All Chapters of My Mate's Wedding Drama : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
112 Chapters
Chapter 80: The Wedding Business
(Jason POV)I stood up and looked at Granny Apple angrily."What do you mean 'We don't'?? What was the point of telling us any of this if it isn't to help us find Paige?"Granny Apple stood up and glared right back at me. "Watch your tone, Child. I have already warned you what will happen if you don't."I continued to glare at her, but I was eventually forced to look away. I am a strong, young beta wolf... and yet this short sassy 79-year-old grandmother scares the wolf out of me."Fine! I'm sorry. But please... we have to find Paige. It hasn't even been 24 hours and my wolf is already going nuts. I need to find her. I am scared what might happen to her out there by herself.""Paige will be fine; she is very self sufficient and I will be able to feel it if she is in trouble. She needs space right now. When she is ready and settled, she will call me. She always does. I told you her story because you need to be prepared when she reaches out. You can't keep making stupid mistak
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Chapter 81: The Search
(Jason POV) It has been two very long months since I have seen or talked to Paige. This has been an incredibly different experience than the experience that I had when Cassie and I were apart for three months. For one thing, I feel my wolf getting weaker and weaker. I can hardly sleep, and when I do, I dream about Paige. I also find myself thinking and worrying about her constantly. I really do not know how much longer I can make it without Paige by my side. There are only two things that are keeping my wolf and I sane right now. First, without beta duties weighing me down, I have had the luxury of spending most of my time focused on locating and neutralizing Paige's stalker. This way, our pack will be safe for Paige if and when she returns. Of course, I also hope that my investigation will give me clues as to how the stalker keeps finding Paige, so that I can find Paige myself. To these ends --armed with information given to me by Granny Apple-- I have been busy retracing
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Chapter 82: Planning the Bachelorette
(Cassie POV)For the fourth time today, my sister calls me. I pick up the phone, feeling exacerbated.“Megan, what now?”“They are fighting again.”“So leave the room.”“I can’t. They are so loud. Plus I am the Luna… not that they care. They refuse to listen to me. Besides, the fight is already over. Plllllllleeeeeeeeeassssssssse, Cassie, I need your help.”I sigh. I love my sister, and I love Granny Apple, but I am getting very tired of refereeing every little fight that happens at White Howlers.As you might imagine, Granny Apple going to live there has not been one of the easiest transitions. The first night Granny Apple was there, she and Albert fought over the fact that Albert wanted them to have separate bedrooms until they were married. One of Granny Apple’s more priceless quotes from that night was, “So I am good enough for you to put your dick in, but not good enough to lay next to while you snore?” Albert eventually won that fight, but Granny Apple did not go down
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Chapter 83: Moira & Duncan
(Paige POV)Another two weeks have passed by, and I have been fighting with Carly every day. She desperately wants to go back to Blue Moon to see Jason. She is getting weaker without him, and she is done listening to me complain about my insecurities and about not being ready. But for our lurking stalker, I am sure Carly would have already forced a shift so that she could run back to Blue Moon.Meanwhile, even without Carly’s incessant begging, I can feel my own resolve starting to slip. As much as I love Tyler, Texas, I am not enjoying my wedding planning business as much as I thought I would. It is one thing to deal with brides for short periods of time as they pick wedding dresses; it is another to deal with brides for hours and hours as they go through the entire wedding process. Add to that my own messed-up love life, and I’m pretty sure I have spent more time questioning how long some of these marriages will last than I have spent actually planning their weddings.Of cours
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Chapter 84: Return to Blue Moon
(Jason POV)I am in the beta suite living room, going over my investigation notes for the hundredth time. (Even though I am not serving as Beta, Aaron decided not to evict me until a final decision is made about my future in the pack. My parents, however, have already moved to their “forever” house about five minutes away.)I am getting more and more frustrated. Pieces of the puzzle just do not fit together. Who is Paige’s stalker? Who would have the time and resources to pursue Paige for four years? Who would harbor that much anger against her?I have not gone to see Harvey yet, but I did reach out to a friend of mine in his new pack. He told me that Harvey did in fact transfer to their pack to be with his mate, but soon thereafter he was sentenced to five years in their dungeons because he was caught assaulting a different she-wolf. Unless Harvey has someone working for him —who he is able to direct from a dungeon cell— that pretty much takes Harvey out of the running.I rea
