All Chapters of The Don's Secret Legacy: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
149 Chapters
Skin to Skin
KatyaIt would have been easier it were just sex,A fulfillment of our physical needs. But the connection between us was too strong, our attraction for each other too fatal, deadly.With each contact we made, skin to skin, I felt a piece of my soul go to him.I felt high, soaring, floating, so out of it that the next time I was aware of my environment, I was beneath him with my legs spread apart, his cock driving into me, wreaking havoc to my mind.I wasn't even aware of when he had moved us to the bedroom, or when he took off his pants and laid me in bed.Everything seemed hazy, my mind drunk on him, my senses unable to function properly.But it was ecstatic.The sight of Ferrara on top of me, bare chested with beads of sweat rippling down his muscled toned body sent me over the edge,But that face contorted in pleasure as he fucked me with quick strokes almost forced an orgasm from me, the walls of my pussy clenching as I came fast, like an uncontrollable teenager."I... It just...
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FerraraMy wildcat trembled as soon as I entered her, her legs wrapping around my waist as though to keep me from leaving her.As if I was capable of doing that, walking away from her. It felt like there was a strong magnetic pull, tugging me towards her, a hollow in my chest, nudging at me to fill a void...My cold heart was warmed up, heating, boiling, the moment I drove inside her.Fuck my life.It was the end for me, because I couldn't get away, no matter how much I tried.Her skin was flushed, those beautiful plump lips parted as I thrusted deeply, beads of sweat and more hunger rippling through my muscles.I needed more...I fucked her faster, anger and frustration mocking me with each thrust of my cock inside her hot willing pussy.It wasn't enough.I palmed her bouncing tits as I drove into her, my grunts filling the steamy room, her teeth sinking into her lower lip, her eyes shutting slightly.No....There was something feral within me that seethed with burning jealousy.I
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Lady Knight?
KatyaWaking up to a muscular body beside me for the second time in a row should have been weirded me out,Especially a man who had heard my most intimate thoughts and been so deep inside my soul.The one who made me vulnerable.But my heart was at rest, and the thought of running didn't settle in my mind.Instead, I stared at our enjoined bodies under the golden rays of the morning sun, The contrast of white porcelain skin and dark tanned muscles...Both which were so different, and yet managed to fit, making a perfect union.My eyes darted towards his face, those symmetrical features illuminated by the lighting and glowing in their perfection.His eyes were shut, framed by long lashes, his face relaxed as he took soft feel breaths.He looked so...human, and instinctively, my slender fingers moved upwards to trace his face, making contact with his rough stubbles which were sexily spiky even as he slept.My heart was filled with so much emotions I didn't know how to express as I watc
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His Coy Woman
KatyaOkay, bury me. Right now.I gazed at the numerous faces which seemed to have multiplied by the minutes in shock, my lips thrown open without a sound.Ferrara blinked rapidly, apparently recovering from the shock first, and with the speed of a whirlwind, he pushed himself to his feet and pulled off his sweater, placing it around my chest.Then he stood behind me, shielding my exposed lower body from our audience.Gosh, red spots must have made a permanent residence on my cheeks now.I stood immobile, too embarrassed to turn around and face those eyes which had been on me.Especially with the knowledge that Matteo had witnessed this, as well as Carlos, who had that effortless calm mockery in his eyes.Oh dear.Ferrara broke the silence, his voice ringing out behind me, deep with contemplative thoughts,"Leave us."There was no need using a loud voice or specifying where they would go.That commanding tone demanded to be obeyed, and without questions, I caught them through my perip
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Rising Suspicions
Katya"It's Blackhat, not Blackheart."For someone whose heart was racing at an alarming rate, I sure was going a good job with feigned interest at the right pronunciation of my other identity.And from the slight slanting of Carlos' head, he was taken aback at my response, an expression of brief shock in his eyes when they took in my casual pose.I was leaning against the wall with both hands crossed over my chest, my expression bored.But what he didn't know was that I was hiding the fact that my fingers were trembling.And I wanted to keep it that way."For someone who would lose everything if I choose to take action, you sure have your priorities wrong."He finally broke the silence in that sly calm tone.I shrugged and pushed myself against the wall, walking towards the vanity and making myself comfortable in a seat.With both hands balanced against the hands of the ergonomic seat, I picked a lotion and stared at him through the mirror,"I see, but I doubt if you are here to educ
