All Chapters of Luna's vengeance: Tears of Luna : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
87 Chapters
Chapter 60 The Pack Run
Present dayEve sat at the dining table with her parents, her heart heavy with worry. She had always felt like an outsider in her pack, and the upcoming wolf pack run was making things worse. Her parents felt like their family would be exposed during the pack run so they sat down to caution Eve, who for the most part had stayed away from trouble."Eve, you need to stay hidden in the forest during the wolf pack run," her mother said, her voice laced with concern."But why?" Eve asked, her eyes searching for answers in her parents' faces."Because the werewolves will be able to sense that you still haven't found your wolf, that’s why," her father explained, his voice grave."I get it," Eve said, "but will you guys move on from all this finding out my secret thing, nobody suspects me in this pack, even Beta has stopped asking questions. Please I can’t stay behind I have to be with everyone else."Her parents exchanged a worried look. "I need you to know Eve that all we do is for you, you
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Chapter 61 Thinking About Ares
Eve sat at her desk, tapping her pencil against the paper as she tried to come up with a plan to charm Alpha Ares. She knew that she had to be careful, as it was Alpha whom she was planning to seduce, it was just a silly thought but she wanted to give it a shot."Okay, Eve," she thought to herself. "You can do this. Just think of something that will catch his eye."She thought back to their brief interactions so far. He was never strict with her, he was easy to talk to and yes she knew his eyes were following her breast when she was running during the class yesterday. She smiled to herself as she remembered the way his muscles had flexed under his shirt when he was fighting off Maverick that day during the spar."Now how can I be around him all the time?" she thought. "How can I manage this..hmmm?"She thought about this really hard and it seemed like time didn’t exist once Eve went into her brainstorming mode, and then she got it, she knew what to do. She would ask him for help with
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Chapter 62 Eve Dreams
Eve lay in her bed, the moon watching over her casting a soft glow over her face. She couldn't stop thinking about Alpha Ares, his chiseled jawline, his magical blue eyes, and his rock-hard muscles. What she wanted was to be wrapped in his arms, to feel his breath on her skin, to taste his sweet honey-like lips.She closed her eyes and let her head go wild, thinking about life with Alpha Ares. In her imagination, she was taking a walk through a silent field, the sun was out painting the whole field golden, and she could hear the leaves crunching under her feet. She saw Alpha Ares standing in front of her, his eyes locked on hers.Eve saw his feet moving, he was taking steps and getting close to her, his body was radiating this magic, and she felt in her heart this pull of passion. He extended his arms to her, Eve did the same and he gently caressed her shoulders, pulling her closer to him in his embrace. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her face as he leaned in, his lips tea
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Chapter 63 Love and Escape
Dang it! It was all a dream. Eve woke up frustrated. But it felt so real, she was literally in his arms all night.“It all felt so real Sandra, I can’t believe it was a dream, you know,” Eve said, as she and Sandra were sitting in school grounds soaking in sunlight, both just chilling out in the open. The geography professor had called in sick today so they got his class off.Some students went to cafeteria, some stayed in the class chatting, Eve and Sandra decided that the sunlight was too good to miss out on so they went and sat in the grounds.“Eve, so it’s true, that in your dream you guys went ahead and did the deed?” Sandra asked her.Eve started blushing and turned her eyes away from her and looked straight ahead.Sandra stood up.“Tell me now, you did it? Or else”“Or else what?” Eve rolled her eyes.“Or else I’ll unleash Maverick on you and then you are solo,” Sandra threatened her, brandishing her finger in Eve’s face.“No, not him please, pick someone else,” with that Eve s
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Chapter 64 Shadow from the past
“Damn him”, Sandra exclaimed as she came out from behind the sofa.Eve still couldn’t see anything clearly, all was grey smoke in her eyes. Someone grabbed her by her arm while she was still struggling to see.“NO!”Eve turned instinctively and threw a punch in the direction of her arm and with a low groan the grip on her arm eased.“Eve you dumbass it’s me” Sandra said. The punch had caught her right on her forearms and it was throbbing like hell.“How was I supposed to know that?” Eve said“Open your fucking eyes that’s how, ow ow…” Sandra said clutching her forearm with her other hand.“My eyes are open, I can’t see,” Eve said, blinking repeatedly.“Here let me see where I hit you,” Eve motioned toward Sandra’s voice trying to grab hold of her.“Get away, I am not letting you touch me till you are sane,” Sandra jumped away from her.“Come on, I didn’t mean it,” Eve said, her vision now clearing. She could see Sandra cowering behind the sofa where a few minutes ago they were sitting
