All Chapters of My One-night-stand Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
89 Chapters
61 — “Alice, you're nothing.”
When the whistle blows loudly, showing the end of the game and our team's victory, I can't help the loud, euphoric scream that escapes my lips. I dig my fingers into the railing, watching as Jasper starts to approach me, but is intercepted by the other players, who pull him into a group hug. My heart tightens at the sight of him pulling away from me and my smile falters, but I understand the reason for the celebration. With this victory, they are in the semi-finals. Well... I guess I'll wait for you at the hotel...I start to leave the court with slow steps, looking at my hands, at the battle of fingers I do impatiently. The corridor seems so long when you're not rushing, when you're alone...."Hey!" I hear a sharp, loud voice that makes me turn in surprise. I see her blonde hair sway as she strides quickly towards me, with such large strides that she is soon in front of me.I cross my arms, watching the way she stops in front of me with her hands on her waist, puffing out her chest
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62 — Your heat.
Jasper pushes open a door of some sort, a locker room that is empty and showing no signs of being used, dragging me into the room as he holds me desperately, almost hungrily, lifting my body with surprising strength. I wrap my legs around his waist, holding on tightly to his neck as he strides over to the lockers."This is so dangerous..." He says with a chuckle, leaning my back against the cold cabinets, chilling my skin from the coolness passing behind my blouse. "What if we get caught...?"I don't answer, I just kiss him intensely, with reason leaving my mind completely... All I want is to relieve this tension that's in my lower belly... this heat that spreads through my body and makes me desire him so intensely that I lose myself.I slide my tongue into his mouth, searching for the softness of his, running my hand up his straight, sweaty hair that easily tangles in my fingers. And as Jasper explores the exposed skin of my leg, moving up to my hip, I say the intensity of our kiss,
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63 — "You like me."
I lift my eyes from the math book, acutely aware that Jasper is looking at me. He is lying on my bed, hugging my pillow, his face close, as if he wants to smell my scent. And when he notices that he has caught my eye, he gives me a mischievous smile.He really looks like a needy puppy."What?" I ask, lowering the book onto my lap, watching his smile widen even more."I'm just happy, Reddy." He moistens his lips, "You like me."I open my lips to answer him, with surprise, and then my shoulders wilt, as does my expression. Oh, yes, I really did say I like him. And I do, but it's just that... Why did I need to say it when my body felt so hot and reason so far away?"Why are you making that face all of a sudden?" Jasper straightens up in bed, sitting up as if alarmed and anxious. "Don't make that face.""Jasper." I sigh, my eyes softening."Don't you like me?" He asks, putting my single-handed pillow back in place, crossing his legs over the edge of the bed and propping his feet up on the
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64 — I'm an abomination.
"So... What do you think about us finally doing our little game?" Jasper says suddenly, making me lift my eyes from the notebook where I'm solving the equations, practicing for tomorrow's grand final."Now?" I blink a few times, "Why now? We have to sleep in a bit... It's your semi-final tomorrow, isn't it?""Yeah, but I want to get to know my girlfriend better." He says proudly, causing a silly smile to rise on my lips and my cheeks to take on a reddish hue like my hair. "Shall we, please?""Alright." I put the pen down and turn fully towards him, leaning my knees towards him, "But you start, since it was your idea.""Right, there are so many things about you I'd like to know, it's even hard to start, um..." He says thoughtfully, moistening his lips. "Besides math and chess, what else would you like to compete in?""That one was pretty specific for someone who didn't know where to start." I say with a chuckle and notice his smile turn mischievous. "Well... I guess I like spelling too
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65 — "What do you think of werewolves?"
