All Chapters of The Alpha King's Little Bride: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
109 Chapters
Baton walked into his house and Edward could hear him cursing and shouting profanities as he scattered the place. He was probably looking for something but Edward knew that whatever it was that he was searching for would be like a needle in a haystack. Whatever he was looking for was probably hidden under the pile of clothes in the sitting room. Edward couldn't even imagine the things that would be under there if the old man was to even search the pile. If he could find a rat in the man's couch, who says a snake won't pop out from under the cloth pile. Edward sighed for the upteenth time as he pulled out his pocket watch and stared at it. Time seemed to be running fast and Edward wanted so much to go back home. As much as he didn't enjoy his wife's company, he still preferred the comfort of his manor to the mercilessly cold wind blowing against him."Just wait a moment, Edward, I think I have found what I'm looking for," Baton shouts from within and Edward grumbled. He knew for sur
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Emily returned to Victoria who had stood by the door side watching everything that happened between her mistress and her husband. She, Emily, was pained and furious and the joy that she had once felt from Victoria being with her immediately washed away. "Is anything the matter, Emily?" Victoria asked as she followed Emily who had walked past her, heading towards the other side of the manor. She turned to look at Edward before returning her attention to Emily and asking, "what did His Grace say? Is anything wrong?" Emily didn't answer and just kept on walking till she reached the uncompleted barn. There she fell on the ground and held her face as she cried. "Emily," Victoria mumbled as she bent down beside her mistress and tried comforting her. "You shouldn't sit in the floor, Emily. Your dress will get dirty." "Just let me be, Victoria," Emily said amidst her crying in a tone that said pain than anger. "I just want to be alone at the moment." Victoria shook her head. "As much as
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The sun had started to set and its golden rays reflected on the pond at Victorias and Emily's feet, casting s beautiful golden light across the garden. For the first time since Emily had come to the manor, she finally felt peaceful. "Are there fishes in the pond?" Victoria asked as she looked into the surprisingly colorless water. It was her first time seeing a pond this clean as the one that they had back at home was filled with moss and flies and mosquitoes and toads. No one even dared to go near the pond as everyone seemed to dread it."They are fishes in there, Victoria," Emily replied with a soft smile as she placed her hands on the soft grass and looked into the pond. The moment that she said this, a little fish, orange and white striped, jumped out of the pond and did a flip before landing back in. It seemed to have taken Emily's words as a cue to showcase it's skills."Wow," Victoria said as she held Emily's arm. She had flinched and yelled a little in fear when the fish jump
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As Emily watched Williams leave, the question that she had been trying her best to remember came back all of a sudden. She wanted to call him back but he had already gone too far and the book he was reading seemed to have him pinned to it so Emily knew that no matter how loud or long she called, he wouldn't answer."Why was he reading that book?" she asked herself as she turned and placed her feet back into the water. That was the question that she had wanted to ask before he distracted her by asking her about Victoria. Now she couldn't find out the answer.Emily stared at the pond as different thoughts crossed her mind. She had thought His Grace and his household didn't believe in the supernatural. Why then was William reading a book about one?The want for her to go back into the pond died down and Emily stood up from the grass. She wiped a few grasses from her gown, picked up her shoe and headed towards the manor.She had reached halfway to it's door when Emily suddenly remembered
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Emily walked up slowly to the dining room, her eyes on the shadows dancing from the lit candles. They seemed to be two shadows and Emily assumed one to belong to His Grace's brother. She came around the corner blocking her from seeing His Grace and finally beheld him. Just as she thought, he was with his brother and they seemed to be ignorant of all that was happening around them. The discussion that they were having seemed to have them tied and for the first time since she came to the manor, they were not having argument. Edward had a small book in front of him on the table that seemed to be the cause of the concentration between he and his brother. He suddenly seemed to be distract and Emily hid behind the corner just before His Grace could look up at her. When Emily peeped around the corner again, his face and attention was back on the book. From the dim light coming from the lit candle beside him, Emily could see that he had his mask on. It seemed to be half on though as half o
