All Chapters of The Don's Secret Legacy: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
149 Chapters
A Gentleman
KatyaFor the second time in the duration of hours, Kyrian stood in front of my office table, his hands clasped together awkwardly,"Are you sure you will be alright for the rest of the day, ma'am?"There was a hint of worry in his tone, as well as a stretched awkwardness between us.I looked up from the multiple tabs on my screen, removing myself from the sham of a work I had been pretending to be at for hours.It was all to distract myself from picking up the phone close to me and dialing Ferrara,Or that private number, which not even my high tech security team could trace.It was just like everything in my life these days;Confusing jumbles of dead ends.My head hurt and the dull ache in my heart throbbed, growing into a full sized tremor.And problem was, with all the problems I was facing in my life, I still wanted to call the one man in the centre of them all, and ask what was so important for him to miss dinner.I was also heavily tempted to show him the picture and ask what h
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Fuck Me, Don
Katya"The card was delivered as soon as I returned home, as though someone had been lying in wait. I recognized immediately. I had been trying to get my hands on it in the past."Ferrara sat across me at the dinning table, a banquet of cold meal between us.My legs were crossed, my hands folded as I listened to him. After he had ceased to speak, my eyes which were focused on him... as always, narrowed as I posed the question, "Why? Don't you already have access to my father's company and clan?" I watched his expression switch for a second, like he had been caught off guard.Seemed I had brought up the past.Then he placed both hands on the table, twirling the ring on his finger.A ring which signified that he was the head of the major and minor clans, and had control over the Castello mafia organization.Now that I thought about it, I hadn't seen him remove it, not even when we had sex." have some control over them, but, those cards are just three, Katya, and while each is
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All Cards on the Table
FerraraOne thing was clear tonight,Katya Petrov fucking crippled me.She turned me into this possessive whiny shit I couldn't recognize anymore.I wasn't the one in control anymore even as I plundered her delectable soft lips with reckless abandon, my fingers roaming around her body like a deranged man, searching for something.I only forced my lips away from hers for some seconds to pull off the rest of our clothes, yet my body was already fucking trembling to be inside her.And if it were some base physical need, it would have been damn way easier to deal with.But hell no, it had never been just about sex with Katya.Even the mere sight of her with pink swollen lips and dilated pupils as her unsteady fingers fumbled with my tie was a hell of a turn on.I took her lips, because goddamn right, they were mine, and I trailed down my tongue to taste the sweet flesh of her neck and move down to her breasts, tearing a moan from her beautiful lips."Ferrara..." She panted for breath as s
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The Dinner Threesome
FerraraWhen the elevator doors slid open with a chime, I was waiting at the other end, with a glass of rich alcohol in my hand.My consigliere stepped into my living room, his calm expression faltering for a moment on seeing me."This must be urgent, boss." He started when he regained his composure.I brought the glass of dark golden liquid to my mouth, regarding him silently.And of course, my consigliere was smart, quick to pick up on something amiss.He caught my mood immediately and slanted his head to the side in confusion.But I could see the way, his fingers twitched briefly, before he pushed them into his pockets."Is there a problem somewhere?" He asked, his tone effortlessly calm.However, there was something in his eyes that was almost scared.Interesting, my consigliere must be fidgeting so much inwardly to be betraying his emotions this way.I smirked, shrugging, "not really. We just have someone else joining us for the meeting."He relaxed visibly, nodding.Precisely a
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Two weeks Later Katya"I like my new room! And I love mommy and daddy!" Christopher rushed towards me, wrapping his small arms around me in an embrace.His happiness was everything to me, as I had been worried since I agreed to Ferrara's request to move in with him.Although my son had been nothing but enthusiastic when I talked to him about it, there had still been a part of me that worried it might affect him.But well, he was already jumping the expansive room which had his favourite toys and games, and walls decorated in his favourite colour and TV shows."I'm glad he likes it."I hadn't heard Ferrara step into the room, but I wasn't startled on hearing his voice.His presence filled my heart with warmth, and when he came behind me, placing his hand on my waist, I felt those butterflies like I was falling in love for the first time,But I also felt a sense of comfort and protection."Yeah, you did a good job with the decoration and everything. Thank you, when did you get back?"
