All Chapters of Rise Of The Billionaire Actress: Dreams, Deceit & Desires: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
83 Chapters
Deloise was in character. She'd been nervous of the watchful eyes of Daniel Greenwood and the importance of this very audition, and fumbled twice as a result of fear, which earned her a solid rebuke from Daniel, and a last chance of redemption coupled with a pep talk from him to give it her best shot.Knowing it was her last shot, Deloise recounted her journey and how she'd discovered her passion for creative arts, its consequences and costs so far. She walked all the way to this moment in order to do what she loved and there was no way in hell she was going to leave a failure. She was far too gone to fail. Under the watchful eyes of the men thrio, Deloise slumped to the floor. Her face contorted to one with immense pain, and the spectators felt the mood of the room change.In character, she crawled painfully to the mannequin situated meters away from her. In the scene she was to deliver, she had just found her son, bloodied on the floor, and killed by poison administered by her hus
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Aaron stood with a smirk, waiting for the fire cracker to return, knowing he was her only hope of navigating the school grounds. He was surprised when he found out she actually left. Without him.Mr Austin and Daniel watched their interaction and couldn't help but smile at the duo. Mr Austin was pressing to have Aaron let out of the production, yet refusing to cite a solid reason." They already hate each other, let's make it easier and find some other male lead." Mr Austin said, pressing on the notion to have Aaron dismissed." Matter of fact, if I hadn't seen that, I would have accepted to replace him. But now, he doesn't seem like he wants to lose the role." Daniel Greenwood said, motioning to Aaron who stood with an odd smile, looking at the door in bewilderment." You don't know that." Mr Austin said with a smile." Let's find out then," Daniel said, and without further Ado, called out to Aaron with an excited glint in his eyes. " Hey boy! Still want to drop your role?" He asked
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Deloise was in her Royal Arts dorm room. Since her arrival the previous day, she was occupied with unpacking and getting her schedule ready. For the first time in a while she was finally getting free time to properly settle in before classes commenced.Layla - who was tired from her seven o'clock class- dozed off the moment she returned. She could tell that her roomate wasn't a morning person.Nevertheless, Deloise was happy to finally get settled inside her room and got busy on her phone, going through the internet, when she came across a picture of a popular mother and daughter duo in the industry.For a while, she analyzed the picture with a ghost smile. How great would it be if she had her mother with her on this journey? Deloise wondered if a time would come when she got the support of her mother.As though the earth heard her thoughts, her phone broke out in a loud ring, and to her utmost surprise, it was her mother!How on earth she decided to call at that point in time was a t
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Deloise was dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans. She turned on her phone, searching for food spots on campus. Seeing her roommate wasn't available, she figured it was best she found her way around campus.Sooner than later.As she strode towards the direction of the cafeteria, she made mental notes on the way and couldn't help but notice the odd looks thrown her way from fellow students.The Royal Arts Academy was a community of over five thousand people - staff and students Inclusive. It was a community that was tight knitted and uneasy to get into.As a result, people recognized each other by default. Making it obvious when a new face showed up. And with Deloise, being a new intake, she stuck out like a sore thumb.Trying her best to appear unaffected by their stares, Deloise headed quickly towards the school's cafeteria, hoping it wasn't too filled up with people. It was school hours afterall.Upon entering the cafeteria, she was welcomed by beautiful aromas of pastries and food.
