All Chapters of Craved By The Lycan Quadruplets : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
120 Chapters
Emily POVLucy's return had cast a shadow over the peaceful morning in the palace. As we entered the elegant dining room for breakfast, there she was, setting the table with a practiced grace that didn't escape my attention.In her presence, the atmosphere became charged with tension. Lucy had been Roman's fling before her abrupt departure from the pack. Her sudden reappearance had stirred a mix of emotions and unsettled our harmonious environment.I felt a rush of anxiety as I watched Roman, observing his reactions to Lucy's presence. As his mate and partner, it was my duty to stand by his side, but my heart couldn't help but clench at the sight of her.Roman, ever the diplomat, greeted Lucy with a friendly smile. "Good morning, Lucy. It's been a while."She responded with a sultry tone, her eyes lingering on Roman for a moment too long. "Good morning, Roman. Yes, it has been quite a while, hasn't it?"His acknowledgment of her was polite, but I could sense the discomfort in his deme
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Lucy POVRoman was unwavering, and I couldn't understand why he wouldn't give in to my advances. It had been a long time since I had left the pack, only to return with a burning desire to win the Alpha's heart.From my perspective, it was clear that Roman was the Alpha, strong and powerful, and he was meant to be mine. His commitment to Emily was something I just couldn't fathom. It infuriated me, and I was determined to change his mind.I would often visit Roman's room when I knew he'd be alone, knocking gently as though I was his beloved partner. I'd enter and create an illusion of intimacy, hoping someone would witness us and question the strength of his relationship with Emily.With a wicked smile, I'd trail my fingers along Roman's arm, trying to invoke a reaction from him. But he remained steadfast and focused on his own activities, making my efforts seem futile.My motives were clear. I believed that if I could just create the façade of a romance with Roman, it might break his
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Roman POVMorning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on our room. The incident with Lucy last night had left me feeling uneasy. I knew that my love for Emily was unwavering, but Lucy's persistence was unsettling. I needed to discuss this with my beloved Luna, to let her know how serious the situation had become.I gently shifted in bed, careful not to wake Emily. Her peaceful form beside me, her hand resting protectively over her womb, was a sight that filled my heart with both love and concern. The twins growing within her were a testament to our love and the strength of our pack. I couldn't allow anything to jeopardize that.Silently, I slipped out of bed and made my way to our private bathroom. As I turned on the tap, the sound of running water mixed with the soft chirping of birds outside. I splashed my face with cold water, hoping it would help clear my thoughts. The reflection in the mirror revealed the weight of responsibility etched in my eyes.After taki
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Emily POVThe tension in the pack house had reached its breaking point. For days, I had felt the growing unease, the sense of a storm brewing on the horizon. I knew it was coming, but nothing could have prepared me for the confrontation that would change everything.Lucy had grown bolder with each passing day, testing the boundaries of what was acceptable in our pack. Her constant presence, her attempts to get close to Roman, had driven a wedge between us. I couldn't bear it any longer.One morning, I decided I'd had enough. It was time to confront Lucy, to make her understand that Roman was mine, heart and soul. I knew this wouldn't be an easy conversation, but it was necessary.I found Lucy in the garden, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. She looked up as I approached, a sly smile on her face. It was a smile that infuriated me, knowing the intentions behind it."Lucy," I began, my voice steady but filled with authority. "We need to talk."She raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence.
