All Chapters of Luna's vengeance: Tears of Luna : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
87 Chapters
Chapter 70 The Pull
The meeting about assassinating the rival Alpha had ended, and the vampire assassin had made her way out of the room, her mind still preoccupied with the handsome young werewolf she had just met. Sam, the alpha's son, had caught her eye from the moment she had entered the room. He was tall one amongst the wolves, with broad shoulders and eyes that could melt you with one stare.As the assassin made her way down the hallway, she couldn't help but steal a glance back at Sam. He was standing at the doorway, his eyes locked on hers. She felt something melting inside her, and she quickly turned away, her cheeks burning with embarrassment, she had never felt this kind of pull before on a mission. She couldn't let herself get distracted by a werewolf, especially not one who was the son of the alpha.Sam watched as the vampire assassin walked away, his eyes following her every movement. He was feeling a tug at his heart, despite the fact that she was a vampire and he was a werewolf. He knew h
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Chapter 71 The Human
I was enjoying my weekend in the woods. The sun continued to climb higher, and the woods came alive with an even greater intensity. Bees buzzed from flower to flower, collecting nectar to take back to their hives. A family of deer appeared from behind a thicket of bushes, their graceful movements a true sight to behold.As the day wore on, and the sun began to slowly vanish from the sky, casting its long shadows across the forest floor. The temperature dropped slightly, and a soft breeze picked up, sending the leaves of the trees rustling once again. All this reminded me that even the most beautiful moments in life are in the small things, and I was glad that I could appreciate every little thing around me.I have always felt like this was my calling you know… to get close to nature and all these things the world has to offer. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the sensation of the sun on my face and the gentle caress of the breeze on my skin. It was a moment of pure b
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Chapter 72 So, Someone Special?
I finally reached my apartment. Quickly turned the locks on my door and went straight under my blankets. I was shivering like mad. Today I narrowly escaped being eaten alive by a wolf. What was happening to the woods, they were becoming unsafe for people like him who just want to spend a little time in peace.After some time had passed I got out of my bedroom and fixed myself a cup of coffee. I then took a long hot shower and changed my clothes. Today I had to look extra sharp, my friend Dud had invited me to a party and he was going to introduce me to a friend. Even though I was quite shaken by today’s experience in the woods I had decided to go nevertheless.So I reached Dud’s place and there was only one word for it….and that was lit. The party was lit. Dud knew how to throw parties, and in a month I don’t know how many times he does that. But he was a fun guy to hang around, other than me who is just plain, I am really shit at small talk. And I guess that’s why I never got a girlf
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Chapter 73 How About a Little Blood, eh?
Who was this someone special?I couldn’t find any answers without first finding my lost friend. I tried calling his cell but it was switched off. It was getting stuffy inside so I stepped outside for a bit to get some fresh air. I took a deep breath and I felt something wet on my skin, a liquid on my neck and it made its way on my shirt. Great! Just splendid, just what I needed, some drunk guys piss all over my shirt.I turned angrily and stared up in the direction of the roof and right there, a thin line of some liquid was pouring down right where I was standing, it was too dark to make out something, so I decided to investigate further. I went to the backyard and found the ladder, brought it to the front and started climbing to the roof.I almost fell down as I saw what it was, the whole ladder shuddered because of my jump. It was blood, red and flowing. I could smell it.Stop it, call the cops, I thoughtBut its blood, I have to lookWhat if the killer is still there?It could be s
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Chapter 74 Transformation
The Human (POV)I was struggling, I could see my blood dropping on the floor. It was going to drain me just like Dud. All this while the teen had an unnatural smile on his face staring directly into my eyes. He dug more tightly. I screamed.“And now how about I give you a little love bite, I am sure you’ve wanted it for a very long time,” he said as his still-smiling face came closer to me. he opened his mouth revealing not teeth, fangs, long sharp fangs and they were about to go into the neck.A wolf howled and the teen suddenly let go. And escaped into darkness leaving me on the floor clutching my arms, bleeding. I was almost dead. I cried out in pain as I got up. I searched the store for some bandages and soon found some. I quickly put them on my arms where that thing had dug his nails the best way I could. It stopped bleeding. It was still thundering outside.I took whatever I could find edible and put it in my car, it was going to be a long trip. I took one last look at the store
