All Chapters of MESSIAH SALVATION OF THE OMEGA: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
175 Chapters
Enemy of my pack
KILLIAN I stood calmly before the guest; all dressed in their most sophisticated attire, a warm smile filled my face as I was ready to greer them. “Welcome! Welcome everyone!! ”“Thank you!” The first two couple smiled and walk past me into the large hall decorated for the event. Next was the rogue Alpha and his sorbodinate. “Thank you for having us in your pack Lycan king, I must confess that after the bloody war, I wasn't expecting the invitation”“Good to have you here, maybe it time for peace”“I am Alpha Aiden, why don't I see your Luna?”“Well… She… She… ”“I am here!!” Just then a tiny voice spoke from behind, I swirl around and was amazed by the magnificent figure before me, Laura was dressed in a long gown that did not fail to reveal those long pretty legs, her dress was glimmering under the light and as she walks up to me, all eyes was on her. “Sorry for keeping you all waiting, welcome Alpha Aiden to the most powerful pack, I hope that you enjoy your stay here”Her voic
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Moon Festival
As both our eyes locked, I could see the rage that filled them, she drifted her eyes away from me down to Gwen who was obviously getting the satisfaction she desired from taunting her. “Gwen that is enough, if you want to play, look elsewhere because I am not interested in your games”“You know that she can never be yours again right, you lost her already that moment when you rejected the mate bound and refuse to mark her, Killian was brave enough to mark her and now she belongs to him forever”“Why are you here giving some stupid lectures when you should be searching for your mate or perhaps find a wolf to love you and make him mark you”“Oh Ricky…. You still do not understand how this things works, if I wanted to marked by several wolves, it would have happened, but I want is to marked by a true Lycan King which is you”I could not help but chuckle at the sarcastic words she spoke with so much confidence. “You think that if I had to reclaim my throne as the Lycan king, I would mark
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Betrayal at festival
LAURA'S POV*** The moment Aiden's hands trail through my thigh, I could immediately feel Ricky's heartbeat faster than before, no doubt it made him jealous and furious, and yet Killian did not seem interested for a bit. He charged towards Aiden but I immediately ordered him to pull back and good thing he obeyed. “Alpha Aiden in as much as you feel relevant, I still think that you are a mere rogue and as such, a lycan luna like me can not visit your pack field with rogues”. I explained calmly and yet my words were filled with sarcasm to send him off the edge, I pulled away his hand from my thighs and he growl, so furious that he was ready to attack me. “What are you trying to do Aiden, are you going to attack me right here in my pack?” I asked staring at him right in his balls and he instantly withdraw back. “You ars indeed a fiercless Luna, I like my women like this, but soon, I am going to take over this pack and will make you mine” I could not help but chuckle at the words that
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Go protect yourself
RICKYWhile I stood behind Laura watching the event and seeing how relax she finally was while she ate and drank almost everything at the table, Lucio walks over to her and whispered something in her ear, her mood immediately changed and just then I try to speak to her, but Gwen walks over to me and held by hand. “Come with me now”“Are you out of your mind, what do you think that you are doing?”“Come with me now!” She commanded, held by hand and drag me away from there towards the empty garden. “Is your brother trying to poison the rogue Alpha?”“What are you talking about, Killian would never try such a thing especially at an auspicious festival like this one”“I saw it with my own eyes, the servant girl poisoned his food before serving it to him”“Then there is nothing that I can do about it, I am sorry but I have to go back inside”“Why is that, because of Laura”“Luna, that is how you must address her, there have been several threats made against her life recently and I think
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His obsession
The rogue try to attack me with his claws, my senses, speed and strength was nothing like he had ever seen or could even imagine, yet I still had my attention at Laura hoping that she got to safety before more of them arrived because I smell them from miles away coming towards our direction. “I am sorry Ricky, but I can't leave you alone, I will be here with you all the fight”“No, Laura please you need to get out of here, I will be fine, I promise!!”Just then, another rogue was coming towards me, I was too focus on Laura to noticed him, but she had seen him from afar as she pointed her gun at him and shot the gun at him, it pierced directly through his heart. “See… I told you that I could take care of myself, I am not a weak Luna!” She replied and just then, I could see more of them, I snapped their necks amd within seconds, I devoured them like the monster that I was, the entire place filled with blood and their corpse. “We need to get out of here right now and inform Killian ab