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KatyaI might have stiffened visibly, Or shut my eyes briefly, waiting for the ground to open up and take me, forever.Another part of my mind had perhaps been prepared for defense, Because for fuck's sake, I wasn't aware of anything related to that bomb explosion.But judging by the spiteful expression in Carlos' eyes, However, whatever I might have prepared to say or do was useless when the door suddenly opened again, with a noticeable loud thud. All eyes darted towards it, including Carlos whose words hung midway the moment Matteo practically ran in, beads of sweat running down his temple.He looked hysterical, as though he had been running for miles, and judging by Ferrara's and Carlos' expression, they hadn't been expecting him either.Especially Carlos, who appeared almost... emotional?Matteo took in his audience in a second, then those eyes rested on me, his pupils searching for something in mine.Ferrara cleared his throat, breaking the silence,"Is there something I shou
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Katya I dreaded seeing Ferrara, knowing he would have questions. Questions I couldn't answer without risking changing how he saw me. Yet, having him make assumptions based on what he had seen filled my heart with cold dread. I felt conflicted, trapped between rock hard places which would ruin me irrespective of the path I chose. My heart was heavy as I made the short walk to the private jet which was waiting in the middle of the property. It made the wind more fierce, sweeping my long hair about, red strands pushing into my face. I stood in the middle of the acres of land, memories of last night flooding into my mind, taunting me with its resonating intensity. Just last night, Ferrara and I had been so close, our bodies and souls connecting as one. He had owned and given himself to me, our lips whispering words of nothingness as he took me to a height I couldn't return from. Even now, my heart soared at the thought of those memories which had been imprinted into my skin, send
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KatyaThe tables had turned, and now, Ferrara was the one avoiding me.When he mentioned having a meeting to get to, I hadn't imagined that he would leave me in one section of the expansive jet, all to myself.I had shut my eyes during takeoff, willing the pain to sink down the drain on its own.But the ache only deepened when I didn't even catch a glimpse of him, minutes after we were on air.And it didn't help that Carlos and Matteo had their own issues, so I couldn't even ask where their boss was.I sat by the window, all alone, struggling to suck in deep breaths and swallow hard so as to quench my dry throat.The pain in my heart deepened by the second, rising, expanding, until it rushed into my blood, blocking out my rationality.Ten more minutes later, I chose to fuck it all and unclasped my seatbelt, pushing myself to my feet."'am, is there any problem?" The uniformed hostess quickly dashed towards me, her dark eyes quizzical, confused.Yeah, I didn't even know what the
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KatyaIf I had a penny for my thoughts, I would be filthy richer than I was.I stood before Ferrara with all of my shields dropped at his feet, the urge to come clean seeping into my system.Ferrara took a step closer to me, covering the distance between us and standing at an angle which placed the rays of the sun peeping in through the window on him.His expressions were clearer now, his pupils more livid, his muscles rippling with anger."You fucking wanna know why I stayed away, or why I wouldn't use your name, Katya? It is goddamn difficult for me to play this game of civility when all I burn to do is shove a bullet through the head of my own best friend and shoot his brains out, for daring to be in the same room with you, alone."His voice was dangerous.But I moved closer, shaking my head, "you...know it's not what you think, right?"For a moment, when he didn't reply immediately, but kept regarding me silently, I was afraid.For us.Of losing him.Then he broke the silence, ju
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Katya"You got nothing from the system? Nothing at all?"I raked my fingers through my hair, a deep sigh wrenching from my lips.Paper works were scattered all over my office desk where my laptop lay in the middle, multiple taps opened on the screen.My eyes burned and my fingers ached from the all-nighter I had pulled, catching up on work and digging into my sources to discover how someone had gotten hold of the .The dark circles under my eye bags were visible in my bodyguard's as well, since I had assigned the task of running the barcode of that card in our main and private servers.But we had hit a dead end, on both places.I raked through the tangled locks of my hair, frustration nudging at me as I stood up, staring blankly at the mess on my table,A mess that was reflected in my thoughts system as well.Sucking in a deep breath, I gathered my hair in my palms and looked up to Kyrian, who remained professional despite the exhaustion in his eyes.He had also investigated the piece
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