All Chapters of MESSIAH SALVATION OF THE OMEGA: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
175 Chapters
Out of way!
RICKY'SIt was past one in the midnight, Laura and I had just finished having a wild sex as I wrapped her around my arm, both of us lying naked. A loud banging came through the door, with heavy male shoes thumping through the hallway, I rose from the bed, my hands searching for my clothes that we're lying on the floor. “Ricky what is going on?” Laura jerked out of the bed with the continuous noise that was banging through the door while I struggled to put on my pant. “I can't fathom what is going on, perhaps we are under some sort of an attack!!” Once I was through putting on my trouser, the door was forcefully opened as Laura grabbed onto the blanket, both of us still in shock as to what is going on. “Seize him, he is a traitor and bring him before the king!!” Lucio roared at the too of his voice before four hefty men grabbed my arm, they knew how powerful I was and knowing that they wouldn't be able to subdue me with just their mere strength, Lucio tied some wolvesbane around my
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Please don't kill him
KILLIANA profounding silent filled the hall while they awaited the witnesses. Two men were escorted into the hall and they seemed to be guards stationed at the kitchen. “My king! Here are the men” The guard bowed his head and walked out of there while the two men that we're ushered in went on their knees. “It was brought to my notice that the both of you witnessed a confrontation between two guards yesterday, how true is that?”“My king, I was on shift last when I heard two voice arguing, I chose not to bother until they were both involve in a physical fight” “And do you happen to know the names of this men involved?” I asked and as he lifted his gaze, his eyes and hand trembled while he pointed at Ricky. “One of them is Ricky kneeling before you and the other is the deceased Hugo?”“Did you happen to hear what they were arguing about?”“Yes I could hear them talk about the Luna and how Ricky claimed that she was his mate, he went ahead to warn the other party to stay away from h
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LAURAOnce I walked away from Killian, I ordered that Rosette be released hoping that would ease his heart and make him have a change of heart. I stride over to the kitchen and they all bowed at me while they watched me walk over to the center of the kitchen. “My Luna, is there something you need or perhaps a special meal that you might be craving for?” The chief chef asked after watching me stood almost confuse for a while. “Not at all, I just want to prepare something for a friend and I will need you to assist me while I do the cooking”“I am sorry my Luna, but it isn't proper, how about you point me the direction of the kind of meal you want or perhaps the recipe he or she would prefer”“It is alright, I want to do it myself, Set out the ingredients for mashed potatoes, and some brout soup with turkey while you assist me in preparing it”“Yes Luna! ” He turned around to the rest of his staffs who immediately began to obtain the necessary items required and setting them out on th
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Not my Luna
The Elders all stare at each other, trying to comprehend why I would summon them without the presence of the king there. “I understand that you all are surprise, but please do have a seat and I promise you that it will be quick”“What is this about Luna?”“This is about the guard that was murdered, I can't keep silent any longer and watch someone else take the fall for what I did just because I am trying to preserve my dignity”“What are you talking about?” They asked still haven't comprehend what I was talking about. “I was the one who murdered the guard called Hugo”“What!! ” They exclaimed in unison, their gaze still filled with perplexity. “Yes! This was all my doing and I sat there that day and let Ricky take the fall, I had sent Ricky on a errand and it was just Hugo and I, but in other to stop the feud between both men just because of me, I murdered Hugo and let Ricky take the fall”“So you are saying that you were the one behind the recent murder that happened?”“If truly yo
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Fake love
KILLIANMy heart was burning with so much rage knowing that the woman who was suppose to be mine was trying to give up her life for another man, despite his many times he would betray her, she was ready to forgive him and give him another chance and the thought of the fact that she would never do the same for me if I was in this situation made me furious. I held her arm tightly, I knew that I was hurting her, but it did not matter to me at that moment because she hurt me first and I only let go off her when we were inside my chamber. “Laura! What is that madness you think you are displaying out there?”“What madness because the last time I checked, it was you who started this madness first, trying to frame a man for a crime he did commit”“And then what, you are ready to give up your life for him, is that how much he means to you, that you will gladly end your life for a man who is not worth it”“I do not care what you think, but I am not going to sit here and watch a man die for no