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Chapter 75 Lost
It was like any other night and most nights held nothing for Ethan, but tonight as the moon shone brightly in the sky, the thing that was inside Ethan came alive. He felt a primal energy surging within him, like he could tear into anything man or beast. And then, in an instant, his body contorted and twisted, reshaping itself into a creature of legends—a werewolf.His human consciousness fought against the overwhelming surge of predatory instincts. All of a sudden he became aware of the different smells around him—the earthy aroma of damp soil, the tang of decaying leaves, and the luring scent of prey. Every rustle and crackle of the underbrush echoed through his heightened senses, each sound a symphony of potential targets.There was a battle going on within him he was slowly losing his human mind, a beast was taking over him, and conflicting thoughts raged within him. His human heart cried out, begging him not to give in to the savage nature that threatened to consume him. Yet, the
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Chapter 76 Blood-Stained Desperation: Unveiling the Nightmare
Ethan then proceeded toward his nephew's room. The door opened with a creak, and he found himself surrounded by the scattered toys that belonged to his nephew. He started taking little steps toward his nephew’s bed; each step felt heavy. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the blood that stained his cheeks. He sank to his knees, and his body trembled with grief. He kept on crying for a long time.He picked up a toy car, and it triggered a happy memory within him. This was the first toy car he had brought for his nephew. It was a cherished possession, a symbol of the bond they shared. As he held it in his hands, memories flooded his mind—the sound of childish laughter, the way his nephew's eyes would light up when they played together. But now, there was dust settled everywhere. It seemed like this room hadn’t been occupied lately."Nathan," Ethan whispered to nobody in particular; his voice cracked with sorrow. He clutched the toy car tightly to his chest, as if seeking it wou
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Chapter 77 Little Mission
Maverick (POV)“Mother effin’ things, I don’t like climbing trees at night,” I said in the night to particularly no body. I was hiding on a tree top. It made for an excellent vantage point. Gave access straight to Eve’s window.She was doing her damn homework…again. I mean I can help her with that, I can guide her through if she would let me but all she does is talk about Alpha this and Alpha that…And that damn Sandra a god awful sister if I knew one. She should be talking good things about me to her. And this fuckin heat, why should summer exist? It serves no purpose in my opinion.I adjusted myself on a heavy branch and a mosquito seized this opportunity, took a bloody bite on my neck.“Aargh” I growled, ‘Frickin piece of shit, I should have worn full clothes for this mission but dang it’‘ok ok focus now, what the hell she is looking at her phone for?, and why is she shaking, is it my eyes or is she really shaking, wait’I took out my binoculars and looked through them, ‘yes she i
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Chapter 78 Taken
Eve and Sandra reached the school grounds and all they could see was a little tornado moving from one side of the ground to the other without any set pattern.Several of the warrior clan werewolves were chasing it including Beta but it was too fast. A swirling vortex of dark clouds materialized above the tornado, crackling with electric energy. The wind was spiraling and howling. It was too risky to get close but surprisingly Beta and pack members were still trying to catch it somehow.“What in the actual F…is happening here?” Sandra exclaimed, mouth gaping. Eve had the same reaction. Students on the grounds were running back toward the school building, some cheering, some screaming. It was chaos.“Look a hand,” Eve pointed to a hand that was visible for only a split second in the tornado.“What?”“Where”“Look, there….” Eve pointed again. The dust once settled and undisturbed, now danced and twirled in chaotic harmony, caught within the powerful currents of the tornado's wrath.“Shit
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Chapter 79 The Dungeons
There was an unexplainable stench of decay which was lingering heavily in the air, one couldn’t breathe in there, and every breath within the hopeless stone corridors of the dungeons was depressing. Dim torches flickered, casting eerie shadows on the damp, moss-covered walls. A chilling silence enveloped the space, broken only by distant, muffled cries of anguish that echoed through the abyss.As Maverick was mercilessly dragged along, the huge shackles with which he was bound kept on clinking with every agonizing step, and the poor soul could really feel the cold dampness of it seeping into his very bones. The corridor kept on going with no end in sight, a maze of despair that twisted and turned, offering no glimpse of hope or escape. All he could see was darkness consuming him little by little, making him feel as if he was slowly being dragged down into hell itself.The dungeon cells, like cages of despair, lined the corridor. Grotesque stains of blood and filth adorned the walls,
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