All Chapters of All Her Secrets: Chapter 881 - Chapter 890
1045 Chapters
Chapter 881 Feeling Guilty
At the moment Finn saw Ronin appear, his eyes widened.In his mind, he asked, "Could it be he discovered our tracking and came to us in a fit of rage?"Although Finn's heart was full of doubts, he remained calm on his face. He stared coldly at Ronin and questioned, "Hey, what are you doing back here? Weren't you trying so hard to leave here?"Hearing this, Ronin said to Finn with a cold smile, "I want to see the boss.""Hmph!" Finn sized up Ronin with a disdainful face. "Is our boss someone you can see just because you want to? Who do you think you are?"Faced with Finn's mockery, Ronin wasn't angry at all. He didn't even take Finn seriously. "You don't have the final say. Or do you think you're the boss here now?"Ronin's words made Finn's face turn a little pale.Finn was the person who knew their boss the best. If Ronin's words reached their boss's ears, it would not be a good thing.Finn glanced at Ronin disdainfully and said, "Wait here."He arranged for someone to watch
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Chapter 882 Let Her Decide
Ronin rested for one day. Finn found him the next day and told him what the black-robed man had ordered.Ronin waited for Finn with his legs crossed. Seeing his posture, Finn wanted to go up to him and hit him, but the black-robed man had given Ronin a mission and he couldn't hit him now.Until the mission was completed, if Finn hit Ronin, it would be the same as him not putting the black-robed man in his eyes. "Ronin, the boss has asked you to go back to school and stay by Catherine's side to watch her."Upon hearing the content of the mission, the originally calm Ronin immediately sat up straight and looked at Finn with surprised eyes. "What did you say?"His instantly raised volume made Finn a little impatient.Finn reached up and scratched his ears, looking at him in disgust. "Are you deaf? Do I need to repeat myself? Don't you understand what the boss means? Since you want to surrender, you have to be ready to do so. This is what our boss asked me to give you. Don't be too gr
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Chapter 883 A Funeral for Them
The next day, Ronin returned to school. The school had been publicly stating that Winston was on sick leave, so no one knew about Ronin's connection to his disappearance. However, the police did inquire about Winston when Ronin returned. It was unclear how Ronin responded, but he was released.By the time Ronin got back to school, it was already noon. He went straight to the laboratory building to wait for Catherine. To his surprise, he saw someone unexpected there."Rylan, what are you doing here?" Ronin asked in surprise."Ronin, you've been gone for quite a while. Why the sudden appearance today?" Rylan inquired. Ronin smiled shyly. "I had some things to take care of recently, so I took a long leave from school. Are you waiting for Catherine?""Yeah," Rylan replied, looking Ronin up and down as if searching for something.Just then, Catherine emerged from the lab, interrupting their conversation."Catherine, why didn't you tell me Ronin was back?" Rylan asked."Catherine, w
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Chapter 884 You Deserve It
On the stage, Triston and Brian were locked in a fierce battle. Suddenly, Brian, noticing Triston's distraction, threw a punch, aiming to knock him down.Branden witnessed Brian's move. Acting swiftly, he pulled Triston back and steadied him, preventing a potential fall. He then helped Triston up, wiped away some blood from Triston's face with a towel, and teased, "You should have protected your face, Mr. Lambert."Understanding that Branden had intervened to help him, Triston nodded in gratitude. As Branden walked away, he quietly advised Triston to "attack his legs.".With this hint, Triston climbed back onto the stage, exclaiming fiercely to Brian, "Come on! Let's continue!"Brian simply jumped off the stage, approaching the crying Audrey. With a determined expression, he asked her, "If I stop now, will you leave with me?"Audrey's greatest fear was that Brian would not leave. She didn't want to see either of them end up in the hospital from further fighting. Now that Brian pro
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Chapter 885 There's No Chance for Us!