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Why my Luna
KILLIAN I could not help her innocence as I cupped her face gently but she pulled away from me. “I thought that I meant something to you, but it turns out that no matter what I do, I will never be good enough for you, even if Laura were to commit the hardest of crime, you will stand by her and protect her!!”Rosette felt so betrayed and she stormed out of the chamber. I tried to stop her, but it seemed like I could not form a sentence and all I could do was sigh loudly. By nightfall when everywhere was dark and I was certain that I couldn't be seen, I trail down the basement to the dungeon, there were two guards on duty with their eyes wide open and as soon a their gaze met with mine, they quickly stood erect. “Good day my King!” Both of them greeted in unison. “Open the door! ” I commanded and without wasting time, he did as he was told, his hand fiddling through the keys, I stepped in once the door was finally open and Ricky who was fast asleep must have perceived my scent as he
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The revelation
RICKYAfter Killian left my cell, sleep had gone away from my eyes, I could not sleep, all my thoughts were focused on Laura and the life that awaited her once I was gone. I heard the sound of the keys clinging through the hole, and just then the door swung open with Laura stepping in. “Ricky! She rushed over to me as she dropped the parcel she came with on the floor and rushed over to me, embracing me so tightly that I could barely breath. “Oh my goddess! Ricky I thought that I would never see you again, I have missed you so much that every night I had to cry myself off to sleep, look how thin you have become”She cupped my face, while she scanned my entire body as tears filled her eyes. “How have you been Laura, I missed you so much”“I miss you too Ricky, I missed you so much that my heart began to hurt, I thought that I will never get this opportunity to see you again but was shocked when Killian came to my room today and said that I could go see you”“Have you been living fine
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RICKYAfter Laura left my cell room, I felt more at ease and it was easier for me to sleep, the next day at dawn, two guards came over and dragged me out of the dungeon. For three consecutive days now, it was the first time I was seeing a ray of sunlight. There was a loud cheering from the crowd outside the empty street at the pack, a cheering which I couldn't tell was that of excitement that I was going to be murdered or that of pity for me, but either way I was forced to my knee guards right before the podium where I could be seen by everyone once I was been beheaded. The noise and uproar, kept on going as it seems that someone were against the sentence and this was their attempt for their voice to be heard but as soon as the Lycan king stepped in accompanied by his Luna, everywhere became silent that even the drop of a pin would be heard. Killian took his seat while Laura sat next to him, her eyes piercing at me and then Killian began to speak. “It is so sad that someone born o
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KILLIANI could feel the hair around my body all strained up, an impending air that breath forth danger filled the arena, everyone was curious as to how this was going to end, even I myself was curious about how this was going to end, but I knew that if I should win him on this challenge, then I become more powerful then ever and the fact that Ricky has been on wolfsbane for three days now gave me more advantage. Like the clothes were tugging hard on my body, I ripped off my shirt. “Ahhhh!!!! ” in a loud roar that made the entire place trembled, I shifted into my Lycan form ready to devour the one who had stood in my way for a very long time now. He rushed towards me, both of us charged towards each other and the smashing of our foot on the ground was causing a huge dust at each step that we took. Both his hands held onto me as his claws were trying to dig a hole in my skin. “You should have died peacefully brother when I gave you that chance, but I guess you wanted me to shred you
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No help
LAURASuddenly the smile on Ricky's face was disappearing as he tried to keep his balance, but it seemed to be impossible. “Ricky! Ricky!! Ricky open your eyes!” His eyes were shutting down until he fell on the floor and I struggled to jerked him up but that was not easy for me considering his size. I called on the guards that immediately helped me carried him over to the bed and then the doctor was summoned. I stood anxiously beside him while the doctor went ahead to examine him, my heart was racing profusely wondering what was going to happen to him. “Doctor what is happening, what is wrong with him?” I asked once I was certain that the doctor had concluded his examination. He sighed loudly while he shock his head and it was doubt that something I should be worried about. “I must say Luna, too much wolvesbane was injected into him, enough to cause his death, it is a miracle that he stayed alive up still now”“What are you saying, that he is going to die?”“I can't say My Luna, b
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