All Chapters of MESSIAH SALVATION OF THE OMEGA: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
175 Chapters
Oh, boy! Kissed me
LAURA Although I could see how determined he was, but there was no way that I was going to give up, Ricky’s life depended on it and I fought so hard to get here. I picked up his water pile and began flowering the plants and flowers in his entire compound, but when he came out, he was so furious. “Oh gracious goddess!! What do you think that you are doing?”“I am only trying to help, what else does it look like to you?”“Do you realize what you have just done, some plants are fragile and do not require water at all time to survive else they die, they have specific time that the water nutrients is bestowed upon them and now you just ruined it!! ”He yelled so loud while pointing at a particular plant which was beginning to turn yellow. “Oh mine! How can it change it color just few minutes ago that I sprinkled it water”“That is the nature of the plant, it is rare to find, and when it is found, it is taken adequate care of. And now I have lost such a rare gem which I am not certain th
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She's with a child
LAURA He held me closer with his hands wrapped around my waist, he kissed me softly, at first I was lost but had no choice but to go with the flow, kissing and sucking his lips while he moaned. His entire body was so aroused that it felt like he hadn't been with a woman for a long time now. “Luna you are so pretty, I never thought that I will get such opportunity in my life again”The words came as a moan while his hands found his way deep into my dress, caressing my smooth body, but suddenly, he came to a halt abruptly. “What is wrong, did I do something wrong?” I asked, perplexed at his sudden action, but instead he placed his hand on my stomach again and pulled away forcefully. “You are with a child, and it is a Lycan prince!! ” He announced and I was more confuse than I was surprised. “What, how… I mean why… No how would you know”“It is my gift, and I can feel it, you are with a child, confirm it with your midwife once you get back to the pack. I am sorry but I can't touch a
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RICKYWhen I first opened my eyes again, my entire body felt numb and my first thought was about Laura, she was all I care about and the thought that she might have been hurt with my absence made me immediately jerked off from the bed but a strong arm immediately pull me back. “Lay still, you still have a lot of toxics inside of you” A strange man replied calmly which only made me more cautious because I had never come across that face before. I turned around to look at my environment but was certain of where I was and it gave me more comfort. “Who are you, because the last time that I checked, you are not the pack's doctor”“I am a healer whom the Luna crossed several waters to come get”“Several waters, what are you talking about?”“You can discuss that later with your woman but all I can say to you is that she love you dearly and is ready to go through even the deepest water for you, you should hold her dearly”“I am fully aware of that, thanks for your help” I responded and just
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Late truth
LAURAI dressed in a blue sophisticated lace and scurried to Rosette chamber, she had been locked up inside and fully guarded since Killian was dethroned and since then, food and drinks have been brought inside for her. The guards lowered their head at my presence and immediately open the door. A deep frown spread across her face the moment her gaze met with mine. “You must be feeling on top of the world right now as the Luna and all that” She exclaimed, slide away the bed and scurried towards me, she was no longer the beauty she was few years ago when I picked her up, now dark circles had grown around her eyes and it was no doubt that she was having a hard time with sleep. “I am not here to gloat or brag about my success to you, even if I wanted to brag, it wouldn't be with you, because there never was a time that you were a competition to me”“That is what is looks like to be gloating, you trying to look so cool, when you know fully well that you lost it that moment when I told y
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LAURAI stood there for a while staring into blank space, my heart felt like it was sinking into the debt of the ocean and the thought of loving the man who killed my parents sent me off the edge. After a while, I dashed out through the hallway and headed for the stairs, I swung the large door to the hall open where Ricky was having a gathering with a group of friends, the smiles on their face immediately faded seeing the rage in my eyes. “My dear Luna, you do not look so happy, is everything alright?”“Can I speak to you, for a minute” I try to stay calm considering the eyes that were glued to me. “Sure!” He immediately got on his feet as he excused himself away from his friends. Once were outside the hall, I strike my hand at him and slammed him so hard on his cheek that traces if my finger print instantly appeared on his face. “What the hell Laura, what is going on with you?”“How dare you Ricky, look me in the face all this year's with so much smile knowing what you did to me,