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Roman POV As we concluded our conversation, Emily and I decided to have our meal in the lush gardens that surrounded the palace. The warm sun bathed us in a gentle glow, and the soft rustling of leaves added a soothing soundtrack to our meal. We settled at a pristine white tablecloth spread with a delectable array of dishes prepared by the palace chefs. The scent of freshly grilled vegetables mixed with the savory aroma of roasted meats. Platters of colorful salads and fruits added vibrancy to the table. My heart swelled with contentment as I watched Emily, her radiant smile more brilliant than the sunlight dappling through the leaves. Her happiness was my greatest reward, and I cherished every moment we spent together. Emily reached for a fork and playfully teased me. "Roman, you're staring again. Is the food that enticing, or is it just your lovely Luna?" I chuckled, unable to deny the truth in her words. "I'm afraid it's a combination of both, my love. This meal is a feast for
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Roman POV Under the azure canopy of the park, a lush expanse that seemed to stretch on forever, our pack gathered. It was a day of celebration, a testament to the unity and strength that defined us. Families spread their picnic blankets beneath the shade of towering oaks, while children laughed and played. The scent of grilled food wafted through the air, carried by a gentle breeze. Our warriors stood sentinel, ensuring the safety of our gathering. As Emily and I entered the park, we were greeted with cheers and smiles. The bond we shared with our pack was undeniable, and moments like this filled us with profound gratitude. The center of the park was transformed into a makeshift stage, adorned with colorful banners and flowers. It was here that we stood, surrounded by our pack members who looked upon us with respect and affection. Emily took the microphone, her eyes sparkling with warmth and gratitude. "Today, we come together not only as a pack but as a family. We celebrate our u
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Emily POV With the unity of our pack restored, every day was a testament to our strength and resilience. The damage caused by the previous turmoil was slowly but surely repaired, and our home began to regain its former splendor. Every morning, I woke up to the soothing sounds of nature outside our window. The park came back to life, and it was as if the trees whispered stories of our triumph to the skies above. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at Roman sleeping beside me, his chest rising and falling with each peaceful breath. We had endured so much together, and I knew that our bond had grown unbreakable. Roman's love and support were the pillars upon which I could always lean. It was in moments like these, watching him sleep, that I realized how fortunate I was to be the Luna of this extraordinary pack. One morning, Roman woke before me and, with a mischievous glint in his eye, decided to surprise me. He gently kissed my forehead and whispered, "Emily, wake up, my love." I
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Roman POVThe joyous news of Emily's pregnancy filled the pack with an exuberant spirit, and a sense of merriment swept through the air like a gentle breeze. The announcement of another addition to our family was met with celebration, laughter, and an overwhelming sense of unity. It was a testament to our unwavering bonds and a promise of the beautiful days to come.As the Alpha, I couldn't have been happier. The prospect of becoming a father once again was a gift I cherished deeply. To share this moment with my beloved Emily was a blessing beyond measure.We gathered under the open sky, a myriad of pack members and friends, each person with their own story and connection to our growing family. The atmosphere was brimming with positivity, as if the entire pack had embraced the notion of new life with open hearts and open arms.My gaze remained fixed on Emily, her smile radiant as she mingled with well-wishers. I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, knowing that she would be the mo
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Emily POVThe park, a sprawling oasis of lush greenery and vibrant blossoms, was a place of refuge and serenity for the pack. Roman and I often took walks here, embracing the tranquil beauty of nature amidst our responsibilities.On this particular morning, the sun's gentle rays painted the world in gold as we wandered through the park, hand in hand. The whispers of the leaves in the wind seemed to echo secrets only the trees knew.Roman's presence beside me was a comforting anchor. He, the formidable Alpha, carried the weight of leadership with unwavering strength. His dark hair, kissed by the sun, caught the light in a way that made me catch my breath.As we walked, we spoke about the pack's recent achievements and challenges. The park, with its magnificent trees and blooming flowers, seemed to offer a sanctuary for candid conversations. We had built our lives around these discussions, sharing our dreams and plans as we roamed the park's hidden paths."I'm proud of the pack's progre
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Emily's POVAs I awoke from a night's rest, the soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth on our bedroom. Beside me, our baby was cocooned in the crib, softly cooing. A smile graced my lips as I gazed at our precious little one, a testament to the love Roman and I had built together.Carefully, I reached down to lift our baby into my arms. The world was still and peaceful, a tranquil start to the day. As our child's eyes blinked open, I couldn't help but feel the immense love and responsibility that came with motherhood.My heart swelled with adoration as I looked down at this tiny, fragile life that we had brought into the world. The bond between us was unbreakable, a connection forged in love and nurtured with care. The journey of motherhood was both a challenge and a privilege, and I was determined to embrace every moment.Slowly, I rose from the bed, our baby cradled in my arms, and made my way to the kitchen. The scent of freshly brewed coffee waft
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