I'm frozen. I'm afraid Jasper is going to take his hands off me and walk away... But instead, he places a kiss on my shoulder, making my eyes widen slightly."Didn't I tell you, Reddy? It's not your fault." Jasper's voice makes something inside my chest wobble, maybe it's my heart or the defenses I still tried to build."Do you understand what I'm saying, Jasper? I'm not saying I did some kind of tantrum, that I hurt someone or that I feel responsible for guilt on my conscience or anything like that - no, I actually killed someone. Next thing I know, the nanny who abused me is lying on the floor with so much, so much blood... And my hands, my whole little body stained with her blood."Jasper stays silent, watching as I naturally unravel from those words."Do you remember doing it?" He asks seriously, and I just shake my head, denying it... "So it was an accident-""No, you don't understand!" I wriggle, uneasy, my skin crawling... Why don't I just shut up? Why, at the same time that I'
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Scarlett and I walk side by side to the venue where the grand final of the National University Math Contest will take place. I have my arm around her shoulders, making sure her body is close to mine. And that must surely bring warmth to her face because there's a blush on her cheeks.It makes me strangely content.When we got there an hour earlier, we quickly spot Kevin. He notices us immediately and walks towards us with his hands in his pockets and a friendly expression. I hold her a little tighter, pulling her body against mine. I notice at a glance that she suppresses a smile at my overprotective and - okay, I admit it - jealous gesture too."Hey..." He stops in front of us as he approaches, looking at Scarlett for a moment and then at me. We're about the same height, so he doesn't have to lower his gaze like he does with her.I slide my hand down to her waist."I'm sorry I didn't win." Scarlett says witheringly but struggles to put a smile on her lips when she adds, "Although I w
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67 — It's finally over.
I breathe deeply, once again in that auditorium. There are many other people watching me this time, and unconsciously my eyes are drawn to Jasper, who is in the front row. Now I understand how he is simply able to find me in the crowd, since I can also find him. But this is no time to digress - there is a competition I need to win.I approach my opponent. His expression is serene, but his eyes are steely. I feel slightly intimidated by his presence and the way he looks at me... like he can read me, unravel my thoughts. And when he stretches out his hand, I immediately stretch out mine to shake it."May the best man win." He says, then gives a smile that makes me feel out of place."Yes... may the best man win." I make an effort to return the smile, and then we are released to sit at tables separated by partitions.The last round will take place in the exact same way, yet it has been explained how it will happen. I pay no attention to the voice of the gray-haired man who has already be
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68 — Feeling weird all over again
The sudden realization that things might not be the same when we return home brings a bitter taste to my mouth. I try to disguise it during the ceremony and force a smile when I receive the first-place medal, but I can't shake this fear, this dread and worry that seems to tear at my chest from the inside out.As I step down from the platform, Jasper comes quickly to meet me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him, giving my arms a quick kiss that quickly softens my frown."What are you thinking so hard?" He asks me, with the tips of our noses still touching."I didn't know you knew me so well," I mumble with a playful tone that makes him smile."I really do. But this time, Reddy, it's all over your face." Then, suddenly, he places another kiss on my lips and runs his hand up to the medal hanging around my neck, "Champion, huh... It's so sexy to have a smart girlfriend."I slap him lightly on the chest, with laughter on my lips, when I suddenly feel a chill. I move
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69 — "You taste so good."
Jasper quickly opens the hotel room door while kissing me. Fortunately, there was no one in the corridors because our lips didn't part for an instant. We hurry to the bed and, with my nimble fingers, I reach for the buttons of his shirt to unbutton it, revealing his abs that always take my breath away. I part our lips, searching for air, and fall onto the bed.He takes a firm hold of my red hair, making me raise my eyes to meet his lustful expression... And the husky voice he says next sends delicious shivers down my spine: "Reddy, you shouldn't say such things to me... I'm pure instinct when it comes to you."I open my lips to answer him, but he's already leaning over me, laying me on the bed, sealing our lips while his big hands run down my legs. His palm explores my body over the top of my pants, the rough fabric preventing me from feeling his warmth, moving up to the waistband. When he pulls down my pants, a surprised grunt escapes from the back of my throat and reverberates throu
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70 — Dedicating it to me…?
Honestly, I don't know how things got to this point.When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the third quarter, my heart was already in my throat.Somehow, our college is losing.But unlike the first time, a defeat caused by silly mistakes, there isn't exactly one person to blame. Bryan, Jasper and the whole team are really pushing themselves on the court, running so fast that I feel breathless just watching. The game is tight, and that proves that the opposing team is really good, a real obstacle.Now, they're on a short break. In a few minutes, the last quarter will begin - the most decisive one. The difference on the scoreboard is small, six points. It may seem simple and even easy to win. Three or four more baskets and we can turn the game around. But it's definitely not like that because every time our team gets the ball and makes a basket, they counter-attack, causing us to completely lose the momentum.I feel anxious, nervous for them.I dry my hands on the sides of my
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