All Chapters of Craved By The Lycan Quadruplets : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
120 Chapters
Emily POVThe weight of uncertainty had pressed upon my shoulders for far too long, and the chance to uncover the truth was a temptation too powerful to resist. The letter had appeared like an answer to my unspoken pleas, promising the closure I so desperately sought. As I read the words that revealed that the person behind my mother's death was known, a mixture of shock and anticipation coursed through me.The clandestine meeting with Alpha Sebastian had been orchestrated under the cover of darkness, the shadows providing a fitting backdrop to the secrets that were about to be revealed. My heart raced as I approached our agreed rendezvous point, my steps guided by a determination that seemed to overpower the flicker of doubt that tried to take hold.As I reached the designated spot, my gaze locked onto Alpha Sebastian's figure, the tension in the air palpable. There was a gravity to his presence, an air of authority that demanded respect. The weight of his knowledge hung between us,
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Elliot POVI couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Emily. Her usually vibrant spirit seemed clouded, and the spark in her eyes had dimmed. It was as if a shadow had settled over her, casting a veil of distance that was impossible to ignore.I approached Roman with my observations, sharing my concerns about Emily's behavior. He listened attentively, his brow furrowing as he absorbed the information. There was an unspoken understanding between us, a bond that went beyond our roles as Alpha and Beta. We both cared deeply for Emily and wanted to see her happy.Roman's decision to keep a watchful eye on Emily was made with a heavy heart. As her mate, he sensed her turmoil and knew that something was troubling her deeply. He instructed me to discreetly monitor her movements, to ensure her safety and uncover the cause of her distress.Days turned into nights as I followed Emily's every move. I watched from the shadows, my heart heavy with worry. It was during those solitary
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Roman POV My heart pounded in my chest, the weight of anxiety and anger pressing down on me like a suffocating cloak. The news of Emily's disappearance had hit me like a thunderbolt, shattering any semblance of calm I had managed to maintain. The mere thought of her being in the clutches of that conniving Sebastian ignited a fire within me – a fire that threatened to consume everything in its path. As Alpha, I had always prided myself on my ability to protect my pack, to keep those under my care safe from harm. Yet, here I was, faced with the grim reality that I hadn't been able to shield the woman I loved from the malevolent schemes of our rival. Every fiber of my being screamed with frustration, the helplessness of the situation gnawing at my very core. I tried reaching out to Emily through our mindlink, desperately hoping for a glimmer of connection, a whisper of her presence. But it was as if that link had been severed, leaving me feeling hollow and incomplete. The emptiness I
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Roman POV I felt a surge of determination coursing through my veins as I spoke those words. Emily wasn't just my mate; she was the love of my life, and I would move heaven and earth to ensure her safety and happiness. The pack's loyalty was unbreakable, and together, we would overcome whatever obstacles lay ahead. Our pack has always stood strong in the face of adversity," I proclaimed, my voice carrying the weight of our shared history and the legacy we upheld. "We've faced challenges before, and we've emerged victorious. This will be no different. We will find Emily, and we will bring her back home." A chorus of determined howls echoed in response, a declaration of unity that sent a shiver down my spine. In that moment, I felt the unbreakable connection that bound us together, and I knew that no matter the odds, we were ready to face them head-on. As the pack dispersed to prepare for the journey ahead, I turned to Elliot, gratitude and determination etched into my expression. "W
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Emily POV The days had blurred together into a disorienting haze, each one carrying with it a mix of fear, frustration, and a gnawing sense of uncertainty. I could feel the weight of captivity pressing down on me, the walls of the room becoming a prison that seemed to tighten its grip with every passing moment. My body was no longer my own, plagued by restlessness, dizziness, and a persistent sense of unease. It had been a while since I'd ventured to the Pack's doctor, hoping to find answers for the sudden changes within me. And there, in the quiet confines of the medical room, I had received news that changed everything—I was pregnant. The revelation had left me stunned, my mind swirling with a mix of emotions. But amidst the shock, a fierce sense of protectiveness had taken root, urging me to keep this secret from everyone, including Roman. As the days stretched on in captivity, I felt the swell of hopelessness threatening to overtake me. Several times, I had attempted to escape,
