All Chapters of Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal's Gone With The Money: Chapter 1441 - Chapter 1450
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Chapter 1441
However, Luther still wanted to approach this with sincerity. Without saying much to Joshua, he earnestly and straightforwardly told Matthew, "Uncle Joshua was just joking. Jiverton is the root of the Neal Group, and the headquarters can't be moved elsewhere. However, I'll strive to balance my work and relationship with Isabella. Please rest assured.""Let's discuss the details upstairs," Matthew said. In truth, he was already satisfied with Luther's sincere response, especially after Joshua's subtle cue. It was no wonder that Isabella liked Luther so much. "Let's go together, Dad," Isabella cautiously suggested. "No need.""If you get thirsty from talking, I can serve tea.""I have hands."Isabella sighed in frustration. Worried that Matthew might bully Luther, she pressed, "Then let Mom accompany you. Luther is here to meet both parents, not just you." "They can handle it," Cynthia chimed in. She had no intention of going upstairs as they had decided the night before tha
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Chapter 1442
At that time, Luther hated himself. Matthew's expression remained unchanged. Knowing Luther sought treatment for excessive control and possessiveness, he anticipated that much. After all, ordinary control and possessiveness would not require medical attention."Why didn't you act on these thoughts?" Matthew asked, getting to the core of why he posed the question in the first place."I don't know. Perhaps I didn't want to see her frightened or crying, or maybe she's too wonderful, and I couldn't bear to treat her that way," Luther admitted. Luther did not have a clear answer to the specific reasons, only that each time he contemplated extreme actions, a strong sense of condemnation arose within him. It was these fluctuating emotions that led to his increasing emotional instability and the decision to consult a doctor."And now?" Matthew inquired."Now, there are still some emotions in that regard, but I can control them. More importantly, I want to make her happy," Luther reveal
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Chapter 1443
Isabella wanted to confidently declare that she was better at winning Cynthia over, but considering her parents' relationship, she found it hard to say it out loud.Hence, she tossed the question to Cynthia, "Mommy, am I better at making you happy than Dad?"Cynthia nodded. "Mmhmm."Isabella immediately looked proud and asked Matthew, "Did you hear that?"Matthew casually remarked, "She just doesn't want to embarrass you."Isabella was frustrated! Nonetheless, even though Matthew was annoying, he was right. Besides Matthew, Isabella could not find anyone else who put so much effort into making Cynthia happy. Many couples experienced a lull in their relationship in middle age, but Matthew and Cynthia seemed as love-struck as ever. Anyone who saw them would envy their sweet romance.Shifting the topic, Isabella stood beside Luther and asked, "What did you and Luther talk about? Did my dad give you a hard time?"Luther felt that Isabella's family was exceptionally kind. "No. Mr.
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Chapter 1444
"Your mom has never been good at chatting. Don't you think it'll make her feel uncomfortable by letting her spend time alone with Joshua?" Matthew said as he gently tapped her head, affectionate yet stern.Isabella scratched her head, mumbling, "Oh, right."Matthew lightly poked her forehead, saying, "You still dare to say you're the best at making her happy.""I just didn't consider everything for a moment. I'm blaming you for calling Luther upstairs, messing up my brain," Isabella explained."So it's my fault?" Isabella nodded. "Of course." "Go pick the ingredients; I'll head in first," Matthew said."Okay." Then, Isabella watched as Matthew left. Observing his tall and handsome figure, she agreed that Matthew seemed more compatible with Cynthia. After all, Joshua was like Cynthia, quiet and reserved. It would surely be boring if the two were together. Unlike Matthew, who, despite appearing reserved, was a typical chatterbox in front of Cynthia.Luckily, she was also a
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Chapter 1445
Looking at Cynthia acting this way, Joshua felt emotional even though it had been more than twenty years. He still liked her stubbornness."Cynthia," Joshua suddenly said.Cynthia raised her gaze, asking, "Yes?""If I didn't treat you the way I did back then but chose you instead of Jayleen, would you still have left me?" Joshua asked her in a tone that was more relaxed and natural."Based on your question, if Jayleen had really left you because of a terminal illness, would you choose her or me?" Cynthia countered.There was a moment of silence after that. Joshua's eyes gradually deepened, and after a while, he answered, "I don't know." If it were him now, he would definitely choose Cynthia. However, he was not as mature as he was now. With that, he would have felt obligated to Jayleen and wanted to make amends. Without facing that specific situation, he could not make a decision. "That's why we're not suitable for each other," Cynthia continued."If Matthew also had a
