All Chapters of Rise Of The Billionaire Actress: Dreams, Deceit & Desires: Chapter 81 - Chapter 83
83 Chapters
Safe to say her first day at work wasn’t ideal. Doris couldn’t make it back to pick her but sent a driver to do the job. Deloise sulked all the way back, trying and failing to contain the fury that brimmed within her. Stella had won for the day, but it was just the beginning. If there was one thing she learned from her stay back in France, it was to never let anyone trample upon her. She was a way different person and if it took a lesson from her to make that clear, then she will dish out one. Lets see how well she does with a taste of her own medicine. Deloise dropped down the car and made her way into the house determined to find every dirty detail she could on Stella. With the coding skills she acquired, she could almost hack into anything. A plan hatched in her heart and without a second thought, she headed for her room and shut the door behind her. Deloise took out her laptop with a cynic look on her face. “Senior huh? let’s see what other skills you have up your sleeve.”Her
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Two weeks later, the Magazine issue with Deloise went out. The first few days were a bit slow, but as time proceeded, more people got hold of the latest Focus Magazine starring a retired actress. Soon enough, the magazine became the most talked about on the internet. Albeit, most of the conversations around the issue weren’t the most favorable, but publicity was publicity. In the entertainment world, getting spoken about in a bad light was better than nothing. Not that she cared anyway. It was the weekend and Doris relaxed home with Deloise. “Tony is requesting dinner,” She said from the couch and Deloise sighed. “Why the hell is he bombarding me with messages and not you?” “Because I may have ignored him.”“Get him off my back, will you?” she asked, exasperated, “And just so you know, that guy never gives up. Better to get things over with now than later.” “Tell me about it.” Deloise grumbled, shooting off a text back at Tony. Later that evening, in a cozy restaurant, Deloise
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It was finally the WBA Awards show. People from various parts of the world expressed their excitement to see their favorite celebrities on the red carpet and eventually on the stage - hopefully with an award. The World Best Acts award show was an event that was held once in four years. It was the most anticipated event of the entertainment world and year after year, people- celebrities and fans alike - worked towards being on the stage or being a part of the show. The WBA’s was a prestigious event that was star-studded, well attended and publicized worldwide. Its stage was every star’s dream, and a WBA award was something remarkable to say the least. For Deloise, she was lucky to be invited for such an event, a feat directly credited to her debut movie that managed to break records in its time, emerging as one of the best movies created at that time. Deloise was seated in front of a mirror while they prepared her for the appearance. Doris was nowhere to be found, busy with ensuri
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