All Chapters of Relentless Pursuit of His Lost Love: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
181 Chapters
Chapter 92 - Big Family
Clayton stopped and looked at her. Smiling, he said, “Stay there, I’ll be back soon.” “Okay,” Emerald bobbed her head up and down like a good girl. As Clayton had promised he came back soon with the stableman leading a black stallion. Emerald giggled with excitement. “Meet Maximus,” Clayton said. “Maximus? As in the three time show jumping world champion Ben Kincaid’s horse?” Emerald asked as she recognized the horse. “Mm,” Clayton nodded. “Babe,” Emerald hugged Clayton. She was euphoric to have acquired the horse. “How did you get this from him? I mean, I contacted him since I heard he had retired due to his illness. He refused even with the handsome money I offered.” “Ben Kincaid is my friend. He won’t sell Maximus to you because I already bought it at the time I saw you practicing here.” “When did you see me practicing here?” “Three days before grandpa and I came to speak about our marriage which you adamantly refused,” Clayton said with a teasing undertone.
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Chapter 93 - Surrogate
“So, you don’t like children?” Emerald nearly choked on her question and couldn’t help but tear up. Clayton turned and laid on his side, he cupped her face, “Babe, you got me wrong.” “Then, why don’t you want to have children?” Emerald asked like a child that had been deprived of sweets. Clayton planted a kiss on her forehead. “I do want to have kids with you, lots of them.” He sighed and continued, “But knowing your low pain threshold, I couldn’t bear to see you in pain. You can’t take the birth pain, babe. I’m afraid to lose you. How could I go on living without you? I might die as well and that would leave our baby alone.” “I want us to have children, baby,” Emerald insisted. “We can have children only if you agree to gestational surrogacy. They can harvest your eggs and fertilize it with my sperm and place the embryo into the uterus of a gestational surrogate.” Clayton said. “I don’t agree with that,” Emerald wanted to feel how it was like to be pregnant. Moreover, s
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Chapter 94 - Dance Their Way In
“Hello,” comes Red’s bland greeting. “Send me your fiancée phone number,” Clayton said. “What do you need her number for?” Red said in an unfriendly tone. “My wife is with her. I need to talk to my wife, she isn’t answering her phone,” Clayton closed her eyes as exasperation seeped through his voice. “What did you do to Emerald that she’s refusing to answer your call?” Red’s concern annoyed Clayton. “Send her number now!” Clayton growled. Red wasn’t afraid of Clayton anymore and refused to give Freya’s number. He dialed Freya’s number as he was worried about her. “Come on, answer your phone,” Red mumbled when Freya wasn’t answering the call. For the umpteenth time he called Freya but to no avail. He was forced to send Freya’s number to Clayton, maybe she would answer Clayton’s call. When Clayton received the phone number, he dialed it right away. Clayton sighed when his call was answered. “Hi, this is Clayton, is my wife with you? And where are you now?” Clayton
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Chapter 95 - Lovers Spat
Emerald’s reluctance was allayed as Clayton wrapped her hand with his warm hand. Giggle erupted from her when they began dancing their way into the reception hall. Clayton did not release her hand even after they stopped dancing. Emerald pulled her hand but Clayton didn’t allow her as he tightened his hold. Clayton didn’t want to lose sight of her when he spotted Justin in the reception hall. He hadn’t seen him during the ceremony thus he wasn’t worrying that he wasn’t close to Emerald. But now, he had to be vigilant. He and Emerald were having issues and it would be easy for Justin to swoop in, taking advantage of the current situation. “Will you dance with me?” Clayton asked as he leaned sideways. There was no response from Emerald but Clayton didn’t accept defeat. He stood in front of her and bowed like a gentleman with his hand stretched out. Some guests were looking at them and that prompted Emerald to take his hand. Clayton smiled as his trick worked. He will use
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Chapter 96 - Ready for the Next F1 Season