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Late Night Rendezvous
KatyaA less strong-willed man would have asked me to cut it out with the way I paced my office like a crazy person,But Kyrian focused on the screen open in front of him, even as words spewed rapidly from my mouth,"I can't believe this. Apart from you and Matt, my father's consigliere was the only other person who knew about the manufacturer. And if he screwed me over..."I couldn't even complete my own sentence.Hell, I was barely managing to coordinate my thoughts, and to be honest, if it turned out that the man I had trusted for years has betrayed me, I wasn't sure of what of I would do myself.My tech team had finally tracked down the manufacturer's computer and discovered a leak.And it just managed to match the IP address of my father's consigliere.I raked my fingers through my already disheveled hair, my heels clicking as I marched through the linoleum floors.I let out a deep breath, vaguely aware of when Kyrian stopped typing over the keyboard till he broke the silence,"U
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Messed Up Plans
FerraraMy hand was inside my suit jacket, my vision as clear as a night owl's.I had one thing in mind;Get the bastard who had blown up my ship and teach them a lesson, after I got the location of my crew of course.To protect Katya, I hadn't informed her about the abduction, or the fact that my security team had intercepted the IP address of the culprit by tracing the shattered bomb detonator we had found at the scene to them.That was how I had been made aware of this meeting tonight.Thank fuck that she had series of work at the office or I would have had a field day explaining myself without lying to her.It was already enough that I was keeping a secret to protect her, and now this...The sound of a door being opened slowly drove me out my mental train of thoughts, reminding me of where I was,At the abandoned warehouse where Katya had almost shog my brains out.The memory brought a smile which made itself comfortable on my face, accompanied by thoughts of seeing her tonight af
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The Reckoning
Ferrara"Fuck"The curse wrenched from my throat internally, because I couldn't even summon a goddamn word, not to speak of screaming it.Determined to find Katya wherever the hell she was hiding and get us out of here, I took the risk of going to the window,It was after all halfway through being shattered by those bullets, which still hadn't stopped.It was a hell of a miracle that none had torn a hole in my body.The fire in the curtains had taken the ceilings with them, burning fiercely, but apparently not enough to throw the goddamn door open and let us out.My attempt to open the window ended with my fingers being caught in between the metal and a hard wall.Fuck fuck fuck!The smoke had penetrated so much into my lungs that I was choking on my own breath, my vision getting more blurry with each passing second.I tried to shake off the blurriness, wrapping my fingers around the window barricade for balance,Then with the last strength I could summon, I inhaled deeply and lifted
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Katya"Take them to the guest house, I will enjoy having a little chat with them."Lips coated in matte red lipstick,Finger nails in a similar shade of ornamental red,No visible mark on her body to make her distinguishable...Except the roughness of her nails which not even her nail polish could conceal.My eyes narrowed, focusing on them for a moment as I recognized her hands for what they represented,The hands of a pro gun handler,She was a professional assassin.And I knew the meaning of those words, more than anyone else.Fuck.This wasn't looking good at all.My eyes darted towards Ferrara, meeting that gaze which was usually filled with sexy arrogance.He didn't look in control now, In fact, his expression made me feel worse, knowing how much we were screwed."Take their guns."The woman instructed the masked men, and dug into the pocket of her leather pant, fishing out a chewing gum.Then she turned her attention to me, cocking her head to the side as she held it out towar
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FerraraI had long considered miracles fickle,And thought of those who believed in them, fucking pathetic.But a minute ago, I had shut my eyes and struggled made peace with my own death, despite the pain of knowing I would be leaving my son behind,And the woman I loved, more than my own world.But in a matter of a second, something turned my wretched gate around;A miracle.It came in the form of Matteo, who was dressed in black and looking so formidable and different from the clumsy assistant I had at the office.Although I had long discovered his hidden talent, seeing it was...something else entirely.Just as it felt like a dream, seeing the assassin side of Katya Petrov,My bad ass woman.As soon as Matteo busted into the place, she made use of the distraction as our assailants and the lady turned their attention to Matteo and his team.Then, she slipped away from her hold on me and picked up her gun, her eyes narrowing as she angled towards the flash and shot at it first, halti
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