All Chapters of My Mate's Wedding Drama : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
112 Chapters
Chapter 100: Kidnapping Day Four
(Cassie POV) We have now reached Day 4 of our kidnapping. I am still clinging to hope that Aaron will be able to find and rescue us, but that hope is quickly diminishing. Part of that is because Shelly seems more and more unhinged every day. She keeps talking about some random “Bobby” and company that she expects to be coming. At this point, I seriously wonder whether Bobby and this company she keeps referring to are pure figments of her imagination. I do not know at what point she will snap and do one of the crazy things she keeps talking about. At least she keeps giving us small amounts of food and water.... although we cannot be sure how long that will continue. Paige and I have still barely spoken to one another; we are terrified that Shelly will use something we say against us, or as provocation to act out some random fantasy that she has. Even without talking, though, I know that Paige and I have the same thought: we have to do whatever it takes to get out of here.
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Chapter 101: Bobby
(Cassie POV)It is now Day 5 our kidnapping. We wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon. At first, I think that I am hallucinating the smell. After all, it would make sense that we are hallucinating; it is tough to get much sleep while handcuffed in the sitting position.I realize that it is not a hallucination when I look at Paige and realize that she smells the same thing that I do. So then I conclude that Shelly and Bobby have decided to torture us by making themselves a delicious breakfast that we cannot have. That is also a very rational conclusion, given the circumstances.What I do not expect is what actually happens.Bobby walks out of the kitchen area, uncuffs us, and directs us to a small dining table. There are two plates, and both are filled with generous servings of eggs, bacon, and toast. Paige and I sit down in the chairs that Bobby directs us to, and Bobby turns a third chair backwards and sits down, with his belly against the chair rails.“Eat,” he barks at us.
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Chapter 102: Bargaining with the Moon Goddess
(Jason POV)Take care of Theo. Search for Paige. Take care of Theo. Pray to, and bargain with, the Moon Goddess. Take care of Theo. Search for Paige. Repeat.This has been my routine the past several days. Food and rest are not included in my routine because, if I am being honest, I am not getting much of either of those these days. Sure, I may steal an apple slice or chicken nugget from Theo when I am feeding him, and I may close my eyes for a few minutes here and there… but that is about it.Every time I pick up food intending to eat a real meal —under the guise of keeping up my energy; I have no actual appetite— I feel tremendous guilt, because I have no idea whether Paige has the luxury of food right now. Meanwhile, every time that I close my eyes to sleep, my mind either sends me back to the last fight that I had with Paige, or it imagines the horrible things that could be happening to Paige as we speak.The moment I learned that Paige was kidnapped, the first thing tha
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Chapter 103: Natalie's Dress
(24 hours earlier)(Cassie POV)“I… I have so many questions,” I tell Bobby after listening to his story.“I do, too,” Paige whispers. I glance at her and can tell that she is in shock. So much of what she has thought and believed for the past several years has been turned upside down in the matter of a single 10-minute conversation. “I’ll answer what I can until Shelly gets here.”“After all Shelly and the Moonlight Six did to you… why are you dating Shelly?”“Keep your friends close; your enemies closer,” Bobby responds as though it is nothing.“Don’t you feel like you are… cheating on your mate?” Paige asks.If my handcuffs would allow it, I would reach over and slap Paige upside the head. Seriously, that was the first question she asked Bobby? I remind myself that she is in shock and going through a lot, but I also chuckle a little bit as I realize Jason would likely have asked the same question.Instead of answering Paige, Bobby growls angrily. Paige seems to realize her
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Chapter 104: Reunion, Part 1
(Aaron POV) As soon as I heard that Cassie was at the border, I took off running. I shifted into my wolf in order to run faster, not caring that I was shredding my clothes in the process. I did not bother to mind-link anyone; I knew my father would do so. All I cared about was getting to Cassie. I reached Cassie within just a few minutes. I was vaguely aware that Paige, a baby, and a few of our border guards were standing nearby, but no one else mattered to me in that moment. I quickly shifted back to my human form and wrapped Cassie up in my arms. I am not ashamed to admit that —as I clung to her as though my life depended on it— I buried my head in her neck and cried. They were happy tears, but tears all the same. For her part, Cassie clung to me just as much if not more than I clung to her. I could feel her tears on my bare shoulder, so I knew she was crying just like I was. After a couple of minutes, I finally —although reluctantly— pulled away from her just a little bi