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Chapter 1446
Luther also finally realized that though he usually struggled with feelings of inferiority, he had the courage to fight for Isabella no matter what."You're the president of the Neal Group, and socializing is inevitable," Jojo looked at the bottles on the table and said, "As long as you can last longer than us all, I'll approve of you being with Isabella. After all, I treat her as my beloved sister."Jojo hoped that Isabella would find someone reliable. Many of those in their circle would go crazy and throw a fit when drunk, and he was not if Luther was one of those. Hence, he decided to test him."Alright," Luther agreed.Annie nudged Nick's arm, quietly asking what they should do. Nick was confused. Annie glared at him impatiently, whispering, "You know Luther can't handle alcohol well! The last time we went to Jiverton, he got drunk quickly. If they keep drinking, won't something bad happen?"Nick glanced at Jojo and Luther, whispering to Annie, "You don't need to worry abo
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Chapter 1447
"Jojo's alcohol tolerance is probably many times better than Luther's. Are you sure it's fine to let them drink?" Annie murmured beside Nick with a hint of concern. "It's just one drinking session, nothing to worry about," Nick reassured her. Jojo and Luther were not regular drinkers, but they were healthy. An occasional night of drinking should be fine."Keep an eye on them. I'll go call Isabella. Make sure to find an excuse to slow down their drinking," Annie said, a bit uneasy about the situation since both men were important to Isabella."No need for that..."Annie, in all seriousness, instructed him, "Do it."Nick gave in, "Alright..."Seeing the two still drinking as before, Nick thought to follow Annie's advice and talk to them."How about taking a break for now? Drinking like this can be harmful to your health. How about adding some games to the mix, and slowly enjoying the drinks?" Nick said when they set their glasses down. "I'm fine with that. What about him?" Jo
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Chapter 1448
Everyone was left speechless.Was Nick really naive or pretending to be dumb?Jojo was well aware of his current situation. Hence, he refrained from mentioning the past. He simply replied, "Isabella's marrying Luther.""It doesn't matter who she is marrying now. The purpose of your stories isn't about winning; it's about which one is more meaningful to Isabella. Everything from childhood holds significance," Nick tried to instill some sense into Jojo.After finishing his drink, Jojo said to Luther, "Let's continue."In the subsequent rounds, Luther and Jojo took turns drinking. Annie was still in the corridor talking on the phone. As soon as the call connected on the other side, she asked, "Where are you?"Isabella was heading to the hotel to talk to Luther about Jojo's visit tonight. "On the road, driving. What's going on?""Why aren't you here?" Isabella continued driving while the call was on speaker, saying, "I can't come over right now. I have to go to the hotel to find L
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Chapter 1449
"Luther just went to sleep the last time. He didn't act crazy. Don't make things up," Annie retorted, irritated by his lack of insight."You didn't follow them back. How would you know?" Nick felt a bit annoyed, not understanding why Annie was siding with Luther. Annie replied, "I talked to Isabella. That's how I know."Jojo's emotions churned despite Annie's defense. Watching Luther's composed face, he could not help wondering if Luther was holding back or genuinely not drunk. "Can you still drink?" Nick asked."I can," Luther replied calmly.Jojo kindly advised, "Don't force yourself."Jojo wanted to see how Luther would behave when drunk, but it did not mean he would force him to keep drinking. After all, Luther was Isabella's boyfriend. Since Isabella considered him a brother figure, Jojo thought he should act like one and be the bigger person. Luther glanced at everyone and said, maintaining his calm demeanor, "I'm not. Let's stick to the original plan."Jojo reluctant
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Chapter 1450
Jojo asked, "Isabella is coming?""I was worried about you guys drinking too much earlier, so I called her. She happened to be looking for Luther too," Annie explained, glancing at her watch.As if on cue, Isabella opened the door, panting.She walked in and asked, "Why wasn't I invited to the gathering?""It's not a gathering. We just wanted to see if your boyfriend is worthy of you," Nick, an honest person, revealed.Isabella looked at Jojo, realizing that this was probably Jojo's idea."I'm sorry. We shouldn't have done this to him without your permission." Jojo took the initiative and apologized, aware that their actions might not have been appropriate."It's okay." Isabella understood he meant well but added, "Just don't do it anymore. You should trust my judgment. I haven't made a wrong choice in my life.""Are you saying rejecting Jojo was the right choice?" Nick blurted out, never thinking before saying anything. Annie did not hesitate to kick him again.Nick looked
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