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Chapter 65 Little secrets
“Are you sure?” Sandra was staring at her with bulging eyes. They were sitting in the cafeteria during their break.“Yes I am sure, and stop staring like that you look like a frog,” Eve said pointing at Sandra’s eyes.“Oh ok, sorry about that love, it annoys the hell out of Maverick, I was just practicing this, but anyways, you were saying that the shadow looked familiar,” Sandra asked“Yes, I don’t know why but it looked like Sam,” Eve said“Sam? Who is this guy,” Sandra asked“Nobody” Eve replied as mentioning Sam brought back all the memories of her and him back.“Come on you can trust me,” Sandra said nudging her to encourage her into talking.“It’s not that I don’t trust you, I do trust you but I just don’t want to talk about him right now,” Eve said forcefully ending the talk of Sam.“Hello my lovelies, how goes the day,” Maverick popped up from between them, startling both of them. Both fell down from their chairs.“Apologies my ladies,” as Maverick picked up Eve with one hand
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Chapter 66 Lure of Lexy
Twenty Years AgoOne day, Lexi found herself wandering deep into the woods, drawn to the mystery and the unknown. She wandered for hours when she suddenly realized she was wandering in restricted territory. She felt the energy swirl around him, the air thick with the presence of other supernatural beings. However, Lexi was not afraid. In fact, she was happier than ever. She had always wanted to see other supernatural beings, and now she had stumbled into werewolf territory. Deeper into the woods, Lexi suddenly noticed something moving out of the corner of her eye. She quickly ducked behind the tree, peeking out from behind her to get a better view. That’s when she saw it for the first time: the alpha of the wolf pack. He was imposing, with bulging muscles and fierce blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through her. Lexi couldn't take her eyes off him. For a moment she forgot she was a vampire and he was a werewolf. All she could think about was pulling him harder to herself. It was
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Chapter 67 Vampire Council
When Nora reached the ancient underground meeting place of the vampire council, she could feel the tension in the air. They were some of the oldest and most powerful vampires on the council, and Nora knew they were not to be underestimated.As she walked down the dimly lit corridors, she could hear the hushed whispers of the council members echoing on the walls. She had been summoned here to discuss an important matter, and she knew she had to tread carefully.Upon entering the council chamber, she was met with an incredible display of heads upon heads of vampires. Hundreds of vampires filled the room, all sitting in ornate chairs arranged in a circle. In the middle of the room was a large stone bench, on which sat the leader of the council, a regal-looking vampire with piercing blue eyes.Nora bowed her head respectfully as she approached the center of the room. The leader of the council motioned for her to rise, and she stood up straight, feeling the weight of their gaze."Nora," th
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Chapter 68 Nora and the Wolf Pack
Nora, the vampire assassin, stepped out of her sleek black car, her boots crunching on the gravel beneath her feet. The air was thick with tension as every werewolf in the vicinity turned to stare at her. The whole pack was on high alert and was ready to defend the pack at the slightest hint of peril.Nora walked with a calm and confident stride, her head held high, her black dress hugging her curves perfectly. She was fearless, and her piercing gaze met the eyes of each and every werewolf that crossed her path.The forest was dark and dense, the trees towering above her, their branches reaching out like gnarled fingers. The wind whispered through the leaves, the rustling of the branches the only sound in the otherwise quiet woods.As Nora drew closer to the pack house, the tension in the air grew thicker. The werewolves were on edge, their senses heightened. Nora could sense their unease, but it didn't faze her. She was sent here by the ancients to do a job, and she was not going to
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Chapter 69 Pawns of War
The Alpha sat at the head of the long wooden table, flanked by his most trusted lieutenants. Sam looked up at the woman standing before him, admiring her striking beauty. She was a the infamous vampire assassin, sent to help him eliminate a rival werewolf Alpha Ares who was getting too powerful."You understand your task, assassin?" the Alpha asked.The vampire nodded, her long black hair falling across her shoulders. "Yes, I do. I'll get rid of him.""Good," the Alpha said. "He's getting too powerful and he's a threat to our pack. We need him gone."The vampire assassin smiled, revealing her sharp fangs. "Consider it done. I'll take care of him."Sam who was second in command tonight leaned back in his chair, his eyes scanning her from head to toe. She wore a tight-fitting leather outfit that hugged her curves in all the right places. He couldn't help but feel drawn to her beauty as he watched her."You're quite attractive, you know," one of the council wolf said, his voice low and s
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