All Chapters of A Contract With A Billionaire Heir: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
107 Chapters
2.2- For Family
When they slept together, she was twenty-five, but still innocent and cut off from the world by her overprotective parents and siblings; Attended school in my mother's province and college in a rural area. Now she is older and wiser. Her teenage crush on Victor was a long time ago, so her body's reaction is both unexpected and unwelcome. Hundreds of tiny muscles in his face move when he feels something, his dark gray eyes turn almost black when he's angry, and turn almost gray when he laughs. Gray, which has always fascinated her. In the heat of passion, he closed his eyes, long eyelashes fluttering over his tanned cheeks, his lips parted... "Maybe it was a mistake." The past few years have taken their toll on Amy. She's emotionally hurt and battered, and even though she's putting up a last-ditch fight right now, she's not sure she's ready for how he'll feel if he rejects her, or adopt her plan! She stood motionless as his gaze roamed her face, tracking all the changes he would un
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2.3-Marry Me
"Not for several months." There was guilt in his voice "He is losing weight. He's tired all the time. It's so unlike him." Her voice cracked as she forced herself to admit something she'd known for a while. "I don't think he has a long time left. I'm scared, I remember what happened to Carlos." The words were whispered. Victor frowned thoughtfully. "You think? Or do you know?"Her eyes met his, her lower lip trembling. "I know," she whispered, then stood up and walked to the window on wobbly knees. "He didn't say anything, but all I could say was. He kept talking about Carlos and our father, about how to take care of him." She held up a finger and rushed before tears spilled. He told himself she wouldn't do that! Not here, not in front of this man; not because of how he treated him, us.Her nerves tightened. "If there's anyone else I can ask," she said slowly. "You have to understand that I've looked at this from every angle." "Do you need help for your brother?" "No, yes." She
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2.4- Guilt
The sound of a needle falling to the ground would echo through the silent room. "Just to clarify—is this a joke?" "No. Of course not." Her pretty lips formed a perfect Cupid's bow as she grimaced, and her eyes flicked past him, as they had so often during this brief meeting. He can't say what he's been expecting, but it's definitely not this."So you came to my office to propose to me? A marriage proposal huh?" he asked, puzzled by the anger burning deep within him. He hadn't seen Amelia in years—she wasn't supposed to still be able to elicit that reaction in him—but there was no question that she had sent his senses into overdrive from the moment she arrived. Slow electricity ran through his veins like he had that night with her.Sleeping with her was a mistake he regrets up to this day, almost as much as the cruel thing he said to her later. But the truth is, he would have said anything at that moment to stop what had happened. If he could take it back that night, he wouldn't do
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2.5- Stupid Mistake
He straightened up, arms folded over his broad chest, noticing the way her eyes absorbed the gesture, falling and resting on his midsection before she reluctantly lifted them back to his face. "If I agree to this, you may not like my terms." "If" was better than what she had come here to expect. In the back of her mind, she was almost certain that his answer would be no, so it showed how hopeless Amelia was that she had even been through this."If" is the beginning of the negotiation. Her insides squeezed with a mixture of adrenaline and anxiety. "I want to hear that," she said tremblingly. He took two steps toward her, closing the distance, and knocking her nerves aside. Her heart stuttered in her chest, and despite the fact that she was no longer an inexperienced, sheltered traditional 25-year-old girl, there was a moment when she did feel like a 25-year-old.She held her breath when he came to her, his breath dangerously addictive, so she took a deep breath before she couldn't
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2.6- Conditions
"It was a mistake," he nodded in agreement. "That's not to say it's also not pleasant." She flinched. Dom's criticism came at her. She looked away, her lips pressed together. "I was there, remember? You didn't look like a guy who liked what we did." His expression didn't change. "I regret sleeping with you because of who you are. It's not about sex itself.""I think it's 'bad'?" He frowned. "Yes." Her laugh was suppressed. "Cute. Thanks." Just what she needed! "The fact that we slept together sucked. You're Carlos' little cousin, treat you like his real little sister. H-how do you think I'll react?"Thinking of this, her heart skipped a beat. For years, she believed his insults were a reflection of the experience rather than her surroundings. "I betrayed him. How can I have fun with it?""What now?" she pressed. "You don't seem to have that reservation anymore.""You're wrong," he responded, flaring his nostrils and exhaling. "But I’m also a realist. If I marry you it will be t