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Esther was inside her kitchen. Opening up cupboards and taking note of the provision she needed. She opened the fridge and its emptiness was glaring, including the need to visit the supermarket.She was swamped with a lot of orders in recent times and most times, got too busy to cook anything and ordered take out instead. The dreaded visit to the provision store was something she had to do as it ate deep into her healthy eating habits.While she mentally noted the important items she needed, she prepared to take on the darned job alone, as Karen was on a trip.These days, during their conversations, all she could hear was about how much love, care and attention she was getting from her husband. When Esther heard the beautiful stories of Karen and her husband - whom she'd never seen despite her being friends with Karen for a long time, she was brought back to the point when she had someone who cared for her. Someone who she could confidently call hers.Sometimes, she wondered if she w
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Esther wore a white t-shirt and joggers pants. She was finally grocery shopping. Her car was parked outside the store, ready to assist her in conveying the items. Her list was pretty long, and she ran around the store, picking out her things and throwing them in the cart.It was mid-afternoon and surprisingly there weren't many people in the store. She wasn't complaining as it allowed her free reign, access and speed all through her shopping spree.It was nice to shop when there weren't as many people and Esther found it almost enjoyable. Keyword being almost.Having gathered all she needed, Esther was ready to go and trudged towards the counter to get her check. There was no line, and she immediately got checked and packed.Taking two trips to her car, Esther was finally good to go and mentally hi-fived herself for a job well done. Unknown to her, someone was carefully watching her with unbelief clad in his hooded eyes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. That person was Daniel
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Aaron was in his apartment on campus, packing a bag when Tony walked into his room." Hey man! Where are you off to? "He plummeted himself on the made bed in the center of Aaron's room." None of your fucking business."Aaron continued packing his bag, nonchalant to Tony's presence. He didn't sleep through the night, and spent the whole time thinking about the deal.As a result, he was crankier than usual." What crawled and died up your ass? Don't tell me you're still touchy about yesterday. "At the mention of the day before, Aaron's jaws clenched." Shut up and tell me why you are here. I don't have all day." He said with gritted teeth." Bullshit. You're cranky. Something's up.""Yeah, something's up, I'm two seconds from decking the shit out of you." Aaron announced in a warning tone."Easy, Tiger. I heard a little gossip and I figured you'd be in the best place to tell. " Tony stood up and walked towards the window mane, not the least bit threatened by his friend."News has it
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" Meeting tomorrow by 10am. Office of the Director, Royal Arts Academy. "The message was sent to the selected candidates for the production that evening, and the recipients were excited, hoping to finally get Intel on the status of the project after a while of silence.Amongst the recipients of the invitation were Stella, Aaron and Deloise. On Stella's side, she prepared herself, going through the script once more in case they decided to begin filming. The role was hers after all.Meanwhile, on the side of Aaron, he proposed to talk to Mr Austin about his decision to continue with the job. He didn't know how he was going to feel about it and hoped it wasn't too late to retract his previous demands.Deloise didn't know what to expect. It was the first time she was receiving word from the management since her settling in. Early the next day, she got up very early, had her bath and prepared herself for the ' meeting ' with the director. By the time she was done preparing, Layla was on
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Aaron stood dumbfounded. His shirt was ruined and his mood soured. He felt angered at himself for letting her have the last words. At the back of his mind, he knew that he wasn't the most innocent in the situation but he felt angry nonetheless.No one, not one person had the right to speak to him like that. Pretty or not. He was going to teach her a lesson. Something to remember him by." What's going on in that smart head of yours boy? "The familiar voice of Mr Austin jerked him out of his reverie." Are you sweating or something? Did you run all the way here?" He asked, looking at the drenched chest with his hands in his pockets." I ran into a situation." He winced, "long story short, I have to talk to you."" Okay? Let's head on to the office then."Aaron shook his head at the request before speaking." There's a lot of people there. It's about the project."" Whatever it is, we can always talk about it later. I'm late for a meeting. "With that, Mr Austin led the way to his offi
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Deloise was overwhelmed with joy. She couldn't stop smiling on her way back to the dorm room. She'd been congratulated by people she didn't know and couldn't wait to actually share it with someone.She hoped Layla was home and stopped by a cafeteria to get some burgers and soft drinks. She was going to eat it as a celebratory meal for her first movie role.After getting the meal, she committed to taking care of herself more in preparation for the filming. She wasn't about to look funny in her first role in a movie and made a mental note to hit the gym as soon as possible.One thing she loved about her body was the fact that it could fit Into almost anything. With the right conditioning that is. She was never one to complain about weight due to her fast metabolism.She couldn't go wrong with some facial and skin therapy and all she wanted was to look and feel good. She'd previously searched up some popular actors' rituals in preparation for a new role and ever since then, itched to hav
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