Isaiah explained to Isabella.Isabella was at a loss for words.How could things end up this way? Isabella became worried and replied, [Jojo doesn't like arranged marriages.]None of their friends intended to enter into arranged marriages; they all wanted to be with someone they loved. Isabella asked, [Is there any way we can help Jojo?] Jojo had been great to her, helping her in many ways throughout their lives. Hence, she hoped to return the favor when he faced difficulties.[No need for that. Jojo has already figured out a solution. Going abroad is part of the conditions he negotiated with Uncle Hunter.] Isaiah responded to her, telling her about Jojo's plan.As long as Jojo achieved his set goals once abroad, he would have control over his marriage in the future.Isabella simply replied, [Okay.]Then, she pondered how to tell Luther about
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Chapter 1430
However, Roderick misunderstood Luther, interpreting it as Luther would talk to him about this later. Once inside Luther's office, Isabella pulled Luther to sit down. Her eyes sparkled as she began, "I want to discuss something with you.""Go ahead," Luther urged. His palms were slightly sweaty, showing signs of nervousness."Jojo just called me. He's going abroad, and he might not be back for the next two years. He asked if we would like to go back to see him off," Isabella candidly shared with Luther, unsure of his reaction.Luther was shocked, clearly not expecting their conversation to be about this. Seeing his silence, Isabella asked again, "Do you want to go?""Do you want to?" Luther countered."Well, I do want to. Jojo has always taken great care of me since we were kids. He's been involved in every significant decision in my life so far. It wouldn't be right if I didn't see him off. However, if you mind, I'll pick a gift and have Isaiah deliver it for me." Since she
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