All Chapters of Relentless Pursuit of His Lost Love: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
181 Chapters
Chapter 162 - What Do You Want?
Esther held Betty’s hand as she didn’t want a repeat of what happened this morning. It was traumatic for her as it only evoked the fear she already forgot. She had been physically abused when she was a child and the trauma it left her took years before she eventually forgot about it. But today’s incident brought back the painful memory.  Little did Esther know that Maverick heard everything that the woman said. Maverick’s blood boiled while listening to the woman’s remark against Esther.  Maverick stood and approached the table and looked at the woman with a condescending smile. He growled. “Are you bitter because you couldn’t get a rich man?”  “Excuse me? Who are you to judge me? Even when you’re ric
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Chapter 163 - Grabbed by the Collar
Esther frowned at his answer. She was having a headache on how to turn down the persistent man.  “Do you want me to repeat my answer again?” Esther couldn’t keep her irritation anymore and it seeped through her voice.  “No need, I have to go now.” Maverick said, turned and left before Esther could form a word.  Esther wasn’t an unfeeling woman, she could feel his loneliness but she doesn't have the courage to get into a relationship.  She was afraid that she would be like her aunt who got depressed and became lunatic because her husband cheated on her and left her for another woman. Her aunt had a promising future, she was an architect but her life was ruined b
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Chapter 164 - Part of the Game
Hearing her grandma shouting, Zoey released Maurice collar but that was before giving him a death glare.  Maurice fixed his shirt while scrutinizing the insolent woman before him and then he turned to look at the old woman.  “Mrs Desmond, everything had been taken care of. Your bill has been covered. And here is the check to compensate you.”  Irritated, Zoey reached out for the check and tore it into pieces. “Do you think we are after your money? You rich people always think you can just get away because of your money.”  “Zoey, the young man is now sorry. Why don’t you let it go?” Mrs Demond helplessly said. Her granddaughter has developed a dislike towar
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Chapter 165 - Thrown Into Icy River
Livid to see a woman dressed to the ninth pointing her finger at one of her waiters. Zoey bolted up and stood in front of the sobbing waiter.  “You bunch of idiots! You can’t even carry out a simple task.” The woman spouted an insult.  “Excuse me? Who are you to call us idiots?” Zoey couldn’t let her people be called like that. If they had done wrong, Zoey will be the one to reprimand them but she doesn’t use degrading words.  Zoey’s eyes narrowed as she caught sight of the man standing beside the woman. His expensive suit was wet.  “What happened here, Nadine?” Zoey sighed and looked at the crying girl.  
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Chapter 166 - Bus Number 143
Betty saw Maverick as well and looked at Esther’s reaction. Esther’s face was devoid of color as if there was no blood in her face.    “Are you okay?” Betty asked with concern.    “Yes, let’s go.” She held Betty’s arm and Betty felt her hands trembling at the moment. Betty just sighed and thought. ‘If she wasn’t stubborn, this thing wouldn’t have happened. It’s she who pushed him away.’    Maverick just walked past them as if he hadn’t seen Esther and it hurt her so much. Weeks ago, he was adamant to become her boyfriend but now he doesn’t even glance at her.    Esther became even more depressed at the thought that Maverick and Agnes spent the entire day together.   
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Chapter 167 - Tickled Heart
“Let me help with your luggage,” Oliver said and took Esther’s luggage from her. Esther and Oliver were discussing the 125th founding anniversary of the school while they made their way to the bus and unaware that a pair of emerald green eyes were watching them like a hawk.  “Can I sit next to you?” Oliver asked with a flushed face but Esther didn’t notice it as she was listless seeing Maverick coming out of his car with Agnes.  Seeing her being absent minded, Oliver repeated and his voice a little louder this time. “Can I sit here next to you?”  This effectively caught Esther's attention. “Sure!” Esther said and took the seat beside the wind
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Chapter 168 - Employ Her Scheme
Esther looked at Betty and it gave her strength to see Betty’s reassuring smile. She lifted her foot to take a step away from Maverick, however just as she had taken a step, Maverick spoke. “Running away from me Esther?”  Esther paused and turned to look at Maverick. Suddenly a snowball crashed into her shoulder, accompanied by the man’s chuckle. It startled Esther for a moment but she gathered herself shortly, seeing the man was laughing. ‘He isn’t angry.’ Quickly, Esther crouched down to form a snowball and threw it to Maverick. The employees who were waiting to see Esther humiliated were equally surprised. Instead of dwelling on it, they resume the snowball fight.  “Time out! Time out!” Esther lifted her hand
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Chapter 169 -Greedy
Night time fell, Esther received a message from Maverick asking her location while she was waiting for Betty to come out of the bathroom. [Still in our room, waiting for Betty.] Maverick, dressed casually, looked more handsome. Many female employees could not help but look at their young and handsome CEO with admiration.  Agnes saw Maverick sitting alone on the couch and her eyes glinted. It’s an opportunity for her to seduce him. She sashayed towards Maverick and sat beside him with almost no space between.  With a frown Maverick looked up from his phone and scooted away from Agnes to create a safe distance between them. Although Maverick was young and only in his early twenties he could see through
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Chapter 170 - Extinct
Slowly, Spencer closed the door of their room and returned to his parents. “She’s asleep,” Spencer gave his parents an apologetic look. Both Frank and Gloria chuckled remembering the time she was pregnant with Spencer. It was in the dead of night and it was raining cats and dogs when she asked Frank to buy a pizza. And when Frank returned with the box of pizza, Gloria was fast asleep and no matter how Frank woke her up to eat the pizza she just refused to stir up. The pizza ended up in the fridge but later discarded as Gloria didn’t want it anymore. “We totally understand it. Don’t worry about me and your mom.” Frank reached out to squeeze his son’s shoulder, reassuring him. “Thanks, dad, mom.” Spencer went back to their room after his parents retired for the night. *** Zoey visited her new three-month- old cafe branch. As she entered the cafe the staff were in a hurry. “What’s going on here?” Seeing more than fifty cups of coffee on the countertop. “The CEO of the comp
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Chapter 171 - Boredom and Sadness Were Just the Same
“I’m not rich yet.” Comparing herself to business tycoons, Zoey has a long way to go. Having spoken her thoughts, Zoey left. After Maurice was done with his meeting. He stood before the floor to ceiling window overlooking the coffee shop across the company building. His mind went to that feisty woman. Maurice shook his head. “What am I thinking?” Although she was undeniably beautiful, he would never be attracted to women who act tougher than him. She was like a man. He likes women who are gentle and quiet. Maurice's phone rang, taking him back from his thoughts. “What do you want this time?” Maurice's cold voice rang in the spacious office. “Maurice, I’m sorry. Please give me another chance,” Niki’s pleading voice was heard by Maurice but it didn’t move him a bit. He did not listen to his mom and fought for her but what did she do? She cheated on him. The man she introduced to him as her cousin wasn’t really her cousin but her lover. She made him a fool. Talking to her
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