"Is this the new film you've arranged for me?" Audrey stormed into Brian's office, holding the new contract.Brian's secretary followed closely, trying to intervene but felt helpless, given Audrey's special status. "Mr. Johnson, Miss Swann..."Brian understood the secretary's dilemma and gestured for him to leave. The secretary left relieved, realizing Brian's new girlfriend was not to be trifled with.Not able to contain her anger any longer, Audrey threw the contract at Brian, glaring at him. "Look at what you've done!"Brian remained unmoving. Then, with a smirk, he stood up. "Are you satisfied now? There are plenty more contracts on my desk. Feel free to throw them at me, as long as it makes you happy."Brian's nonchalant attitude made Audrey furious, leaving her no way to vent her anger. She crossed her arms and sat on the nearby sofa, glaring at Brian. "I need an explanation, or I won't let you off easily.""Give me a minute. I need to know which contract it is," Brian expl
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Chapter 886 Lies
When Catherine arrived, she saw Audrey squatting at the door, like an ostrich, shutting herself off.She walked toward Audrey. Crouching on the ground, Audrey heard the footsteps. She buried her head and said in pain, "Didn't I tell you to leave? Why are you still here?"Without getting a response, Audrey slowly raised her head.When she saw that the person was Catherine, she was stunned for a moment. Her eyes unconsciously widened, obviously scared by Catherine's sudden appearance. "How did you, like, get here?"Catherine looked at her and asked coldly, "Has Triston been here?"Audrey wanted to deny it, but when she looked into Catherine's eyes, she couldn't bring herself to lie. "Yes!""Get up. We'll talk inside." With a command from Catherine, Audrey immediately got up and opened the door behind her, bringing Catherine in.After they walked in, Audrey realized that Catherine didn't flop onto the couch as she usually did.Catherine's posture today looked unusually upright, wh
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Chapter 887 Ronin Didn't Show Up
As Branden saw the message from Catherine in the office, the icy solemnity on his face gradually faded, and his lips curved into a smile.If it weren't for the work still unfinished, he should be at home resting with Catherine instead of facing this mountain of files.Paxton noticed Branden was in a good mood, so he bravely reported the situation, "Sir, there's been some news from outside that our land in the western suburb didn't sell. Now, more and more people are starting to question it, and that's not good for us."Paxton didn't understand why Branden would hand over the land in the western suburbs to others.It was obviously a profitable deal, but now they were letting someone else take it.They had been keeping this news under wraps and had no idea who had leaked it.The situation was getting more and more complicated, and it was very likely to bring a huge crisis to the Duncan Corporation.The information leakage issue hadn't been resolved yet, even though Branden used st
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Chapter 888 Ronin Was Freed
Hearing Zobber calling out, Catherine immediately put down what she was doing and walked in her direction. Zobber pulled up the location track and turned it into a route map, showing it to Catherine. "Catherine, Ronin left Styre University an hour ago and passed these points but disappeared here."Zobber immediately checked out the surroundings, and Catherine noticed the well-known dessert shop at first glance."Should be here." She pointed to the bottom left corner of the screen.Zobber suddenly understood what Catherine meant. "Damn! Catherine, Ronin must have disappeared right after buying dessert for you.""Yep!" Catherine nodded. It seemed this was the current situation. "I'll go take a look!"Catherine got up and left. Zobber quickly caught up. "Catherine, I'll go with you!" Withal wanted to move forward but was held back by Zobber. "You stay at home. Wantells is not here. We need someone to help us operate the computer and keep in touch at all times," said Zobber.He
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Chapter 889 A Big Trap
In the room, Catherine had just walked in, and Ronin quickly grabbed a chair for her. However, Catherine didn't sit down. Instead, she pushed Ronin into the chair, saying, "Have a seat. Your head is still spinning, isn't it?"Seeing Catherine's concern, Ronin flashed a wide grin, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. "Catherine, ask whatever you want. I'm afraid if we delay going out, Zobber will be upset outside.""Don't mind her. She's clueless. You don't have to pay attention to what she says," Catherine replied."Don't worry, Catherine. I don't mind. I've known Zobber for so long. I understand her personality. Besides, she cares about me, in her own way," Ronin said.Ronin harbored no resentment toward Zobber. Despite her words of disbelief, she had never mistreated him in practical actions. Whenever there was something good, she would call him first, and when he was in trouble, Zobber was the first to help.Seeing Ronin's carefree attitude, Catherine felt somewhat relieved. "W
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Chapter 890 The List
"I want that list!" The man in the black robe stated his purpose bluntly, without any concealment. He wanted to see if Ronin truly dared to steal the list. Despite Ronin's recent betrayals against the Hacker Alliance, the man still didn't trust Ronin. Ronin had followed Catherine for too many years, and their bond was profound. This list of key personnel was the final test for Ronin.Over the years, the Hacker Alliance had taken on numerous tasks, many of which involved confidential figures. To protect the organization, Catherine kept a blacklist, and its exposure would have dire consequences. If it fell into the wrong hands, it could become a weapon to control the fate of the Hacker Alliance.Very few people outside were aware of the existence of this list, and even Ronin had stumbled upon it accidentally. He verified its presence by asking Catherine. If he really stole this list and handed it over to the man in the black robe, it would spell disaster for the Hacker Alliance.Seein
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