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Chapter 85: No Hit Alpha
(Cassie POV) I sat down on the floor next to Aaron and Theo. Watching Aaron play with Theo made me smile… although not enough to want a pup of my own just yet. Aaron and I had agreed to wait a couple more years before trying for a family. As Theo went to the other side of the room driving his two toy trucks around, I opened the mind-link with Aaron. “Do you think Jason is going to tell Paige about Theo?” I asked. “Eventually, yes. But first he is going to let her find out in the world’s worst way,” Aaron replied. “I hope you are wrong.” “I know that I’m not.” “Jason really has changed, though,” I protested. “He is so different than he used to be.” “I actually agree with you about that. But I also know that he has proven himself to be an idiot time and time again. And you should never underestimate a leopard’s ability to reveal his spots.” I sighed. We watched as Theo “crashed” one of his trucks into one of Aaron’s legs. Aaron feigned injury, causing Theo to laugh. “D
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Chapter 86: Let the Fireworks Begin
(Aaron POV)When I woke up on Saturday morning, I fully expected that the day would involve yelling, crying, slamming doors, and fireworks. However, I expected those things to happen because of Jason’s stupidity. I never expected that any of those things would be coming from my own suite, or that they would happen because of fight that I had with my own mate.I should preface this story by explaining that Cassie had been irritable for the last couple of weeks, but not so much that I was worried. One of the many things that I love about Cassie is that —unlike many other she-wolves— she does not feel compelled to put on a fake smile or hide her emotions. Instead, she tends to wear her emotions on her sleeve, whether they are good, bad, or ugly. That means that I always know where I stand with her. Thankfully, I am usually on her good side. We very rarely fight about anything serious, and being with her has easily been the best year of my entire life.Today, though… man…. Today wa
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Chapter 87: Battle of Wills
(Cassie POV) The moment that Aaron stepped into our suite, I knew that he was irritated about my choice of outfit. Instead of a mostly modest black dress, I was wearing a black negligée that exposed almost everything, a tight leather skirt, and 4-inch stiletto heels. I was also wearing a black studded choker around my neck. Aaron looked between me and Paige, and rubbed his neck and shoulder as though he was uncomfortable. “Sweetheart,” he said hesitantly, “I am assuming you still have to put your shirt on?” I smiled at him innocently, as though I had no idea that my “top” left nothing to the imagination. “What do you mean?” I asked, pointing to my negligee. “This is my shirt.” I watched as Aaron battled with his wolf, and as he struggled with what to say next. “Sweetheart, can we talk about this in private?” he asked via mind-link. “My love,” I responded out loud, so that Paige could hear, “Paige and I were just talking about how male wolves can be… a little bit nutty when
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Chapter 88: Regrets
(Paige POV) When Cassie joins Josephine and I in our SUV, I cannot help but chuckle at the way that she is dressed. “Hmmmm. I guess I know who won that fight,” I tease her. “Only because that man plays dirty,” Cassie groans. She tells Josephine and I what happened after everyone was kicked out of the packhouse. By the end of Cassie’s story, Josephine and I are rolling over in laughter. “I need to figure out a version of that to do to Blake,” Josephine says smiling. “It’s good to keep these Wagner males on their toes.” “Do I even want to know why you had those nipple tassles in your closet to begin with?” I ask. Cassie gives me a mischievous smile and laughs. “No, you probably don’t.” As our SUV pulls away from the packhouse, I briefly lock eyes with Jason. Suddenly, my laughter dies, and I feel my stomach start to hurt as a tear threatens to run down my cheek. Cassie and Josephine both catch the change in my facial expression. They each take one of my hands. “It’s goi
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Chapter 89: Jason's Heir
(Paige POV) My heart drops. I was right. Jason’s heir is living at the packhouse. I can only assume the mother is here as well; if not, she is nearby. Does Theo’s mom know about me? What does she think? Is she scared that Jason is going to abandon her, just like Sarah’s baby daddy abandoned her? What does Jason want? What has he told her that he wants? Did last night mean anything? Was last night just a "last hurrah" before we go through the rejection process? Or does he think there is a way to have me, Theo, and Theo’s mom at the same time? No, surely Jason does not think that. That would be unfair to all three of us. Cassie told me that Jason only has eyes for me. Jason pretty much said the same thing last night. I am his mate, so I guess would make sense that he feels that way. At the same time, you can want one person and feel compelled to make it work with another. Maybe that is what is going on here. Jason snaps me out of my blurry of thoughts by touching me o
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