All Chapters of A Contract With A Billionaire Heir: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
107 Chapters
2.12- Pleasure
"I wonder what he thinks about it," she asked, shaking her head slightly. "He wants to kill me," Victor replied without a doubt. "Why? To pop in and be my savior?"He turned his face to hers, his eyes gleaming with obvious intent now. "Give direction to my thoughts all week."Her lips were drawn into a perfect curve, and she dared not ask - she didn't need to ask - to clarify where his thoughts were going, because her own had already gone there. She's trying to keep busy, but in her mind, the fact that they're getting married, and the whole weekend now before them, is like a form of hypnosis.If she wasn't paying attention, she would feel like she was being carried away by these thoughts, most wanting to remember every detail of that night. "Are you hungry?" The question was the last thing she expected. She shook her head, but didn't stop making eye contact, she can't. "Do you want to go swimming? Or fishing?" Swimming? Despite the warm weather, that was the least of Amy's conce
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2.13- Kindness And Doubts
Butterflies bloomed on her. So it's not just a means to an end, he's not taking advantage of her desire for him to have a baby, but she can't shake her self-doubt anyway. Old habits are too ingrained, and she has too much to overcome. Yes, that's how Dom treats her, but at the root of it all, and the real reason Dominic is able to sabotage her so successfully, is because Victor rejected her three years ago.The way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her—she'd never forget it. What if it happened again now? What if they slept together and he reacted the same way? Panic broke out, and beads of sweat oozed from her brow. He kissed her hungrily, but her pleasure gradually faded, leaving only anxiety. Sensing the change in Amy's mood, he pulled away, frowning and scanning her face. "Are you okay, sweety?"Great. This is exactly what she needs - kindness. From Victor. With a wink, she turned her attention to the stunning view and feigned a fascination befitting someone who has never
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2.14- His Wife
This is a heavy question with only one answer. She needs him. But what she needs more is to put the past out of her mind. She just doesn't know what to do. Marrying Victor made sense that day, but she didn't realize she would be living and having sex with the man who broke her heart and destroyed her self-esteem.She sincerely believes she's gotten over it all, but the more the idea of sleeping with Victor becomes a reality, the more her fears surface, leading her to believe he'll reject her again. And how severe will the sting be this time? No. I won't be long.The dusky is filled with shards of light that split from the slowly setting sun like golden arrowheads on a fuchsia and peach background. The stars are just beginning to twinkle overhead, and the air smells of salt and summer. For the first time in years, she longed to capture landscapes on canvas.She closed her eyes for a moment, imagining the colors she would be mixing to distill exactly the right hue—beyond Amy's color r
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2.15-Marriage And Freedom
"Who knows?" he said after a pause. "I've never considered marrying anyone else." Her stomach quivered. She ignores it, focusing on what he reveals with very short answers. "Why not?" He pursed his lips together in a hint of exasperation. "You're not going to give up, are you?" "Is this some big secret?" He hesitated for a moment, then shook his head. "It's not something I usually discuss, but no, it's not what I call a secret either."He finishes his beer, leans against the bar, and gazes out to sea. Viewed from the side, his face is determined and strong. "My parent's marriage was hell on earth. Their unique love-hate relationship was my purgatory from birth. I learned to walk on eggshells as a child, and I hated it. I was a very young child when I decided to live on my own I'm just a boy. I don't want to fight like them.""I don't want to know the tension of going from love and peace to hate and anger." His eyes were burning on the horizon. "They were always fighting. I mean, t
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2.16- His Private Place
Paraiso De Montero, Amy couldn't help thinking how elegant the name was as his yacht approached a small pontoon. Even on the deck of the ship, she could see the calm atmosphere here. Tall green cliffs surrounded by dark green grass and spiky trees descend gradually to form a white sandy beach overgrown with dense trees, creating the impression of nature running amok,Through the busy, old tree trunks, she caught a glimpse of a home - so fleeting, she couldn't see much detail, so her stomach was full of curiosity and anticipation. But it's not just the scenery. There is a subtle ephemerality to the light, her fingers crave the familiar brush grip again, and her artistic mind analyzes texture, shape, and color, imagining exactly how she would capture this natural palette.As the crew steered the boat into the dock and expertly guided it to the edge of the pontoon, Amy stood on the railing with her elbows on the railing, her hair ruffled by the warm breeze, her eyes on the island. She had