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2.7- Boundaries
Her smile is hollow and her stomach is in knots. "It's not that simple," she whispered, walking to the window and resting her overheated forehead against the thickened glass. Her throat was dry and her head hurt. "My family has lost so much. After Carlos, they were never the same again. I know I can't replace him.""What does that mean?" His tone was sharp and close. She didn't move. Sadness hung over her, as fresh as that day many years ago."I don't like them," she said softly. "My mom, dad, Lance, Carlos. They were all cut from the same fabric. I was the cuckoo in the nest, a mystery. They never got me. Marrying Dom was supposed to be—." Shaking her head, she didn't want to discuss her ex husband at that time, nor did she want to discuss the reasons for her too reckless engagement."I didn't mean to add to their grief, but I did. I made them suffer and I just wanted to give them this gift. I wanted to do something they would be proud of, just once in my life , before it was too lat
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2.8- His Home
They discuss marriage without emotion, but Victor is no fool. Because Amy was the only woman who had ever called out anything close to emotions in him—even if they were dark emotions—and he had to spend his life now making sure that never happened again. Feelings had no place in his marriage—they never would. ***The driveway gate opened as Amy entered the security code he had given her, and as she pulled up in front of the stunning house, she noticed it was open. It's one of the best areas in Córdova and he's clearly confident in the security arrangements in place. A quick research of counterpoint revealed several hidden cameras, which she suspected were being beamed to some data cloud in real-time, if not to a live surveillance service.She stepped out of the car with innate grace, smoothing her skirt with her hands, frowning slightly as the afternoon sun pierced her like a knife's edge. Covering her eyes, she scanned the house with interest and noticed the modern aura, which remi
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2.9- Contract
"Oh, go change. I'll wait here." The words couldn't have been more brief, and she cringed inwardly. Why on earth did he agree to this? He can find any number of women to bear him children. But it's not without its emotional complications, she reminded herself after a moment. Victor, like her, doesn't want a "real" marriage.So what about giving birth to one or more of his children? The thought stuck in her throat like gravel. All afternoon, she thought about his request, remembering how convinced she was that she wanted children. But her marriage to Dom kills her dream day after day, and Amy isn't sure she can revive it.She put the briefcase on a bar stool, reached for the champagne, took a sip, and put the glass back on the counter. He was back in no time, thankfully in a pair of khaki shorts and a gray T-shirt, so all she had to face was the alluring specter of his tanned legs, muscular calves, and perfectly covered black hair. So masculine, and—she moaned inside. It will be a di
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2.10- Quite Fast
"Is there anything wrong with that?" "Except that I'm not someone my family would give away?" "He's traditional. It's about respect." "But you are you," she reminded him. "What do you mean?" "You're the last person on earth to ask anyone for anything." "True, but the circumstances here are unique. My relationship with your cousin, your brother, your parents—I cannot ignore your father's wishes. I will speak to him first."She wasn't expecting this old-fashioned insistence, and she had to remind herself that it was out of respect for her father, nothing more. "Okay." He turned over the contract page. "What kind of wedding do you want?" He kept asking her questions for the next hour, listing details she hadn't considered until finally he put down his pen and staggered to his feet. "That's it.""Very well rounded," she agrees while wondering why the butterflies in her belly seem to be more excitement than anxiety. "I'll have my office draft a press release tomorrow." "I've done
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2.11- Wedding Day
The vows were recited in full, and then the priest uttered the platitudes out of nowhere, completely oblivious to Amy. "You can kiss the bride now." Startled, her eyes widen, and she flies to Victor's face, berating herself for not pre-empting it as she grapples with the turn of events. Of course, they have to kiss and seem to enjoy it.Aware that their guest was smiling and watching, not realizing that something was wrong, she raised a hand to Victor's chest, fingers splayed across his pectoral muscles as if to keep him at arm's length— Or maybe to bring him closer? No time to analyze her intentions. A second later his hands came up and grabbed her face, one on each side, big and strong, so her cheeks were completely covered, she was both trapped and held, neither word has a negative connotation for Amy.He tilted her face, glanced at her, mocked, asked, and finally warned, lowering his head. His breath brushed her mouth first, warm and intoxicating, so her lips parted involuntaril
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