“I see, “ Clayton kept his expression neutral as he nodded his head. He climbed up the stairs in a hurry once the butler went on with his work. Clayton picked up his phone. He called the person who knew Emerald’s schedule. “Hello, Mr. Strong?” Clayton could hear the background noise and recognized that Olivia was in the airport. Unsure if Emerald was with her, he asked, “Is my wife with you?” “Yes sir, she’s in the rest room at the moment,” Olivia answered. “Why aren’t you using a private plane?” The Kingston owned private jets. “It’s an urgent business trip, sir and there’s no time to wait for the private jet to be prepared,” Olivia answered. “Come on Olivia, it’s time to board,” Clayton’s heart leaped as soon as Emerald’s voice came over. “Give the phone to my wife,” Clayton barked and Olivia did as she was ordered. “Mr. Strong wants to talk to you,” she gave the phone to Emerald and pulled her suitcase, walking away to give them privacy to talk. “What?” Clayton
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Chapter 97 - IVF
As if she went back to the day of their first marriage, Clayton was staring at her with a wintry gaze and stood there like an aloof iceberg. Clearing his throat, Sean said, “I have to pick up my wife from work so I’d better go.” Sean was playing safe as he didn’t want to be caught in the crossfire. Who knows what this formidable man in the corporate world would do to him if he got annoyed by his presence. “Bye,” Emerald waved her hand, she then turned to look at Clayton. “Wait for me here,”she said to Clayton and he nodded. Emerald quickly got changed and went outside. Not waiting for her, Clayton walked ahead of her. The drive home was extremely silent and Emerald was skittish. Emerald heaved a sigh of relief when none of the three older men were in the living room. She obediently followed Clayton upstairs and walked into their room as if she was walking into a lion’s den. As soon as the door met the door jamb, an arm wrapped around her tiny waist and her soft bod
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Chapter 98 - Enough Reason
Clayton froze at the doctor's statement. He hadn’t noticed Emerald used any tampon. But soon relaxed thinking that perhaps she had her period when she was away for a business trip.  Emerald looked down at her flat abdomen and hope arose within her upon realizing that her period had been delayed for a week now.  Undeniable joy broke through Emerald’s eyes as she looked at the doctor, “I’m one week late, doctor.”  Clayton stiffened as fear gripped his heart.  “Well, let’s do a pregnancy test. If you aren’t pregnant we will proceed to the process of egg retrieval.” she smiled.  As a
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Chapter 99 - Megawatt Smile of Giovanni Kingston
“No, we are staying in my apartment!” Red glared at Freya when she told him that they will stay in her parents mansion.  “You stay in your apartment and I’ll stay with mom and dad,” Freya stood her ground.  Freya was afraid that Red would force himself on her. At least when they’re in her parents home, Red would not do such a thing to her.  Red sat on the bed and cradled his head. Freya had been giving him a hard time. Her refusal to share bed with him caused him a headache.  They’re on their honeymoon, but he hadn’t had a chance to do anything to her. Their family has no history of infidelity. And Red had no intention of staining that great reputat
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Chapter 100 - Over The Moon
When Giovanni came down from the stage after welcoming the guest, one after the other, the guests went to congratulate him.  After they had dinner the guests didn’t leave yet, they of course didn’t forget to go to convey their felicitation to Emerald and Clayton.  “Mr. Strong, you must be over the moon that you have an heir now,” Henry said while shaking Clayton’s hand.  “I’m already over the moon when my wife agreed to marry me,” Clayton replied and possessively wrapped his arm about her waist.  Emerald looked up at the man. She couldn’t believe her ears as the Clayton she knew would not speak like this.  
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Chapter 101 - Pregnant Woman Hormones
While in the car, Clayton gently drew her near to his body and hugged her.  “Are you this clingy, Mr. Strong?” Emerald chuckled.  “No, I am just making up for the lost time when you were deliberately avoiding me,” Clayton replied as he propped his chin on shoulder.  “Whose fault it was?” Emerald reached out and ran her fingers on his hair.  “Mine,” Clayton admitted that it was wrong for him to decide without consulting her opinion.  As husband and wife they should listen to each other's opinion before deciding.  “Ba
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