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2.17- Different Marriage
Victor doesn't think of his parents very often, and he hasn't dreamed of them in years—since his mother died, his brain mixes random, ancient memories into it, so every dawn brings there, comes feeling. As he tries to wriggle his way back to the correct time zone and reality, he is completely disoriented. But that night, lying alone in Paraiso's bed, he dreamed of his mother and father, their quarrels fresh in his mind as if they had happened all over again.He dreams of the worst of the night—his mother threatening suicide, and a thirteen-year-old girl—and Victor runs out of his room to find her, with racing heart and chest pain. They were in the kitchen, mother tear-stained, father determined and ruthless. His mother held a butcher knife with which she sliced the grapes when they were ripe and fresh off the vine."I hate you so much," she sobbed, raising the knife even higher. Victor didn't realize he was making a sound, but he must have, because his mother turned to face him, her
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2.18- Honeymoon
It's one thing to promise yourself in the wee hours of the morning to respect your boundaries and make sex less of an issue, but quite another to see his new wife in a revealing blouse. Her tanned, smooth thighs cling to her body like a second skin, as she apparently wears them while swimming.She was lying on a recliner with her face tilted toward the house, her eyes closed, and her brown hair falling to her shoulders. She looks beautiful, untouchable, and downright sexy. So much for good intentions. When all his blood had pooled in a particular part of his body, he walked towards her, glad that his shorts were black and could somehow hide the evidence of her attractiveness. He moved until his shadow was on her face, and he watched and waited.Slowly, her eyes opened, locked on to his, and a frown briefly tightened her face, then she sat up, embarrassed and self-conscious, reaching for the towel and pinning it to her chest, as if she wasn't one of his business shirts, it was hers.
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2.19- Deserve Better
Her heart skipped a beat, but she refused to read anything from his acknowledgment. After all, they've both said that their night together was a mistake. He wasn't acknowledging some longstanding unrequited love. "He treated you badly, how dare he!" Victor continued, moving his hand to the collar of the business shirt she was wearing, fingers gripping the fabric.The water churned in the water, and she was secretly aware of her bare stomach, almost naked under her shirt, with only a thin piece of underwear protecting her modesty. This realization is igniting her soul, bringing her closer and closer to the desire she knows she should fight for. "Yes but," she said simply, because he had been. "Y-you deserve better."She wondered in her heart whether she should leave him. This would be a wise move. She assured herself that she would not let things get out of hand between them. She can't. If she gives in to these feelings, she loses herself completely. "Anyone does," she said, her sh
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2.20- Explore
Her lips parted in surprise. damn it! She is so careless. "What do you think? Of course, I have a silly crush on you." His jaw tightened. "But I’m just a young girl." "Twenty-five," he pointed out."Thanks to my parents and brothers, I was inexperienced and sheltered. You're not like anyone I've ever known. But that's not true, Victor. None of this is true, none of this is real." "That sex is real," he replied sharply, surprising them both.Her lips parted, trying to figure out how to respond. But Victor arrived first, his voice low and firm. "You're my wife, and you want me now as much as ever. You can't keep running from this, Amelia." Her eyes snapped shut, and the beautiful name on his lips evokes her longing. He was right, she was running away because the alternative scared her unconscious."We've agreed on the terms of the marriage," she said, with grim resignation in her tone. "I have no intention of breaking our agreement." "It's not good enough." She wondered at the
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2.21- More
"You can use me as your tour guide," he said casually, and despite the fact that she always felt nervous around Victor, completely on edge, she found herself nodding. After all, it's rude to say no. "If you have time, well—" "If not, I won't offer." Amy had planned to leave the house on foot and explore at a snail's pace, but Victor had other ideas.At the back of the house is a garage containing an off-road vehicle, a jet ski on a trailer, and a jet-black motorcycle with shiny chrome features. Also some horses, but no way for that. She doesn't want a poor animal to get tired because of her. Her heart beat faster as he made his way there, running his hand over the leather seat, before turning to face her. Her eyes lingered on his fingers and their touch on the bike. It was impossible not to imagine those same fingers caressing her softly and intimately.Her pulse was weak, and she looked away abruptly. "Have you ever ridden a bike before?" Her smile was wistful. "No." "Not inte
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