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Chapter 105: Reunion, Part 2
(Paige POV) When we finally made it back to Blue Moon, my emotions were a muddled mess: —I was relieved to be back. —I was happy to be alive and unharmed. —I felt both sad and betrayed about everything involving my sister. —I was horrified about having watched my sister be murdered in front of me. —I was scared and nervous to see Jason again, after having rejected him for the second time less than a week ago. —I was still upset with Jason for having knocked up my best friend. —I was still in shock that Granny Apple played a role in Sarah getting pregnant. Complicating my mess of emotions even more was the reality that I was hungry, dehydrated, and exhausted. When I saw Aaron race from the packhouse to greet Cassie, my heart felt happy for the two of them… and a little jealous too. I could not help but wonder if Jason and I would ever get to that point, or if my happiness —like that of Aaron and Cassie— would be found in the arms of a second chance mate. Carly growled in
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Chapter 106: Big News
(Cassie POV) I wake up to Josephine’s voice in my head. “Cassie, Sweetheart?” I moan. “I am sleeping. What is up, Josephine?” “It is one o’clock the afternoon.” “One in the morning?” I respond back groggily. “No, Sweetheart. It’s the middle of the afternoon.” “That’s not possible,” I groan. “We did not get home until five o’clock.” “Five o’clock yesterday, Baby.” Realization hits me. I must have been more tired than I realized. The last thing I remember was having a hot shower with Aaron, eating more food than I want to admit to eating, having a second round with Aaron in our bed, and then asking Aaron if we could talk after a took a quick nap. Apparently that nap was the longest nap ever. I try to stretch my arms, but one arm hits something hard. I blink open my eyes and see Aaron laying on his side, with one arm supporting his head as he stares at me. He smiles as soon as our eyes meet. “Good morning, Sweetheart,” he says. “Good morning, Aaron,” I smile back at
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Chapter 107: The De-Brief
(Paige POV) As I get on the airplane, my heart feels heavy. I know that I need to get back to Texas, but even after spending the morning talking to Jason and most of the afternoon de-briefing with everyone else, things still just feel… unsettled. I had hoped that talking to Jason would give me some better insight on our relationship… but more than anything, this morning felt…. awkward. In addition to bizarrely shaving his head and insisting on serving me breakfast in bed, Jason spent almost the entirety of our conversation either apologizing or agreeing with everything that I said. It sort-of felt like I was talking to a wall; the normal, opinionated Jason was not there. As much as the normal, opinionated Jason irritates me at times, I could not help but wonder where he was. I definitely like the normal Jason better than the shell of a wolf that he was this morning. Oh, well. At least if I am going to have a heavy heart on my flight back, I will be comfortable. (Somehow, my
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Chapter 108: Jason & Duncan
(Paige POV)So it turns out that Jason not only upgraded my flight to first-class… he booked himself a ticket as well. Jason explained that he had decided that he was going to go where I went for the rest of my life… or until I rejected him for the third and final time. He also told me that his plan was for Theo to stay with Jason’s parents for the first couple of weeks, and then —if I had not kicked him out yet— Theo would come and join us.But for everything else, I probably would have found Jason’s decision to come to Texas with me to be a really sweet gesture.However, over the next week, Jason’s behavior continued to be bizarre. Worse, his constant presence began to feel suffocating and overwhelming. Even Carly, who loved having her mate nearby, was becoming concerned.Among other weird things, Jason:—continued to insist on making me breakfast in bed every. single. day. I could not even grab a piece of toast or a granola bar without Jason freaking out. —refused to disagree
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Chapter 109: My Idiot
(Paige POV) Neither Jason nor I said anything to each other on the way home from the bakery. It was just as well. Thankfully, Moira did not seem angry about Duncan and Jason leaving… and we were able to successfully pick flavors for their wedding cake… but the whole thing was still embarrassing and unprofessional. The moment we walked into my apartment, Jason headed to the kitchen. He peeked inside the refrigerator and calmly asked me what I wanted to eat for dinner. “Really? That is the first thing that you are going to say to me? Not ‘I’m sorry for embarrassing you,’ or ‘I’m sorry for having my head up my a— since you got back’ or ‘How did the rest of your tasting go? I hope I didn’t cost you a couple of clients.’ Hell, at this point, I’d even take ‘Hey, Baby, I’m craving tacos, does that sound good to you?’” “Why do I feel like you are itching for a fight, Paige?” “Maybe because I am, Jason! I cannot live this way anymore!!!” Jason turned around and glared at me. “Liv
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