All Chapters of The Alpha King's Little Bride: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
109 Chapters
Arthur walked towards the door with a frown on his face but the moment his feet stepped outside the door, his frown vanished and what replaced it was a devious smile.He was a little bit sad by his father's reaction to all that he had accused Edward of but the pay that he knew he was going to receive would compensate for it.The young man walked down the streets of the market, his eyes on the look out for an unfamiliar face. The wah Arthur stared around should have called for suspicion from the people there but they didn't seem to care or be bothered by Arthur's acts and just went about with their businesses. "Where are you?" Arthur muttered as he stopped. He looked around the market for his payer but didn't find the strange man anywhere. He decided to look at the letter that was sent to him again.Arthur shoved his hands into his pocket and brought a small rumpled piece of paper. He read the wordings that had been out there, nodding as his eyes completed the sentences there."The ol
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"When will the meeting with the council be happening?" James asked. He put his feet on a footstool and looked at Edward who replied his question with a small shrug. "The exact day hasn't been fixed yet," Edward answered. "But from the look of things, I don't think it will be happening any time soon. Well, at least in a week or so." "That means you have just enough time, Edward," James said and his friend looked up at him. Shaking his head slowly, he said, "you really are saying that I should kill this young man just because he has knowledge of what I did." "I'm saying that you should get rid of him before his so called knowledge will cause you to be gotten rid of," James said as he leaned closer to his friend. He relaxed back on his chair and pulled out a cigar from his coat pocket. "I am only giving you this advice as a friend. What you do with it is on you." Edward looked at his friend before putting his head back down and sighing loudly. He thought of different ways the scenar
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No eyes and no nose. The mouth seemed to have replaced his eyes and one of his ears was missing. Emily knew this could not be His Grace.Or was he?Emily, filled with fright and confusion, slowly backed away from the gaunt man standing in front of her. The mouth of the man's face twitched until it stopped in an O shape, one that Emily assumed meant that he was smiling."You look scared, my love," Edward said with a chuckle as he slowly approached retreating Emily. "Why do you fear so? Is it my face?" The man suddenly stopped and the mouth twitched. "Do I scare you?"Emily, still in the state of shock, mumbled a few words but all that came out of her mouth were incoherent. Even her couldn't understand what she had said. "You really... you really can't be scared of me, Emily," Edward said with a cough as he began his slow approach to Emily. "You really can't be scared of me and you really shouldn't."Emily kept on walking backwards until she backed the window in her room. Cold air from
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Emily could hear her heart beat loudly and she placed her hands on her chest in a bid to calm herself down. It did nothing of that sort. She heard the deep bass voice come again and out of curiosity, she slipped down from her bed.With quiet and very careful steps, she slowly marched towards the still open door and stopped in front of it. She was about placing her head out of the door when a voice quickly sent her back in. She closed her eyes and sighed after realizing who the owner of the voice was."And do make sure that His Grace finds something to eat when he gets back home, please," Mr Brown said as he slowly climbed up the stairs. He stopped short after he and Emily's eyes met. He bent his head slightly and asked, "you are awake, Your Grace?" He stopped after reaching the top. "And are you looking for someone?""Huh?" Emily mumbled after hearing Edwards question. She looked down and saw that she was on her knees and that was when she realized what the butler was referring to. "O
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Thinking of how badly she wanted to see him, she hurriedly ate her meal. "I don't think it's a good idea to rush your food considering the fact that he is not here, Your Grace." Mr Brown said sarcastically, looking around with his hands in his pockets. He had been watching her from the stairs. He couldn't help but pour out his thoughts at the watch of her consuming the food. Emily became conscious of her environment and composed herself. She bit her lower lip, pinched her right lap softly and wished he never saw her in that manner. "I..I needed to eat fast so as to go to bed early. I haven't been feeling too good and so I wanted to relax." She said, not so sure if what she spilled will convince him. Mr Brown smiled and nodded slightly. Knowing what she was doing, he decided to avoid further discussions and let her go."If you need any help Your Grace, make it known to me and I'll gladly help" He said, giving a funny bow. He turned and headed for the kitchen to oversee the activi