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Roman POV The training grounds were alive with the sounds of clashing metal and the grunts of exertion. I stood there, sweat glistening on my skin, as I watched Elliot spar with one of our strongest guards. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the sparring area. It was a stark contrast to the heaviness that had settled in my heart since Emily's disappearance. Elliot moved with agility and precision, his every strike and dodge executed flawlessly. He was a force to be reckoned with, his dedication to protecting our pack evident in every move he made. As he parried an attack and swiftly countered, a surge of admiration welled up within me. We were all pushing ourselves harder these days, preparing for the inevitable confrontation with Sebastian and his forces. The threat he posed to our pack was real, and we needed to be at our best if we were to stand a chance against him. "Nice one, Elliot," I called out, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. He shot me
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Roman POV As the morning light seeped through the curtains, I found myself waking from a dream that lingered like a wisp of smoke in my mind. The memory of Emily, vivid and potent, wrapped around me like a warm embrace. My heart ached with a mixture of longing and sorrow, reminding me of the laughter we once shared, the way our bodies fit perfectly against each other in the comfort of our bed. I couldn't help but close my eyes and allow my mind to wander back to those moments. Her laughter, like music that danced on the wind, had always been my solace. I remembered the way her eyes sparkled with mischief and her smile that could light up the darkest of days. We used to stay in bed for hours, lost in each other's company, sharing stories, dreams, and whispered promises that were meant to last a lifetime. The soft touch of her fingers tracing patterns on my skin was etched into my memory, each caress a testament to the bond we shared. But now, the bed felt empty, the laughter silenc
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Elliot POV I spotted Roman standing by the marble statue in the garden, lost in his thoughts. The moonlight cast a soft glow on his face, highlighting the lines of worry etched there. As I approached, I could sense the weight of his emotions in the air, a mixture of longing and determination. "Hey," I said softly, my voice breaking the silence that surrounded us. Roman turned to face me, his eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and frustration. "Hey, Elliot." I leaned against a nearby tree, giving him a moment of space before diving into the reason for our meeting. I knew that Emily's absence was tearing him apart, and as his Beta, it was my duty to support him in any way I could. "How are you holding up?" I asked, my tone gentle. Roman sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Honestly, Elliot, it's been incredibly tough. I can't shake this feeling of emptiness without her here." I nodded in understanding, my heart aching for my friend. "I know, Roman. But you have to keep
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Sebastian POV As the moon hung low in the night sky, casting eerie shadows across the forest, I paced the dimly lit room in one of my secluded houses, deep within my pack's territory. Emily, the Alpha's Luna, sat before me, her defiant eyes fixed upon mine. I had offered her two choices, options that I believed would break her spirit and make her mine. The first, to become my mate, to embrace a new life beside me as the Luna of my pack. The second, a gruesome alternative, was to face death. I had seen the fire in her eyes, her unwavering resolve when she spat her answer at me. "I would rather die," she had declared, her voice trembling with a courage that both impressed and frustrated me. She believed, with a stubborn certainty, that her mate, Roman, the Alpha of her pack, would come for her. It was a belief I found utterly amusing. I had spent nights contemplating the depth of her loyalty, her faith in the bond she shared with Roman. Did she truly think he could defy all odds and
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Roman POV As the days stretched on, each one feeling like an eternity, my desperation to rescue Emily intensified. The darkness that had consumed me since her abduction was unrelenting, but I knew I couldn't succumb to it. I had to find a way to save her. One evening, as the moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over our pack's territory, I summoned Elliot to my side. His loyalty to me and our pack was unwavering, and I trusted him implicitly. We had shared the burden of this ordeal from the beginning, and it was time to devise a plan. "Elliot," I began, my voice steady but laced with determination, "we cannot wait any longer. Emily's life is at stake, and we must act swiftly." My Beta nodded in agreement, his features etched with concern. "I know, Roman. We've been gathering information, monitoring Sebastian's movements. We have an idea of where he might be keeping her." I could feel a glimmer of hope igniting within me. The possibility of rescuing Emily from tha
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