All Chapters of My One-night-stand Alpha: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
89 Chapters
71 — Hear me out…
Dedicating it to me?Bryan's words take me by surprise. But there's no time to react because soon we're in the middle of the people on the court, jumping, the frenetic rhythm of the cheerleaders' celebration. My eyes meet Jasper's, and I can see his closed expression.I tap Bryan on the shoulder, "Put me down!"He sets me down, but wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. This overly intimate contact makes me uncomfortable, so I gently pull away from his touch, catching his confused eyes. Then he looks past my shoulders, behind me and, like realization had fallen over him, his smile wilts.I feel a hand on my waist from behind. A warm, possessive touch that sends a shiver down my spine. My chest is filled with a delicious warmth from feeling him so close, his abdomen touching my back. Jasper's scent, mixed with his sweat, gives me another shiver.Jasper and Bryan are staring at each other intensely, and this eye contact lasts a few long seconds, only to be broken by
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72 — Something fishy about Jasper...?
I considered denying Bryan's request, after all, there's not much to talk about between us, but the desperate tone in his voice brought a certain agony to my chest. I even looked back in the room, looking for Jasper's approval or some sign that I shouldn't do this, but he had already returned to the bathroom and left us alone. In the end, I agreed... but only to talk outside, in the corridor.Leaning against the wall outside, arms crossed, I watch as Bryan seems to choose his words carefully in a long minute of silence. Then his voice echoes low and calm, "So you're going out with him now?""Yes, I've agreed to be Jasper's girlfriend," I say serenely, noticing that my answer makes him impatient."Of course, I should know," Bryan says sarcastically and turns his back on me, running his hand down his face.Honestly, I don't like his tone, it tugs at something inside me and makes me add, "Not that my personal life is your concern anymore."Bryan turns to me again, scratching his beard, w
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73 — Expiration date.
Jasper is looking at me intensely. His eyes are firm, but they permit me to ask everything I'd like to know. But do I really want to know? I feel like we're standing in front of a line that there will be no turning back if it's crossed. Something will definitely change if I turn the suspicion that Bryan has aroused in me into words."No, nothing," I say finally, seeing his eyes soften."Really?" He looks stunned, "Are you sure?"I sigh, running a hand through my hair and moving across the room, with Jasper following me with short steps, almost imitating my movements."You heard everything, so you should know I don't believe what Bryan is saying. Besides, I was there, and you didn't threaten that Alfred asshole."Jasper stares at me without saying a word, and I quickly add, crossing my arms impatiently, "And I mean, you know it... I told you I killed someone, and you didn't bat an eye.""Maybe that's a sign that I'm really someone dangerous?" He says provocatively, making me snort and
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74 — Almost full moon...
Jasper's words surprised me to the point of stealing my voice. A sudden anxiety possessed my body, and I couldn't answer him... I just ran out of the room, taking a deep breath, when the door slammed behind me. His footsteps approaching the door widen me, and I walk quickly down the corridor, always looking back to make sure I'm not being followed by him.I press the button quickly, hyperventilating. The time it takes for those metal doors to open and take me away from this place only makes me more anxious — and I press it again, fast and hard.When the sound of the elevator reaches my ears, I barely wait for the doors to finish opening. I just get in quickly and press the button for the second floor again... until I'm locked inside this small cubicle which, even though cramped, brings a certain comfort.I stagger backward, leaning against the icy wall beyond the fabric and chilling my skin... And I close my eyes tightly, trying to pull myself together, to control this short, panting
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75 — The basketball competition final
The basketball competition final has finally begun, as has the last day we'll be here. Tomorrow we return to our city, our college... And with that, many doubts arise in my mind. But it's not time to think about that because the game is already in its last quarter.The score is tight, and the game is more difficult than the last. We're ahead by just two points - a single basket that could tie the score and change the course of the game... Especially since the last team to face us, the one that's competing for the championship title with us, is the college that Jasper used to study at.There wasn't a single moment when we could breathe a sigh of relief. Baskets, counterattacks, and missed shots... each one was a different emotion that left me with a scream stuck in my throat.Now, with three minutes to go... with three minutes to go before the big winner is declared... I feel like I'm on the edge of the cliff, overwhelmed with emotions that only subside when Jasper takes the ball for h