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Time to attack
The moment they were dragging her out of the hall, I could feel the entire hair in my body strain up, the fear in her eyes had triggered something in me. This was a woman whom I love and have sarcrificed almost everything for, I am not going to sit here, be weak and let her get molested. “Ah!! ” I roared so loud as I got on my feet changing into my Lycan form, the wall's echoed and cracked at my voice, everyone trembled the moment that I roared feeling the vibration in my voice. They could feel the shiver in their spine, the roar of a true Lycan king, I tur to Aiden once I was fully transformed, my eyes red like something that was filled with blood, Aiden did not realize when he dropped the gun that he was holding as he trembled. “How…. How… How is this possible!!” His voice became quirky but I grabbed his neck and in one attempt, I devoured his neck until I have shredded him into tiny pieces. His subordinated immediately dropped their guns and went on their knees, but that meant
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Caught in the act
Despite how much I did not trust Lucio, I knew he was right, this was the best time to strike Ricky but then again I thought about the reason Lucio has been so bent on killing my brother. “But Lucio, why are you so determined in wanting my brother dead?”“Dont you see it, I am trying to stop him from taking over your position, he looks calm and humble but is definitely making a plot”“You made me believe that my brother was with the rogues and yet he was the only one that murdered them, why you were busy running like a chicken, he murdered our enemies. are you trying to cause a thrift between us?”.He immediately bow his head, trying to show his loyalty to me. “What are you saying My king, I will never do such a thing, but you should understand that the war has been there between you two that moment when you came back to the pack and Ricky will do anything to get his hands back on that position”“So what do you suggest that we do, it is definitely not your poison, Aiden was able to
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Twins war
Killian dragged me to his chamber, and once we were inside, he shut the door and slam me hard on the face and I fell on the bed because it came unexpected to me. “How dare you Laura! You can toy and play with all the men in the palace, but not him, not my brother and I could rip your heart and his for that”“You wouldn't try that! It is not like you were unaware that there was something going on between the both of us all this while, why is it suddenly a problem to you now”“Because he is suppose to be my enemy and you are siding with him, the whole thing with the rogues at the hall, can't you see that was his plan”“His plan? ” I scoffed, getting on my feet and away from the bed. “Are you been serious right now, Ricky saved us all from the impending danger that would have occurred and you say it was his plan”“Don't be dumb Laura, he did that just so he could get his hands on my position, everyone is singing his praises on how he is a hero and that is just exactly what he wanted, to
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Caught in between
RICKYI watched Killian dragged Laura away and I laid there unable to move and feeling so useless at that moment. The woman that I love was taken away against her will and there was nothing that I could do. After a while, I was feeling a lot much better and ready to get on my feet when the door swung open, thinking that it was Laura back to me but was a bit disappointed to see the doctor stepped in while carrying some medical tools that he immediately placed on the table beside me. “How are you feeling today?”“Fine I guess!”Good thing that we were able to take out all the toxics from your body, most guest at the festival died as a result of the wolfsbane before we could get to them”He explained but even with the smile on his face, I could hear his heart beat racing frantically. He pulled out a drugs and inject it into the string, his heartbeat grew more intense and as he drift closer to me hoping to inject if to my body, I could see his hands trembling. “This is just a fluid to
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Against my throne
LAURAI seemed to have frozen there after I came out from the kitchen and over heard my servant Rosette speaking to Ricky while she was at a close distance to him. When the news of her sleeping with Killian was exposed, I did not feel hurt as much as I was feeling at that moment, I clutched onto my chest, my wolf trying to attack her, a betrayal that she could not bear. “You are sleeping with the Lycan king and you claim to have feelings for the Ricky, Rosette how could you betray me so brutally after everything that I have done for you!”“I did nothing wrong to you Luna, it is not a crime to love someone, if that should be a crime, then I am ready to bear the cause of my sin”There was no hint of remorse in her eyes as she spoke, I could not bear it and I smacked her so hard on the cheek that Ricky immediately held me. “Laura please calm down!”“You are telling me to calm down for her, did you fuck her?”“What!! How could you ask me that!”“Just answer the damn question, did you s
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