All Chapters of Rise Of The Billionaire Actress: Dreams, Deceit & Desires: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
83 Chapters
Deloise watched her mother throw down her table, eyes ablaze. “Is this what you’ve been up to all along?” she broke into a cynical laugh, “Someone tell me this is a joke!” Esther threw her arms as she looked round the room. No one moved. “I’m so sorry, mom. I just...I-I got an opportunity and I couldn’t sit still,” she reached for her mother’s hand, “You said I should be happy, you wanted me to be successful. I’m both, can’t you see?” She gulped, searching her mother’s eyes.What she saw stomped on the little hope she held out, “No child of mine will be an actress, I thought we settled this? Why would you ruin your life like this?” “I’m not ruining my life! You are ruining my life with your unrealistic hopes of what I will become. I am no lawyer, mom! Look at me! I’m an actress, I managed to make it through the odds..” her voice broke towards the end of her sentence. “why can’t you just support me?”“You are no daughter of mine.”Her heart fell, “What do you mean?”“Exactly what yo
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"You look awful." Karen poured out two cups of tea and Esther took one."Gee..thanks." she replied after taking a sip. "I'm serious. You look so terrible, maybe you should cancel the event and have some rest. I could handle it, you don't need to be present.""Of course I need to be present. It's my first job with such a high profile event and if it means I get to sit beside my cake, and smile while you do the work, so be it.""True, but your body is saying something else. I still can't get used to seeing you in pain over the pink lady."Esther attempted a smile that ended up a gnash. Yeah, she was in pain."I've taken something. Hopefully, before the evening, I'll feel better enough to do my job."Karen tutted and picked up her phone. Her friend's eyes narrowed."What are you doing?""I think the question should be who am I calling."A groan left Esther as she got up, tired of her tea at this point. "Don't even think about it." "Too late." Karen placed her phone by her ears and imme
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“What’s got your panties in a twist?” Elvis brought back the wandering mind of Daniel. “And why isn’t she here already? I paid quite a large sum getting her to be one of the caterers to this event.”“She should be here anytime soon.” He didn’t spare him a glance, too occupied with watching out for when they finally arrived. Elvis snorted, “Don’t be a killjoy and put a call across to her.” with a low voice, he added, “You look like a creep with that desperation written all over your face.” “I’m two seconds away from decking the shit out of you. Where’s your wife?” “None of your business, you should be more worried about when your lady will show up.” he took a glance at his watch, “for someone who has a job to do, this is a bit too late.” “Tell me something I don’t know,” he gritted, fighting the urge to put another call across to them.Elvis brought out his phone, “Since you can’t find the guts, I’ll do it for you.” Daniel’s eyes widened as he dialed a number.“How the fuck did you
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Karen and Esther arrived just in time. Elvis saw them first, handing over slices of cake to the waiters who took them round to interested persons. “I hope they like it..” Esther wrapped her arms around her body, “There’s enough desert to last a lifetime.” she observed, looking around. “There you are! Esther I presume." Elvis said when he got to earshot.“Yeah...?” she answered, unsure of what was going on. “Good to see you, come along now, we’ve been waiting for quite a long time.” Elvis dragged her towards the VIP area with a smug on his face. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his friend’s face after seeing them together. Daniel and his family were seated together, waiting for him to get the ‘drink’ he needed. “We’re here.” He announced to them, then to Esther, he urged, “Don’t be shy, have a seat.” Daniel’s eyes connected with Esther and he couldn’t make out words to describe what he saw. His eyes roamed through her form, looking for signs of imperfection to no avail. She wa
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“She isn’t picking up,” Esther groaned, having called Karen a total hundred times. “She was my ride here, how could she do this?” “Maybe she had a little bit of an emergency.” Daniel suggested, “How do I get home? It’s already late, I can’t believe she did this.”“If it’s any consolation, I was abandoned here too.” he shrugged, “Let's get a taxi and we’ll go from there.”Esther nodded and he got to work on it. Within thirty minutes, they were behind a taxi headed to her place. Throughout the ride, Esther’s mind was all over the place. She couldn’t un-see how broken Elvis seemed when his wife walked away. How Karen bowed her head in shame, looking like a deer in headlights. She ached to know the story behind it but with miles separating them, she couldn’t get home fast enough. Weird sounds erupted from the engine and the car slowed to a stop.“Not again..” she muttered, and they watched the driver walk out the car to check his vehicle. All said and done, they were stranded with no
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“Gran?!” Aaron put off his shoes at the door, Deloise did the same. “I’m here! And I brought a guest!” “Keep your voice down, will you? Are you trying to make me deaf, boy?” Mrs. Black came out of the hallway, clad in a Grey dress, white socks and supporting her steps with a walking stick. “Ma!” Deloise watched his smile transform into a grin. He rushed towards her and enveloped her in a hug. “Easy,” Mrs Black said between laughs, “Who do we have here?” her eyes narrowed at Deloise.“Meet Deloise, My girlfriend.” His voice was smooth and succulent. “She got a deal so I brought her here to celebrate.” “Good day ma’am,” she greeted politely, “It’s such a pleasure to meet you, I hope you are doing well.” “Nonsense! We hug in this family, don’t be shy, bring it in.” Deloise smiled at the warm welcome and joined what could best be described as a group hug. It got a bit too tight, but she wasn't complaining.The thrio disengaged, and went into the kitchen at Mrs Blacks’ instruction.