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At his mercy
KILLIANAfter I was banished from the pack, I was filled with you with so much pain and barely survived but it was all thanks to a stranger and my determination to survive for revenge. Gwen previously held grudge against Laura so it was easy for me to get her to help me leak the secret to Laura and that way we could get her to leave the palace which worked and now that she was at my mercy, it was time for me to get back at Ricky while he watch his beloved Luna lose her life. Once she lost consciousness, I hauled her in my arms and carried her away from the market before we caught the attention of the people around. Slowly Laura opened her eyes as she stare around her environment trying to comprehend where she was, she had lost consciousness for complete five hours that Gwen and I were becoming worried and finally she woke up. Seeing me seated opposite her and both her arms tied together, fear immediately took hold of her, Laura did not need a lot to be told that indeed there was d
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Luna is missing
RICKYAfter the argument that I had with Laura, I waited for a while but there was no sign of her so I thought that it was only right to give her some space. Until it was time for dinner and I was summoned by the servants that dinner was ready, I scurried to the dining table hop to sort this out with Laura, but she was there. “Where is the Luna?” I asked the servants that stood there with my eyes scanning around. “She is not here my King! ”“What do you imply by she is not here, have you informed her that dinner has been served?”“We tried, but she is not in her room, we haven't seen since earlier today when she left the palace”“What!! ” I felt every strain my hair stand, my heart skipped with fear that this was more than just Laura finding space away from me. “She hasn't returned since she left earlier today and why wasn't I informed of it?”“I am sorry My King, we thought that you were aware when she left and considering that she is the Luna, we can't restrict her movement”“Sen
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Luna being tortured
RICKY I could barely close my eyes for the rest of the night, my eyes filled with worry while I waited for the guards to come back hoping for some positive news, but there was nothing from him the entire night and everywhere felt cold and shallow without Laura by my side. At dawn, I was woken by the servants knocking on the door, they stepped in once I opened the door for them, a new collection of outfit set out for me on the bed. “My king, please pick an outfit of your choice from all of this!”“Are the guards that left the palace yesterday back?” I inquired with my gaze fixed at the window, I had no intention whatsoever in whatever outfit that was set before me, all that mattered to me was Laura. “No Sire, there hasn't been a word from them” The servant girl replied with her head lowered as she did not dare look up while I was speaking. “Leave the clothes on the bed, you all can leave now” Just as they scurried out of the room, another knock came through as Eliot rushed in. “H
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The news
LAURA Gwen and Melo was such close friends when Melo was alive, they dreamt so much of the day Melo will becomes the Luna, but I came into the picture and took that dream away her. “Although I know it doesn't count or matter to you right now, but I just thought that I should say it, I am sorry Gwen that my feelings for Ricky had to interfere with everything you girls had planned out for life, but he was my mate, there was so much bound between us and there was nothing that I could do, even if I were to start again, I would fall in love with Ricky again and again and never regret a moment of if”“Doesn't it hurt you that he killed your parents, they were innocent and yet he murdered them in cold blood”“At first I was angry, but after thinking about it for a while, I realize that although he might be the all powerful Lycan king that was feared by everyone within Zion pack, but he was still permitted to make mistakes, he isn't perfect but his love for me is something that I can't den
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The Mighty rise
KILLIANWe arrived at the river side and spent the night there in the car, but the next day, we were woken by the sound of movement around the woods, slowly I unfurl my eyes to the sight of Ricky walking over to the river side. Although he was still afar, but no doubt it was him. “Gwen! Ricky is here, go and scan around the environment” I called onto her and she immediately stepped out of the car and hurried into the woods. “Looks like he still got some regards for you after all, here I was thinking that he has bailed on you” I teased but as she drifted her eyes over to the woods, a deep frown spread across her face. “Now I am going to enjoy you watch how I end his life, he survived my attack the first time and the toxic, do you think that he is going to be able to survive this time around, I am sorry but the moon goddess won't be on his side this time around”“Killian please, you have me, just go ahead and murder me or do whatever you want, torture me as long as you want, I am rea
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