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"Sit, sit," Edward said, pointing to the seat at the far end of the table, just opposite him. "The food will be ready very soon." Emily nodded and turned to go there but after seeing the distance that would separate the both of them, he called her back. "Emily," he called and she stopped on her steps before slowly turning to him. With a small voice that sounded like a squeak, she asked, "what is it, Your Grace?" Edward, a little bit distracted by how soft her voice had sounded, mumbled some words that didn't even make any meaning to his own ears. "You... you can... just... you know the seat and..." He paused, took in a deep breadth and tried as much as he could to calm his raging nerves. After two intake and exhale of air, he pointed to the seat behind him and said, "why don't you sit here?" "No, I think staying over there will be much better," Emily said but Edward was not going to hear any of it. He knew that Emily was only saying so hat she could stay far away from him and h
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The two ate their food in silence, none wanting to speak up after the story that Edward had just given Emily. Emily's appetite had disappeared and she just picked at her food. There still was much to eat even after some of the food had been passed around to the servants for them to join in on the feast like Edward had said.Emily turned and caught sight of Victoria sitting at a corner and downing the plate in her hands. She couldn't blame her. The young girl had worked her bottoms off in preparation of the feast so she of course had to enjoy the fruits of her labor. That and the food was more than good.Turning to her husband, Emily asked, "could you please pass me the wine bottle?" Edward looked up from his food at her and nodded before grabbing the bottle by his side and sliding it towards her.Emily grasped it before the bottle could fall off the table and nodded in appreciation as she uncorked it. She then placed it on the lid of her wine glass and poured herself another drink. In
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It had been four days and three nights since Emily had the discussion with Edward and she had not seen him again since then. When she asked Brown why, he explained that His Grace was now attending a meeting with the town's council to plan ahead the preparation of the celebration that was approaching. She believed him.Edward would always go out early, right before she would wake and come back after she would sleep. She did hear from Victoria though that he would always come to her room to check up on her anytime he comes back from the meeting. The light perfume smell that he always had on was there anytime she woke so she believed Victoria.It lightened the burden in her heart a little and it proved that Edward could be a caring husband but Emily still had her doubts. She was yet to see His Grace without his previous mask on or his hat. So two nights into her birth month, she decided to find that out herself.She had planned exactly how she would go about the whole thing. Since His G
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"Have you solved the matter concerning the dead bodies?" James asked as he dropped his glass cup on the crate that he had been sitting on and walked over to his servant who held the reins of two horses, each in one hand. "I and Brown have finally made a decision to approach the council about it," Edward replied as he too dropped his drink and stood up from his crate chair. "The whole thing has just proven to get worse as time flies by if we try to solve everything by ourselves." "That is the right decision," James said with a small nod as he collected one of the horses from his servants hand, holding it by its rein. "We made a mistake by not going to them from the on-start." "And now that mistake has seemed to catch up with us, eating us to our bones," Edward said with a sigh. He rubbed his empty eye socket and slowly walked towards the servant. "All of our actions has proven to put us deeper into the sinking sand and I don't think calling for help this time will do us any good."
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Edward nodded as he listened to all the that Town's Head, Jonathan Hemsworth, said. If he said that his attention was in the meeting though, then he would be a liar.Most of the things that Jonathan said to Edward were issues that he had already discussed with his butler, Mr Brown. He knew what Brown had already addressed the towns Head and the rest of the council about it but they just chose to bring them all back up again. An act that Edward despised."... and we think that the repairing of the bridge that connects the borders of this town with that if our neighboring will really bring a lot of revenue back to the town," Jonathan said. "It might cost us a lot of money now but the money brought back into the town would be much more than that used to repair the bridge.""And what about the builders?" Edward asked. "How many of them do you have ready for the service if we are to start with immediate effect.""If we should start the building with immediate effect, Your Grace, the builde
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