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76 — Closing Night Party
The American soccer field is really incredible. So different from ours, it seems bigger and more majestic... And even with several people scattered around, there's still a lot of space to fill, as we're only gathered in the first few yards. There's not much preparation, just a makeshift table with a ponche and a big fire burning under the light of the blood moon... This leads me to believe that the basketball competition's Closing Night Party isn't official.Here, there's so much noise mixed with the crackling of the fire that I feel out of place. People laugh and talk loudly... or maybe my senses are intensified by the anxiety of being in such a crowded and hectic place."Is everything all right?" Jasper's voice wakes me up, drawing my attention. And perhaps my mind is distant because it takes me a while to really understand his words, and he adds, "Are you okay?""Yes..." - I don't, but I force a smile on my face and nod to sound a little more convincing."Come on, let's get some pu
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I didn't want to have to lie to Scarlett, but I can't allow her to be overwhelmed by strong emotions on a night like this, when there's a super blood moon in the sky. I had to make up an excuse, even though I felt extremely guilty about it.I've had enough of this girl.Alice's message didn't say much, but it was enough to set my nerves on edge.[Meet me after the bonfire if you don't want me to release the video of your little girlfriend. And if I were you, I'd think twice before ignoring it, after all, you don't want her to be publicly humiliated again, do you?]No, I don't — that's precisely why I made up a lame lie and headed towards the fire, looking around for Alice's blonde hair. There are so many faces around that I can't identify her. So I sharpen my senses, which are already sensitive from the big moon under my head. I'm doing my best to stay stable in the moonlight, so I can't linger. If it's difficult for me, imagine for Scarlett, who is completely unaware of her origins.
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78 — Blood Moon
TRIGGER WARNING.— Violent behavior.ㅤJasper needs to see me…?I look at the messages a little strangely and look around, searching for your face in the crowd, but I don't find it. I look at the screen again, at his messages, which seem a little out of tune. The nickname is there, but he looks too serious, almost like something has happened… And that makes anxiety creep up inside me.I head in the direction of the south stands and, the further I get to the agreed location, the further away from other people I get. I'm slowly swallowed up by the darkness, since the light from the bonfire and the spotlights doesn't reach this far. I'm only accompanied by the moon, whose moonlight bathes me and embraces me like the breeze that chills my skin.I feel strange... a bad omen that makes me shudder. "Jasper?" I call out loudly, hugging my own body to relieve the sudden chill that comes over me. I look around, seeing the large stands and the shadows that surround it...Then my cell phone buzz
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“My phone... I think I lost it.” I say to Bryan and then hold out my hand, “Let me see what she sent you.”Bryan hands me his phone without any hesitation, the text already open on the screen. Despite changing a few words, the tone and message are the same — come to the bonfire if you don't want a video of Scarlett published.There's something strange about these messages, it's almost like she wanted to gather us here.Thinking about it gives me a strange feeling, a bad feeling that sneaks up on me.I hand him the phone, thinking for a few moments, trying to fit the pieces together in my mind...“That's weird, she sent me a similar message-” My words suddenly fail me and I let out a painful grunt. A sudden lacerating pain hits my chest, to the point of making even my legs weak.“Hey? Are you okay...?” Bryan takes a step towards me, but hesitates when I let out an even louder grunt, which escapes from deep in my throat and reverberates around me.I pitch forward, staggering, digging my
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“Easy, Reddy.” I say with a more provocative tone than she would probably like. Her reason isn't in place, but even her she-wolf doesn't seem to like my little joke that much, since she shows her teeth and approaches me with her red fur raised. And the more she shortens our distance, which I strive to maintain with backward steps, the better I notice how big her wolf really is.My muscles begin to relocate under my skin, with the blood bubbling through my veins, so fast, so hot, leaving me pure instinct... And I can no longer resist the influence the moon has on me... I give in completely to the wolf that resides inside me.Quickly, my skin gives way to a fur as black as a starless night, while I lean down, my hands becoming paws even bigger than Scarlett's. She continues to growl while she watches me shift. My nails are becoming claws that slam into the soccer field, digging into the earth.My spine marks the skin, but soon disappears behind the lon
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