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Esther was worried about Karen. For the past week, she hadn’t set eyes or spoken to her. It seemed like she disappeared off the face of the earth - herself and her daughter. As a result, she couldn’t find it within herself to pick the calls of her daughter for fear she might have questions she didn’t have answers to.The entire week was a torment. Living alone and void of human contact, she naturally gravitated towards the only available option. This time around, Daniel was persistent. He showed up time and time again despite her outright hostility towards him. After that night, they came to a silent agreement never to dig into the matters of their past. Nothing good seemed to come out of it. Today, she was worried for an entire other reason. Daniel had returned to his role as a friend and in that position, demanded for what he described as a friendly day out. Something they both knew was an act to cover the real deal but no one cared enough to point that out. Or they didn’t wan
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Mr. Austin was seated in his office, addressing Aaron and Deloise. “So far, your job has been impressive,” he looked between them, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you are the best couple I’ve come across in my 40 years of life.” Aaron took Deloise hand in plain sight, “I’m glad we exceeded your expectations,”“Wipe that smug off your face, boy. Great or not, it’s all an act.” Mr. Austin took a sip from his mug. “A very convincing act.”“Sometimes, I forget that’s what it is.” Deloise mumbled, eyes fixed on their interlocked hands. “Whatever, let’s get to the business of the day.” Mr. Austin said and brought out a file from his drawer. He placed it on the desk when a sound came from the door. “ Who’s there?” he asked aloud, and headed towards the door when he got no reply. “Are you expecting someone?” Deloise asked as he made his way back to his seat. “None that I’m aware of.” He replied with a huff, “Where was I?” Mr Austin continued the conversation on the business that broug
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It was finally the first showing of the movie. Over the span of time, intense marketing efforts were made to promote the film; ranging from media adverts, to billboard placements and promotional appearances. With everything else going on regarding the authenticity of Aaron and Deloise’s relationship, ample publicity and anticipation for the movie was garnered. “It’s your first movie, how do you feel right now?” Doris asked with a big grin, holding out her phone as she recorded the moment.Deloise was clad in a robe with her hair and make-up done to perfection. She managed a smile as she said, “It feels so unreal,” her eyes watered, “I can’t believe it’s happening, I’m getting ready to watch my own film after-”“Don’t cry! You’ll ruin your make-up. This is supposed to be a happy day.” Doris dropped the phone and covered her in an embrace, “I’m so proud of you.” That was enough to set the waterworks flowing. She didn’t realize how much she was pining to hear those words. With the cur
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The journey back to Esther’s place was silent and riddled in tension. They got inside the house and the door was snapped shut. One look and they were pressed against the hard wall, wrapped in a breathtaking kiss. Daniel groaned, overwhelmed by the feeling of her hotly pressed against him. They battled with their tongues and soon realized they might not make it to the room. “Jump.” he whispered and she did just that. “Good girl,” he appraised and supported her weight with his arms.With her legs wrapped around his torso, their intimacy brushed and he gritted, feeling so close, yet not close enough. Esther felt his bulge and a gasp escaped her, she shuddered at the thought of how huge he was and how long it’s been.Reading her thought, Daniel grunted, “You can handle it... I just need to get you prepared.”Without a second thought, he walked them to the dining and sets her up on the table. Esther held her breath as he peppered kisses from her neck downwards. He knew her weak points, h
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