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Unlike the preceding days, the aura in the manor was dissimilar. The wind made a swoosh, causing the interior of the building to become frosty. Despite the atmosphere, the climate portrayed a dazzling day ahead. The Heaven's eye; sun, shined with no sympathy. It gave the sky a wonderful sight to look at. One might begin to marvel at the climate blend.With no skepticism, the weather depicted the combination of a pleasant and awry day. Something was about to go wrong.*******"Good morning Her Grace." Mild knocks landed on the door. Without getting a reply for a while, the knocks were repeated. This time around, they were loud and firm, followed by a femine voice. "Good morning Her Grace. I'm sorry to disturb. Are you still in bed?" The Duke rose and stretched in a weary manner. He had this feeling of being elated but was not sure. He concluded on blaming the new day. As he decided to turn, his arm brushed against another arm. He turned sharply and realized that Emily laid on the same
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"Beautiful morning, His Grace. How have you been faring?" William asked.As if they were robots built by the same inventor, Edward and Mr Brown had the same facial expression. It was clear they were shocked to see William. The Duke and the old butler looked at themselves synonymously and looked back at the human in front of them. Realizing His Grace was too surprised to speak, Mr Brown helped out. "Good morning William. This is actually a surprise visit. What do you have in stock for us?" He blurted out. He truly wanted to know the reason the Duke's brother paid a visit. But was not sure if the Duke's brother will give a reply or not. "Mr Brown, good morning. I'm glad to see you." William said, looking round the house with both hands at his back. Mr Brown was obviously not expecting the response. "Glad to see me? If at all he is happy to see anyone, it should be Her Grace. After all, he is into her and wants to have her to himself." Mr Brown talked in his head. He knew about Willia
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In Bedford, the atmosphere was completely distinct from that of Snowhill. The sun shined aggressively while displaying its beauty. Its rays hurt the residents of the land, making them complain of how they are unable to go out without a coverage. Regardless of the complain, they still appreciated it.The sky had been weeping for several days, with loud and thunderous sounds. It made it difficult for the people to conduct normal meetings, go to the market place, attend parties and resume their of work and businesses. So seeing the sky smiling with a special member of the heavenly bodies, gave them opportunity to be grateful. *****In the house of one of the Baronets of Bedford, Emily father's, the atmosphere was one a person could refer to as, dull.The house was not as big as the Duke's manor. Without contemplation, one should be able to decipher the reason.Being a "Baronet", was not a title one could actually be proud of. Infact, it was the lowest of all noble titles. This title, wh
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"Could he have done the job?" While riding on the horse, Edward kept on thinking of the death of Arthur. He could not bring himself to think that James had killed the boy so quick. He gave the horse a big whip, which made it increase its pace.On getting there, he looked around as though he was being watched and gently alighted from the animal. He patted its back as of saying "Good job". The animal, understanding what the Duke had just done, nodded in its own way. The Duke smiled.He proceeded slowly to the entrance of his friend's house. While walking towards the building, James sighted him. "Good morning my noble companion." He said, bringing out his arms to give Edward a hug. "What has brought you here without notice?" He, then, gave him a tight hug. As he did this, he realized that Edward stiffed his body, not wanting to hug him completely.Placing both of his hands on Edward's arms close to his shoulders and staring at him, he said "Is there anything wrong? You got some news fo
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"Her Grace" Victoria said, as she knocked the door lightly. Upon hearing her voice, Emily replied and told her to come in. Entering the room and observing the mood, she walked down slowly to where Emily was seated, the bed. She looked at her, trying to know what was wrong. Emily had two faced expression on her face. This made it difficult for her best friend to get what she was feeling at that point in time.Looking around as if being watched by someone, she said "Emily, you called for me. What is the matter? I can see you are not okay." "Please, sit." Emily said quietly as she demonstrated by tapping the bed with her right palm. Victoria looked at the bed and sat slowly. "Emily, is there anything you want to tell me?" She asked her close friend. Apart from the day the Duchess's mother died, she had never seen her in that manner. She looked down and disappointed. "I do not seem to understand. There are a lot of things happening in this manor and I can not help but be surprised." Sh
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